Vaping is here now more common than smoking cigarettes among young people – in accordance with a brand new report coordinated by the University of Glasgow on behalf of the World Health Organization.
This echoes research that has shown that vaping has increased in popularity among young people in the UK lately. According to the study, the number of kids experimenting with vaporizers increased from 7.7% in 2022 to 11.6% in 2023. questionnaire run by the anti-smoking charity Ash.
Most of those children desired to try vaping “out of curiosity” and were aware of vaping promotions in stores and online. Other motivations for using vaporizers included ease of obtaining them, flavors (young people are particularly interested in fruit and dessert flavors), and the opportunity to attach with peers.
However, vaping carries many risks for young people, including lung and brain damage.
Adolescence is a fragile period for brain development. During this time, the brain grows, changes and creates recent connections. Parts that control emotion and reward develop faster than people who help with planning and self-control. This can result in teenagers taking more risksresembling vaping.
Nicotine contained in vaporizers affects teenagers differently for adults, as theirs brain they’re more sensitive to it. Brain receptors affected by nicotine are necessary for learning and addiction. Even low levels of nicotine exposure may cause it in teenagers more probable to develop into hooked on other substances, experiment dangerous behavioror develop mental problems.
Nicotine can act for a very long time effects on the teenager’s brain. Exposure to nicotine can harm a young person’s ability to learn and concentrate, and make them more prone to act impulsively once they reach maturity.
Even a small amount nicotine use may be dangerous for teenagers who’re liable to conditions resembling asthma, making them more sensitive to emphasize and potentially resulting in mood problems later in life.
These could also be young people who vape more probable start smoking and it would be harder for them to stop using nicotine altogether. And using vaping products with other nicotine-containing products, resembling cigarettes, may be even worse for his or her health.
Hidden risk
Vaping carries many less obvious risks. The chemicals contained in vaping liquids – including various toxins, heavy metals, and possibly even radioactive polonium – may be harmful. The ingredients, the amount of every, and the temperature to which they’re heated may influence what goes into the steam.
Some vaporizers may deliver more nicotine than the user expects. This could also be as a consequence of the specific mixture of ingredients from different brands added to the vaporization liquid.
The number of flavors in vaporizers is disturbing, especially for teenagers. With over 7,000 flavors on the market, resembling fruit, cotton candy, mint and chocolate, the vaporizers are designed to appeal to young people. AND 2023 US study found that teenagers are particularly interested in fruitier flavors.
But these flavors may damage the lungs, potentially causing a serious condition called “popcorn lung.” bronchiolitis obliterans. This is a condition that affects the smallest airways of the lungs and can result in coughing and shortness of breath.
Michael Kemp/Alama
There is also some evidence that these flavors, which are sometimes very concentrated in vaping aerosol, can damage cells in the body.
The Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association is the national body representing the flavor industry in the US. It has concerns raised about how well vaping flavors are tested for safety, especially for inhalation purposes.
This is necessary because some flavors, e.g diacetyl, which may be used to make food taste buttery, seem harmless if ingested, but inhalation may cause serious lung problems. This is a chemical related to popcorn lung that has been observed in employees exposed to high levels of diacetyl in food factories. As a result, major popcorn manufacturers removed diacetyl from their products. But it is still available in vaporizers.
The means of extracting nicotine from tobacco can leave behind other chemicals resembling nornicotine and residues e.g cotinine. This may lead to improper handling or storage of those substances pollution that are harmful to health.
Even if a vaping liquid is advertised as nicotine-free, it should contain so-called chemicals nitrosaminesthat are known to cause cancer.
Is a ban on disposable vaporizers enough?
Incoming ban on the use of disposable vaporizers in England, Scotland and Wales will not be enough to cope with the problem. With over 400 vaporizer brands already available on the market, a more comprehensive approach is needed.
This should include a crackdown on adults buying e-cigarettes in young people, and clear health warnings displayed each online and in stores, as clear as those on cigarette packaging.
We also need restrictions on flavors aimed toward young people, more stringent age verification for all vape sales, and regulations covering not only nicotine content but additionally the ingredients and packaging of nicotine-free vapes.
It is also essential to continuously monitor the security of those products, especially in light of the vulnerabilities exploited by “rogue companies” providing children with free samples of nicotine-free vaporizers.
Anyone considering vaping as a technique to quit smoking should aim to stop vaping altogether, not only switch from one habit to a different. Vaping is not without risks for non-smokers and can have harmful health effects, especially in young people.