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EU-mandated migration controls are brutal, expensive and ineffective



The EU’s approach to managing migration flows is essentially based on outsourcing border control to 3rd countries, especially within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Many far-right politicians enthusiastically support this policy: 19 countries recently signed the letter calling for going “beyond the EU Migration Pact” and further externalizing migration controls.

In theory, it is a two-pronged approach: the EU sends money to MENA governments to forestall and improve living conditions inside their very own borders, thereby discouraging people from leaving in the primary place.

However, many of the money is transferred as an alternative in brutaleven deadly, anti-migration measures applied outside EU jurisdiction. These outsourced human rights violations are contrary to EU values freedom, justice and dignity and threaten its influence as a values-based power.

This short-sighted, costly and inappropriate strategy ultimately undermines the EU’s credibility and effectiveness on the international stage, damaging the bloc’s regional and international standing and highlighting its entrenched hypocrisy. It has also failed to cut back illegal arrivals or address the foundation causes of the issue – as an alternative, it has endangered, ruined and ended tens of hundreds of lives.

The death toll is staggering: in keeping with 2023 study commissioned by the EU itselfbetween January and June 2022, five migrants per day died crossing the Mediterranean Sea, and Since 2014, 29,734 people have been reported missing.

A costly and ineffective strategy

The origins of external border control in Europe date back to the early twenty first century, but gained real momentum through the 2015 migration crisis. Since then, huge sums have been sent to neighboring countries under the guise of “migration management”. This applies above all Asylum, Migration and Integration Fundrepresenting an amount of EUR 9.9 billion for the period 2021-2027, a big increase in comparison with the EUR 3.137 billion allocated for the period 2014-2020.

Specific agreements and partnerships have also been concluded. Belong to them 2016 EU-Türkiye Agreement, a €6 billion deal that goals to limit migration but effectively increase Turkey’s influence over the EU. AND A package value EUR 210 million also paid to Mauritania to encourage it to cut back migration, 7.4 billion euros were paid to Egypt in financing until 2027, and Financial assistance of EUR 1 billion was promised to Lebanon for the period 2024–2027.

Despite these financial commitments, the variety of illegal entries into the EU continues to extend. As of November 2023, the International Organization for Migration recorded a complete 264,000 illegal entrieswhich suggests a transparent increase in comparison with 2022 (190 thousand) and 2021 (150 thousand).

Cruelty and suffering

Investigative reports have recently been published in “desert landfills” in Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia. This practice involves driving migrants (including children and pregnant women) to distant desert areas and leaving them to fend for themselves.

While Brussels denies any involvement, the articles state that “two top EU sources said it was ‘impossible’ to fully explain how European funds were ultimately used.”

By outsourcing work to autocratic regimes willing to make use of such cruel methods as an alternative of addressing the foundation causes of migration, the E.U. she violated her values, deepened internal divisions and damaged his human rights status. It undermines the EU’s ability to rise up for principles equivalent to human rights, democracy and the rule of law, limiting its moral standing and strategic autonomy.

One example of how this has worked is the EU’s cooperation with Libya to stop migration across the Mediterranean. Despite well-documented human rights violations in detention centers in Libya – including on torture, forced labor and sexual violence – the EU provided funding and training to the Libyan Coast Guard to intercept migrant boats and return them to those violent conditions.

Over the previous couple of years, reports have surfaced serious abuses against migrants in Libya – including the sale of men at slave auctions – highlighting the acute cruelty faced by migrants trapped there. However, The EU continued its partnershipjustifying it as a option to save lives at sea and turn a blind eye to the terrible reality that migrants face after they return to Libya.

Weapon migration

Entrusting key security functions to unstable or autocratic regimes also exposes the EU to political crises and manipulation of migration flows.

For example, through the Arab Spring in 2011, under attack, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi threatened to unleash “flood” migrants to Europe if it continued to support the protesters. Since then, Turkey has also adopted an analogous strategy, regardless that it received an extra €3 billion on top of the 2016 migration deal. Outside the Mediterranean, Belarus is accused of comparable practices on the border with Poland in retaliation for EU sanctions.

Governments looking for financial aid can due to this fact easily manipulate EU funding. The belief that cash alone can discourage people from leaving their countries ignores the indisputable fact that fundamental changes are needed inside those countries. Once the cash is shipped, there may be little to forestall authoritarian governments from using it to consolidate their regimes fairly than implement reforms that profit their residents.

EU self-sabotage

By compromising its values, creating dependence on independent powers and exposing itself to risks, the EU reduces its ability to act as a robust and persuasive leader on the international stage. If the EU is to take care of its credibility, uphold its rules and increase its influence on the earth, it must adopt a principles-based and holistic approach to managing migration.

The notion that tough external migration deals can calm or conceal far-right sentiment may additionally prove delusional: fairly than addressing the foundation causes of migration or upholding its liberal values, these reactive measures could further damage the EU’s credibility within the eyes of its residents and communities international. This defensive power combined with a gross inability to uphold one’s values ​​is Add fuel to the fireplace for far-right parties and their allies.

To maintain its values ​​and strengthen its position on the earth, the EU needs a more sustainable and rules-based approach to managing migration. It can do that in a variety of ways: supporting meaningful democratic reforms in MENA countries; establishing greater accountability in migration management and, most significantly, opening secure routes to cut back migrants’ dependence on illegal routes and people smuggling networks.

The current strategy is failing miserably on every count. This amounts to little greater than throwing money at the issue, money that, if properly applied, could prevent lack of life, improve living standards and the economies of MENA countries and, above all, reduce incentives to go away these countries.

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Lebanon Pager Attacks Push Hezbollah, Israel to Brink of All-Out War




When Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon used a whole bunch of pagers exploded Almost concurrently, on September 17, a series of unprecedented events began within the Middle East. Twelve people died and greater than 2,000 were injured.

A second wave of explosions occurred the subsequent day, this time via walkie-talkies. Explosions killed one other 20 people and injured greater than 400 people. There is consensus that small explosive charges were placed in each device in some unspecified time in the future during or shortly after the manufacturing process.

Meanwhile, Lebanon was in turmoil. Fear flourished on this nebulous atmosphere, with (thus far unfounded) rumours that extraordinary mobile phones were also being targeted. This led some to removing the battery out of your iPhones or exchange their Lebanese SIM cards to international ones.

After the initial attacks, each Hezbollah leaders and Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, he was in a rush to blame Israel. Hezbollah already he swore revenge to perform the attack, although the compromising effects of such a large penetration of its security apparatus mustn’t be underestimated.

As a gaggle that prides itself on its secret security and communications system – one he protects in any respect costs – Hezbollah clearly decided months ago use low-tech solutions to their advantage within the fight against Israel’s highly advanced technological and cyber capabilities.

The logic is evident and well-proven: a pager is far harder to track and far less likely to be hacked than a cellphone. In fact, the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, urged his followers in February to stop using their phones and quit access to the Internet, telling them every phone call “is a mortal threat.”

Israel has not officially claimed responsibility for the attack. But it might make sense for the Israelis to have dealt such a deep blow to Hezbollah’s communications system before – or during – the invasion of southern Lebanon, because they’d have benefited from confusion and surprise.

This view is shared by former Israeli general Amir Avivi, who was quoted as if he said: “Don’t do something like that, don’t kill thousands of people and don’t think that war is not coming… Israel is ready for war.”

On the verge of war

The war between the 2 sides has been brewing for months, with tensions rising periodically. As a researcher of contemporary Lebanese politics, my view until now was that neither side planned the war.

Hezbollah has squandered too many seemingly favorable opportunities to launch an all-out war. These include: attempt Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri in January in southern Beirut, Israel attack on Iranian consulate in Damascus in April, and most recently the killing of a senior Hezbollah commander Fu’ad Shukr in July.

But now things seem completely different. Nasrallah he has already declared that “there will be a reckoning.” And while he has promised similar retribution for previous attacks, a humiliation of this scale could thoroughly push Hezbollah to raise the stakes even further.

Meanwhile, Israel shows no signs of backing down. Israeli attacks proceed. hit Hezbollah targets within the south, while jet planes flew over the Lebanese capital Nasrallah delivered his latest threats.

People at a Beirut cafe watch a televised speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, September 19.
Wael Hamzeh / EPA

There are greater than two sides to this conflict. Lebanon itself must operate under dual leadership, and the federal government’s official response should be separate from Hezbollah’s.

For example, Mikati has he called for national unity as “the strongest response to the attack on Lebanon and its people.” And his foreign minister was much more explicit in his words“There is no doubt that this is a terrifying moment and we fear the coming war because we do not want war.”

What Lebanese civilians want

Most Lebanese residents have consistently said they haven’t any desire for war since October 2023. Recent polls indicate that this sense persists.

But this latest attack could change things. Surveys conducted over the past two years indicate that there was a slight increase in positive perceptions of Hezbollah’s regional policies among the many Lebanese.

And if, as polls suggest, this shift is probably going the result of growing hostility toward Israel because the starting of the Gaza war, the newest attacks will only push the difficulty further.

Of course, there are nuances to these attitudes. Most people in Lebanon seem to remember that the fate of the country shouldn’t be of their hands, and that Hezbollah, Israel and other international actors hold the keys to an all-out conflict.

This has led to a general sense of hopelessness in Lebanon that has been growing since 2019. As a result, only 13% of respondents “I think the situation will improve in the next two or three years.”

Things are quite different across the border in Israel. According to a survey conducted by Israel Democracy Institute in August, only 25% of Israelis thought their country should “refrain from attacking Lebanon’s infrastructure.” In fact, 42% said Israel should “launch a deep attack on Lebanon.”

One would expect that the attack on Hezbollah communications can be welcomed by those that expected a tougher, deeper operation from the Israeli government. Israeli authorities will even undoubtedly hope that the attacks can sow some frustration in Lebanese society against Hezbollah.

But it hasn’t worked thus far. And the attacks, which appear to have killed more civilians than Hezbollah fighters and will constitute a war crime, can have left the Lebanese indignant and victimized.

In the meantime, the world can only wait to see what happens next. For its part, the United States that explained it doesn’t support the war and if reports are to be believed, he doesn’t think an invasion by Israel is inevitable.

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Will the Quads’ reunion be merely apparent and devoid of substance?




This weekend, the Quad’s 4 leaders will meet again, this time in U.S. President Joe Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. The summit can even be a farewell for the two leaders—one of Kishida Fumio’s final acts as Japan’s prime minister, and Biden will end his term 4 months after the meeting.

The Quad is an ambitious undertaking. As the 4 explained in a lengthy first Leaders’ messageIts aim is to advertise “a free, open, rules-based order, rooted in international law and unfettered by coercion, to enhance security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.”

Described by policy pundits as “minilateral” to tell apart it from broader multilateral regional institutions akin to ASEAN and APEC, the organisation brings together a small group of self-proclaimed “like-minded” countries committed to pursuing a typical set of ambitions for the world’s most populous region.

First established in 2007, the Quad brought together 4 partners to debate shared security concerns raised by China’s rising power. Its first iteration was led largely by Washington and Japan, with Australia and New Delhi being reluctant participants. The group was largely abandoned by its members in 2008. They saw little profit in such overtly anti-Chinese coordination at a time when China’s foreign policy remained cautious.

The quad was brought back to life in 2017The 4 now share a grim assessment of Asia’s geopolitical circumstances. Xi Jinping’s China has an ambitious and assertive foreign policy that has unsettled the region and prompted the 4 to dust off the Quad structure.

The Quad was revived in 2017 in response to Xi Jinping’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy.
Andres Martinez Casares/EPA/AAP

The first formal meeting took place on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in 2017. This was followed by a series of senior officials’ meetings in 2018 and at the level of foreign ministers in 2019 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Further ministerial meetings were held in 2020 in Tokyo and online in early 2021.

Biden hosted the first leaders’ meeting of 2021. There, the group pledged to carry an annual event to offer lasting political momentum for a gaggle the 4 now see as critical to their interests in the region.

At first, the Quad focused on military cooperation to advertise shared military concerns. However, in a comparatively short time, it has moved away from this security focus and has now developed a broad scope of activity. The group has established work programs on climate change, public health, immunization, high technology, infrastructure, educational exchanges, maritime domain awareness, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and even space.

Although it has never been explicitly stated, the Quad is anxious with managing a collective response to China’s rise. The 4 are concerned about the military dimensions of Beijing’s growing prosperity, but in addition about the larger threats to the region’s operating system that this ambitious authoritarian power represents. While military concerns prompted the Quad’s creation, these latter concerns at the moment are being debated.

Oddly enough, economics should not currently part of the equation. This is a noticeable flaw given the ways China uses geoeconomics to advertise its interests.

The Quad re-emerged on the international stage greater than half a decade ago. It quickly went through all the gears, becoming a “leader-led” group, with the attendant media attention and a dramatically expanded policy scope. Despite its impressive statements and long list of work priorities, the reality is that the group has achieved little in terms of concrete cooperation.

As an exercise in diplomatic signaling it was remarkable, and in international affairs symbols matter, but only up to a degree. The achievement of practical cooperation was limited, as was its impact on the regional strategic balance.

Although grouping is clearly a priority, countries are still not particularly well-prepared to work as a quad. This is a function of basic experience in addition to bureaucratic constraints. With time and investment we will expect improvements, but it can be crucial to notice that this has not happened thus far.

If Quad members want their cooperation to be, as a recent article put it, Ministerial Statement “provide concrete benefits and act as a force for good,” then the group must engage in actual political cooperation.

Another major challenge is ensuring that the 4 countries align their interests in the future. All have concerns about China’s growing influence, but beyond that there are some serious challenges in keeping the group together. This is most blatant in relation to Russia, where India’s approach to Moscow is at odds with that of the other three. And their divergent approaches to their economies also make cooperation on this front extremely difficult.

When the leaders gather in Delaware, expect rather a lot of platitudes about the departing American and Japanese leaders, in addition to a fair more elaborate set of agendas to work on. There will be plenty of oblique references to the China challenge and lofty rhetoric. But until the Quad gets going, its ability to exert influence beyond optics will be limited.

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Will a pager explosion spark an Israel-Hezbollah war?




The alleged Israeli attack on Hezbollah members via their pagers is one other ominous development that pushes the Middle East toward a full-scale regional war, leaving Hezbollah with few options but to retaliate with the total support of the Iranian-led “resistance axis.”

The sophistication and impact of the pager attack is unprecedented. The attack caused a minimum of 11 deathsincluding some Hezbollah fighters and as much as 3000 people early.

The most important goal of the attack, which was planned by US officials, they supposedly said carried out by Israel, was aimed toward disrupting Hezbollah’s communications and command and control system in Lebanon.

Because Hezbollah has using mobile phones has been restricted by its forces because Israel can easily detect and goal them, pagers have increasingly grow to be the popular messaging tool inside this group.

The attack may have been intended to create panic within the group and among the many Lebanese public, lots of whom don’t support Hezbollahconsidering the political divisions within the country.

Since the Hamas attacks on southern Israel on October 7, Israeli authorities led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have repeatedly said that specified to remove the threat from Hezbollah, which acts in solidarity with Hamas.

Hours before the attack on the Netanyahu government’s pagers explained that Israel’s war goals shall be expanded to incorporate the return of tens of hundreds of residents to their homes in northern Israel, from which they fled incessant Hezbollah rocket fire. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has said that the one strategy to try this is thru military motion.

The simultaneous pager explosions on Tuesday could subsequently be a prelude to a broad Israeli offensive against Hezbollah.

Consequences of the war with Hezbollah

Hezbollah has already vowed to retaliate. What form that can take stays to be seen. The group has the military potential to not only bombard northern Israel with drones and missiles, but in addition attack other parts of the Jewish state, including densely populated cities like Tel Aviv.

Hezbollah demonstrated this capability within the 2006 war with Israel. The war lasted 34 days, during which 165 Israelis died (121 IDF soldiers and 44 civilians) and Israel’s economy and tourism industry were significantly damaged. Hezbollah and Lebanese losses were much higher, with a minimum of 1,100 people killed. However, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) didn’t destroy or immobilize Group.

Destroyed buildings on the outskirts of Beirut, Lebanon, following Israeli warplane airstrikes in 2006.

Any successful retaliatory strike on Israeli cities could lead to serious civilian casualties, giving Israel one other pretext to pursue its long-held goal of destroying Hezbollah and punishing its most important sponsor, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In the broader conflict, the United States has pledged to defend Israel, while Iran would support Hezbollah in any way vital. If Israeli and U.S. leaders consider that Iran will proceed to refrain from any motion that might push it into war with Israel and the U.S., they’re mistaken.

Hezbollah is a central a part of the regime’s national and regional security paradigm. Tehran has invested heavily within the group, as produce other regional affiliates—notably Iraqi militias, the Yemeni Houthis, and the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad. The goal of this “axis of resistance” was to construct a strong deterrent against Israel and the United States.

Since its founding 45 years ago, the Iranian regime has viewed Israel and its principal sponsor, the United States, as existential threats, just as Israel viewed Iran in the identical way. To that end, the regime has reoriented its foreign relations toward America’s principal adversaries, notably Russia and China. Russian-Iranian military cooperation has grow to be so strong that Moscow can have no qualms about supporting Iran and its allies in any war.

Tehran is fully aware of Israel’s nuclear potential. To protect itself against it, Iran has developed its own nuclear program threshold level developing weapons. Iranian leaders could also obtain assurances from Russia that it might help defend Iran if Israel resorted to using nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile, it should be remembered that after almost a yr of destroying Gaza and exterminating its inhabitants, Israel has didn’t annihilate Hamas.

His own actions are evidence of this. He has consistently forced Gazans to relocate in order that IDF soldiers can operate in areas they previously deemed freed from militants.

The task of defeating Hezbollah and its supporters could be a much larger goal to realize. It carries with it the grave risk of a war that each one sides say they are not looking for, but for which they’re all preparing.

The pager attack is just the most recent in a series of actions that proceed to threaten the probabilities for a lasting ceasefire in Gaza that might stabilize the region and contribute to peace, not war.

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