You might imagine of dust as an annoying problem that needs to be vacuumed up and thrown away, but in point of fact, on a bigger...
To say that the idea of a world government has been met with mixed reviews can be an understatement, to say the least. Many people dismiss...
Some arid areas of Africa face severe water shortages due to minimal rainfall. An ancient system of drawing water from aquifers, the “qanat system”, could be...
The end of the crisis in Aleppo i Syrian ceasefire created an unlikely alliance. Relations between Russia, Turkey and Syria are crucial not just for the...
Yemen attacks Houthi rebels on merchant ships in the Red Sea hit world trade. From November to December 2023, the variety of containers transported through the...
Last week, U.S. and Mexican officials renewed their commitment to combat cross-border smuggling of medicine, weapons and money. U.S. officials considered U.S. demand for drugs to...
WITH rebel attacks in the Red Sea Down airstrikes in northern Israel and October 7, 2023, Hamas attackWestern analysts pointed the finger of blame at Iran....
If you occur to be a tourist in Turkey, consider yourself lucky. Otherwise, things look bleak. Turkish lira it lost as much as one third...
What will we find out about the group that claimed responsibility? Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyah fi al-Iraq which translates as Islamic resistance movement in Iraqhas admitted responsibility for...
A developing country is facing a crisis ecological crisis. Just respiratory air is the leading explanation for death. One of the latest studies found that pollution...