Aura by Jewel Born from the expansive mind of designer Jewel Williams, Aura by Jewel is an exercise in creative self-discovery, richly packaged as an homage...
A recent data review published and led by Emory University Atlanta sports cardiologist Jonathan Kim highlights a disturbing trend of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and sudden...
Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently approved a chlamydia and gonorrhea self-test kit for women and others with a vagina. Reports indicate that these home tests...
Sean Drakes/Getty Images When international art lovers and partygoers gather for The Art of Black Miami (year-round program with special events from December 1 to December...
Halle Berry has launched a recent line of wellness products for menopausal women, designed to reinforce intimacy for everybody, no matter gender, age and life stage....
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects the flexibility to maintain attention on tasks. It can be often associated with impulsive behavior – saying or doing things...
Recent research shows that while pregnant, black women are 25% more likely to have an unnecessary cesarean section compared to white women, and researchers are investigating...