IHOP Brandon and Shaleeza Collins were named 2023 Franchisees of the Year during the brand’s Global Franchise Conference. This prestigious award recognizes franchisees for all-around excellence...
In 2018 BLACK ENTREPRENEURSHIP readers met HaKika Wise, founder and CEO of the Kika Stretch Studio franchise. Fast forward to today, and Wise’s business has...
Janine Harper never expected to turn out to be a franchisee while working abroad as a television news producer in Japan. After returning to the United...
BLACK ENTERPRISES first mentioned by R.L. Hunnicutt in an October 2022 article “Oklahoma City’s only upscale painting franchise is Black-owned and committed to ‘leaving the door...
Aaron Anderson is not any stranger to the restaurant world. He has over eight years of experience in franchise operations, sales and development of multiple restaurant...
At just 21 years old, Ashley Allen began her entrepreneurial journey and now owns two Pure Barre fitness franchises. Pure Barre, a part of the Xponential...