The leading dating and lifestyle platform for the Black community, BLK, has announced an modern program called the BLK MBA (Master of Black Affection). This initiative...
Fresh off her debut Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, Gayle King has more excellent news. On June 2, her son, William Bumpus Jr., 37, married Elise Smith...
Heritage Auctions is organizing an internet auction that may feature lots of of memorabilia from the world of hip-hop. According to , this is the primary...
NEW YORK (AP) – Colson Whitehead’s latest literary honor feels right at home. The creator’s “Crook Manifesto,” a criminal offense novel set in Nineteen Seventies Harlem...
A brand new era is dawning for Black women: a “soft living” movement that emphasizes gentleness, self-care, and relaxing deeply held expectations of resilience. This shift...
We see skincare and sweetness products out there classified as clean beauty, but what effect does this have on our skin? Dr. Anne Beal, physician-researcher and...
Near St. Louis, Missouri there may be a brand new restaurant that guarantees that only adults and sexy people can enter its doors because they’re 30...
When Aurora James, the founder of the brand Brother Vellies and Fifteen percent oath and vice chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, when...
Traveling might be easier, smoother and stress-free in the event you are prepared. Catching flights has turn out to be rather more complicated. Annoying delays! Ticket...
This week, actress Trina McGee announced that she is expecting her fourth child Instagram. “At the age of 54, I got pregnant,” she wrote, sharing her...