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Health and Wellness

What is “breath work”? Do I have to do this?



From “breathing recipes” to respiratory techniques – many social media AND health web sites recommend respiratory work to reduce stress.

But breathwork is nothing latest. Rather, it is the most recent in a protracted history of respiratory techniques corresponding to Pranayama from India and qigong from China. Such practices have been used for 1000’s of years to promote a healthy body and mind.

The advantages will be immediate and obvious. Try taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhaling slowly. Do you are feeling a bit of calmer?


So what is the difference between respiratory that keeps us alive and respiratory?

Breathing is about control

There is respiratory not the identical How other mindfulness practices. While the latter give attention to observing the breath, it is about working with the breath controlling inhalation and exhalation.

Normally, respiratory occurs robotically via messages from the brain, beyond our conscious control. But we are able to control our respiratory by directing the movement of our diaphragm and mouth.

Membrane is a big muscle that separates the rib cage (chest) from the abdominal cavity (abdomen). When the diaphragm contracts, it expands the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs.


Controlling how deep, how often, how quickly and thru what we inhale (nose or mouth) is the essence of breath work, from fire respiratory down the buzzing breath of a bee.

Breathing can calm or excite you

Even small respiratory exercises can profit your physical and mental health, ending the cycle of stress and avoiding burnout.

Calming respiratory includes diaphragmatic (abdominal) respiratory, slow respiratory, pausing between breaths, and particularly slowing the exhalation.

During diaphragmatic respiratory, you consciously contract your diaphragm down toward your belly to inhale. This pushes the belly outward, causing deeper and slower respiratory.


You also can decelerate your respiratory by doing:

  • box respiratory (count to 4 for every of the 4 steps: inhale, hold, exhale, hold) or

  • consistent respiratory (controlled slow respiratory, 5 or 6 breaths per minute), or

  • alternate respiratory through the nose (close the left nostril and inhale slowly through the appropriate nostril, then close the appropriate nostril and slowly exhale through the left nostril, then repeat in the other way).

You can slow your exhalation, especially by counting, humming, or pursing your lips as you exhale.

In contrast to these calming respiratory practices, energizing, rapid respiratory increases arousal. For example, fire respiratory (inhale and exhale quickly, but not too deeply, through your nose in a consistent rhythm) i Lion’s breath (exhale through your mouth, stick out your tongue and make a robust “haa” sound).

What’s happening within the body?

Deep and slow respiratory, especially with a protracted exhale, is one of the simplest ways to stimulate the vagus nerves. The vagus nerves go through the diaphragm and are the essential nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system.


Vagal stimulation calms the stress response of our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). This improves your mood and lowers the extent of stress hormone cortisol and helps regulate emotions and reactions. It also promotes more coordinated brain activity, improves the functioning of the immune system and relieves inflammation.

Taking deep, diaphragmatic breaths also contributes to this physical advantages. This improves blood flow, lung function and exercise performance, increases the quantity of oxygen within the body and strengthens the diaphragm.

Slow respiratory reduces heart rate and blood pressure and increases heart rate variability (normal fluctuations in… time between heartbeats). They are linked to higher heart health.

Shallow, quick and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations through the nose stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. Short-term, controlled activation of the stress response is healthy and develops resistance to stress.


Inhale through your nose

We are made for this we inhale through the nose, not our mouths. There are loads of them in our nose blood vessels, mucous glands and tiny hairs called cilia. They heat and humidify the air we breathe, and filter germs and toxins.

We want the air reaching our respiratory tract and lungs to be clean and moist. Cold and dry air irritates our nose and throat, and we don’t desire germs to enter our body.

Breathing through the nose increases parasympathetic activity and releases nitric oxide, which improves airway dilation and lowers blood pressure.

Consistent mouth respiratory it isn’t healthy. This can lead to pollution AND infections reaching the lungs, snoring, sleep apnea and dental problems including cavities and jaw joint problems.

When we’re stressed, our respiratory can develop into high and shallow.

Free training

Slow respiratory – even short sessions at home – can reduce stress, anxiety and depression in the overall population and amongst individuals with clinical depression or anxiety. Breathing research in helps treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also promising.

Diaphragmatic respiratory to improve lung function and strengthen the diaphragm can improve respiratory and exercise intolerance Chronic heart failure, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease AND asthma. Maybe too improve exercise performance AND reduce oxidative stress (an imbalance of more free radicals and/or fewer antioxidants that may damage cells) after exercise.

traffic lights on the street show red signal
Are you waiting on the traffic lights? This could also be your signal to work in your respiratory.

A mind-body connection you may access at any time

If you are feeling stressed or anxious, it’s possible you’ll be doing so subconsciously take shallow, quick breaths, but this may increasingly make you are feeling more anxious. Taking deep diaphragmatic breaths through your nose and specializing in powerful exhales may also help break this cycle and convey peace and clarity to your mind.

Just just a few minutes a day Breathwork can improve your physical and mental health and well-being. Daily deep respiratory exercises within the workplace they lower blood pressure and stress, which is vital since the burnout rate is high.

Bottom line: any conscious breath control throughout the day is positive.


So next time you are waiting in a queue, at a traffic light, or for the kettle to boil, take a moment to give attention to your respiratory. Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose, exhale slowly and revel in the advantages.

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The Alfred cyclone is already retraumatized people who survived other disasters. I am one of them




In 2011, AS ISA cyclone I was approaching the Queensland coast, I sat at home in a tropical north of the state and nervous what the longer term would bring. Would my family be okay? Would our house be destroyed? Would my workplace be damaged and my work is uncertain? Would my community be devastated?

Now that we’re waiting for Cyclone Alfred to make a landing, I watch from my recent home in Melbourne. I’m protected. But last night I couldn’t sleep. I have intrusive thoughts, remembering the way it was when Cyclone Yasi fell into us. I feel indignant, dispersed and restless. The report from the upcoming cyclone makes my heart race, so I turned off the TV.

As someone who has been investigating the influence of disasters for over 20 years, I will realize that now, I feel like I feel, it is just like how I felt all these years ago. Again, I experience the conventional range of common stress reactions after surviving the disaster, although this one doesn’t affect me directly.


This is referred to as Retraumatizationwhere we experience stress reactions experienced because of this of a traumatic event within the face of a brand new, similar incident.

As an emergency researcher to a big selection of disasters, I understand why I feel like this.

However, many people may not realize that the stress they are actually experiencing is related to an earlier disaster or a traumatic event of their lives. This earlier disaster could be one other cyclone or other event, corresponding to a flood or fire in bushes.

There could also be some signs and symptoms of retraumatization:

  • Informational thoughts (for instance, I remember my fear of the expected tide of the water tides throwing at me in the dead of night when Cyclone Yasi landed)

  • nightmares and sleep problems

  • Hypervigilance (for instance, feeling “on the edge” all day)

  • Sensitivity to triggers (for instance, the sound of intense wind and windows may cause intense feelings because they remind me of the night by which we experienced cyclone yasi passing over us)

  • I feel isolated

  • Thinking about planning or attempting to suicide

  • Panic

  • Use/abuse of substances corresponding to alcohol and other drugs

  • Height of unhealthy behavior (for instance, being more at risk of aggression or violence).

For many of us, the Alfred cyclone arouses memories and feelings, and the re -appearance of these stress reactions could be confronted. It could seem that the re -opening of the wound, which didn’t quite heal.

The catastrophe after the disaster take their toll

We are actually starting to grasp the results of exposure to many disasters – fires of bushes, cyclones, floods and don’t forget in regards to the pandemic with Kodcja – which eroded our immunity.

This type of repeated exposure affects our sense of security, security and even our hope for the longer term, all increase the chance worse mental health.

In the case of people with post -traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), retrajumatization may cause that people are experiencing their past traumas in intense details. It could seem Earlier traumatic events occur again.


What to do now and in the longer term

However, there are steps that we are able to take to assist construct our immunity within the face of many disasters.

For now

It is value understanding in the meanwhile How we react to trauma. We can see a number of physical reactions (for instance, my heart raced), psychological reactions (for instance, I feel more restless than usual) and social effects (for instance, I canceled dinner plans last night, because I didn’t want to go away the home).

It is also essential Stay in touch with our odd social supportBecause they’ll act as a big stress response buffer.


So, despite the incontrovertible fact that I stopped last night, I was in group chat, discussing real housewives from Sydney with friends, which helped reduce each the reactions of physical and mental stress I experienced.

It will help stick with friends, family, neighbors and other support.

For later

In the long term, it is useful to develop and implement Self -clinic plan This includes activities supporting our emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Care, which implies devoting time to doing things that help your well -being and improve physical health and mental health. This may help cope with stress reactions which will appear as part of retrajumatization. Even small self -care acts in on a regular basis life can have an amazing impact.


Today I devoted time for a brief walk across the park and listened to some of my favorite music. It helped in the meanwhile, nevertheless it also helps me in the long term, when I routinely include these little self -care acts in my on a regular basis life.

We must also consider The first respondents and volunteers who will prepare for the Alfred cyclone i community Similar disasters devastated previously (for instance, floods 2022 in Lismore, recent southern Wales). With their exposure to cumulative trauma, these groups will need Permanent, concentrated support.

Most importantly, we must understand that the best way we feel is normal. Be patient with yourself and search for small opportunities to take control of reactions.

I keep the tv switching off (except when real housewives are turned on).


Some resources

The Blukot website, from the National Center of Excellence for Complex Trauma, comprises more information on how we do Answer the trauma. Black Dog Institute leads you by developing Self -clinic plan.

If you’re the primary respondent, you’ll be able to access free treatment and support via a number of suppliers, including: Phoenix AustraliaIN Australian Strong and Black Dog Institute.

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Health and Wellness

Tiktok Star Heyshantaq brings laughter and saves life




After a heart attack and two strokes, the star Tiktok Heyshantaq brings laughter and saves life

Thanks to the kindness of Shanta Quilelette Develle Carter-Williams


As a classic Disney movie, he was once advertised within the song, “A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine disappear.” Shanta Quilelette Develop Carter-WilliamsHe knows that it’s true. In addition to using the platform, it also informs people about heart disease and helps save lives, one Thicket directly.

According to Black women have the very best indicator of girls within the US in conditions corresponding to hypertension, in addition to heart failure, coronary artery disease and stroke. Carter-Williams, who has a doctorate in the sphere of public health, has undergone its own health crisis, experiencing a heart attack and two strikes on account of genetic heart disease. After this experience, she introduced several vital changes in life, she copes higher with stress, giving up alcohol, often exercising, abandoning wheat and grains, which, he claims, causes inflammation and more. She also began to show people priorities and telling them for his or her personal well -being.

“Women die more and black women die higher,” says Essence.


Has Tiktok, Hey Shanta Q, with 1.3 million followers. She also created her company, laughter at The GO, an organization “aimed at transforming corporate and social cultures through strategic use of humor.” She shaped him right into a non -traditional biological renewal platform, which is connected with recipients, which other creators may not solve.

“Short-term content is important because people are looking for their information,” he says. “People are not looking for information in commercials. They do not look at internet seminars. ” He also educates through your pages YouTube and Instagram and a lobby for access to healthcare.

“I think it is very important that we keep our votes,” he says.

He approaches his content freely, combining comic sketches with speeches outside the cuff. From the ups and downs of parenting of an adult child to keeping him within the case of sex after 50, every little thing is to debate. Among all this, he’ll finish the audience, sometimes reading from medical texts, offering advice on vital lifestyle changes and sharing your journey on the way in which. “I think it’s always good to examine and make sure you are looking for reputable things,” he says. He also believes that adding humor and heat can facilitate digestion.


“Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is a good thing and I think we all need it in all the abilities of our lives, “he says. “I don’t think it is limited to the comedy scene.”

Welcome signs of health crises may look different in a girl’s body. He describes them clearly but cheerfully. There aren’t any clear lectures, only related heat, which helps viewers keep healthy suggestions and learn something recent, including how 45 percent of girls over the age of 20 have heart problems and should not aware of this.

“You don’t have to do everything, you know so harsh and sticky,” he says. “Sometimes it’s dark, but it’s funny and I think it allows people to feel comfortable.”


Carter-Williams took many health events to turn into unhealed within the priority of her health. Now he does it not only on social media, but additionally by resting when he needs it and understanding the importance of self -care.

She also informed her family about the best way to best support her within the event of a sudden challenge using the identical methods that she divides when connecting with the audience. For example, one clip on her tabktok presents her grandson, she practices competently resuscitation, showing her many followers, about which she knows what to do if she should fall.


Because I even have a heart disease, knowledge of resuscitation just isn’t optional in my home ♥ ️ is mandatory! ❤️ Today I teach my grandson the best way to save my life, because situations crisis situations should not according to the warning. Here is a fast refreshment of CPR: 1️⃣ Check – Touch and shout: “Are you okay?” No answer? Call the number 911! 📞 2️⃣ Position – put them flat on a tough surface. Compressions 3️⃣-Pting firmly and post in the midst of the chest (2 inches deep, 100-120 beats per minute-think about “staying live” 🎶). 4️⃣ Rescue breaths – in the event that they are trained, give 2 breaths after 30 compressions. 5️⃣ repeat until it helps come or start respiration. Life saving skills begin at home! Have you learned CPR? Drop ❤️ If you think that everyone should realize it!


♬ Keep alive – Bees Gees

“I think it is important that everyone in my home is proactive, no matter how young they are,” he says.

Proactively encouraging intervention saves life. . The reports that “women who suffer from hospital meals receive a circulatory -looser resuscitation of the observer (CPR) less often than men”, making a plan needed for everybody.

Carter-Willliams mentions cases during which women died, because only they knew what to do within the event of a crisis. “Nobody was trained around them, nor was the defibrillator and no one knew where it was or how to use it,” he says. So her mission is to assist people at her home and on the planet, knowing every little thing of their power to affect as much lives as possible relating to cardiovascular diseases.

“Many times as women. We put everyone in front of us and do not even devote time to ourselves, so I teach everyone in my home, teaching everyone how to look after me, puts myself first. “


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Health and Wellness

Taylour Paige gives you a rare insight into your health journey with endometriosis: “really violent disease”




Taylour Paige sets a march, a month of endometriosis awareness, shedding light on her journey with a painful state.

On Tuesday, the 34-year-old actress gave the observing closer to her life with this state Post on Instagram This included a carousel of images of her recovery process interspersed with other arrows from years.

“Crbactic healing journey” began within the long signature of the post. “It appears in women who had to keep a lot. Pain, severe bleeding, adhesions – forcing yourself to take (i) pain that is not yours. “


The actress of “The Beverly Hills COP: Axel F” noticed that she found her last inspiration from post by Laboratory from the period By discussing how the body can create “walls” and “adhesions” just like the way in which the mind can react to trauma.

“It took me a lot of time,” continued the star of “Zola”. “Goodness, self -sufficient and abuse that I internalized and thought. These are out of the fact that they will take advantage of this confusion. I died so much, but old habits die hard. A really violent disease that has been unrecognized for 20 years, but caused me so much agony and confusion. “

The actress added that she had a colon, bladder and rectum surgery within the autumn of 2023, which lasted 4 hours. Earlier, nevertheless, she remembered the pain attributable to her endometriosis “would make me see the stars.”

“Putting every month. Sometimes she couldn’t lead – she added. “The worst thing is how much you light yourself. It’s almost as if you’re out of the way in which you hurt a lot. He is unquestionably psychologically doing something for you, since it’s like you and no person around you imagine in pain. “


Endometriosis that causes tissue that might normally grow within the uterus to grow outside the uterus and may result in intense pain and severe bleeding during menstrual cycles, in addition to fertility problems, affects about 10% of girls, in response to Johns Hopkins.

“Anxiety from next month,” Paige wrote. “I ruined a costume or a good pair of jeans so many times. At high school, my uniform khaki skirts. “

Diagnosing and treating the state, as Paige experienced on her journey, often requires surgery, in accordance with Cleveland Clinic. The whole sick tissue is removed, then tested and properly evaluated.

Often considered a “white woman’s disease”, endometriosis stays undefrmed, especially in black women. According to National Library of MedicineEarly associations of the disease as such that influenced the high, wealthy, white women who were late to assume that it was difficult to repair in a general take a look at this state.


In her post, Paige noticed: “(I) has learned in the last few years that Endo is the anger on himself. You are literally inflammatory. He followed it for me. “

“So many women go through it. Be mild to us, “the Independent Spirit winner continued, noting that he was” grateful “for what she was in a position to” turn “over the past few years.

Paige, who’s married to the designer Rivington Stachild, said: “Thank you to my body, thank my husband, thank my dear sister (Elizabeth Halpern), who taught me so much. My real health mentor. “

Her list of gratitude also includes blood work, acupuncture, clean water, protein, sauna and a “calm nervous system”, partly because of the “healthy” partnership.


“This is not only one thing, many things (I) I am grateful that we live in times when we can share (i) help each other,” she wrote at the top of the post.

“I love you,” she concluded.

Dwyane Wade is cancer -free, but Gabrielle Union claims that the battle was a

(Tagstranslatate) endometriosis

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