Last week, Amazon Prime released its highly anticipated series “Cross,” and the masses are loving the atmospheric black detective saga based on James Patterson’s acclaimed book...
There are some iconic TV characters which have such a cultural imprint that it have to be difficult for the person playing that character to completely...
In his upcoming memoir, “Master of Me: The Secret to Controlling the Narrative” Keke Palmer reflects on his journey to understanding his price in each his...
The Critics Choice Association (CCA) has announced the full list of winners for the seventh annual Celebration of Black Cinema & Television awards. The ceremony, which...
Fifty years later, comedian and actor Garrett Morris remembers what it was wish to be the only black solid member and author on the inaugural solid...
In her 40s, “The Real Housewives of Potomac” star Dr. Wendy Osefo prioritizes her own happiness and being a source of happiness for those round her....
When Eva Marcille returns to reality TV later this month, she can be on a mission: eat, kill and love. “Girls Trip” director Will Packer has...