When weight loss drugs like Ozempic appeared available on the market, celebrities and social media influencers quickly began reaping their benefits, resulting in a rapid increase of their use. In the last three months of 2022, doctors within the United States alone wrote over nine million prescriptions for these drugs.
As their popularity has increased, we have also heard more about their potential unwanted effects, from common gastrointestinal complaints to more serious mental health issues.
But what does the science say about how well Ozempic and Wegovy (each brand names of the drug semaglutide) work for weight loss? What are the potential unwanted effects? Here’s what to contemplate if you or a loved one is fascinated with taking the drug.
Possible profits
1) It will probably help you lose weight
The largest, well run Research work semaglutide originated within the UK in 2021. About 1,961 people classified as “overweight” or “obese” were randomly assigned to receive semaglutide or placebo and were followed for 68 weeks (about 1.3 years). All participants also had free access to advice on healthy eating and physical activity.
The study showed that individuals taking semaglutide lost weight – significantly greater than those taking placebo (-14.9% of body weight compared with -2.4% of body weight).
In one other test within the United States, one medical practice administered weekly injections of semaglutide to 408 people. During the primary three months, the people included in the ultimate evaluation (175 people) lost a mean of 6.7 kg. They lost a mean of 12.3 kg in the primary six months.
Significant weight loss was observed in additional people recent trial semaglutide, suggesting that weight loss is a very likely consequence of continued use of the drug.
John Hanson Pye/Shutterstock
2) It can reduce risk aspects for chronic diseases
When chubby or obese people lose weight at the least 5% body weight, physiological changes often transcend changes in body weight or shape. This may include lowered levels of cholesterol, lowered blood pressure and lowered blood glucose levels, which reduces the chance of chronic diseases.
In one in all semaglutide trialsmost individuals (87.3%) lost at the least 5% of their body weight. Although most large studies of semaglutide excluded individuals with metabolic diseases comparable to type 2 diabetes, the metabolic health benefits were noticedincluding decreased blood pressure, blood glucose and fasting blood lipids (fats).
IN UK test as of 2021, people taking semaglutide saw greater improvements in physical performance and risk aspects for heart disease and diabetes, including reductions in waist circumference, reductions in markers of inflammation, blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
3) It can improve your quality of life, emotional well-being, or sense of accomplishment
The original study of semaglutide didn’t deal with this bundle of benefits, but follow-up studies have shown additional benefits related to the drug. Compared to placebo, people taking semaglutide saw significant improvement improvements of their physical functioning and of their perception of their overall health, social functioning and mental health.
Anecdotally (not based on scientific research), people using semaglutide, e.g Oprah Winfreyreport a moment of recovery or a turning point in your life, social situation and body image.

Chris Pizzello/AAP
What concerning the risks?
1) Gastrointestinal symptoms may occur
In Clinical trial within the USAalmost half (48.6%) of individuals taking semaglutide reported unwanted effects. The commonest symptoms were nausea and vomiting (36.6%), followed by diarrhea (8.6%), fatigue (6.3%), and constipation (5.7%).
Nausea and diarrhea were also commonly reported within the UK study.
IN next try, many participants (74.2%) using semaglutide reported gastrointestinal symptoms. However, almost half (47.9%) of placebo users also reported gastrointestinal symptoms, indicating that symptoms could also be just like those experienced during normal, on a regular basis life.
Most gastrointestinal symptoms were mild to moderate in severity and resolved without discontinuation in most subjects.
2) You may feel drained
Fatigue was the second commonest side effect amongst US participants clinical examinationaffecting 6.3% of participants.
3) You could also be within the minority who cannot tolerate the drug
The Australian Therapeutic Goods Agency (TGA) yes approved Ozempic as protected for treating type 2 diabetes, but not yet approved to be used for weight loss. TGA has it too approved Wegovy (higher dose semagtlutide) for weight loss, nevertheless it is just not yet available in Australia.
In United States clinical examinationNo unexpected issues of safety were reported. However, five patients (2.9%) needed to stop taking the drug because they might not tolerate the unwanted effects. Fifteen (8.6%) needed to either reduce their dose or stay on the identical dose to avoid unwanted effects.
IN other researchsome patients discontinued the study because their gastrointestinal symptoms were so severe that they might not tolerate further treatment.
More serious safety concerns have been reported in studies include gallbladder-related disease (mainly cholelithiasis, also often called gallstones) in 34 patients (2.6%) and mild acute pancreatitis in three patients (0.2%). All subjects recovered through the trial period.
European 2024 test analyzed psychiatric opposed events related to the usage of semaglutide, liraglutide, and tirzepatide (which act in a similar strategy to semaglutide). In the period from January 2021 to May 2023, 481 psychiatric events (roughly 1.2% of all reported) related to those drugs were registered within the drug database. About half of those events were reported as depression, followed by anxiety (39%) and suicidal ideation (19.6%). Nine deaths and 11 life-threatening cases were reported through the study period.
Due to the seriousness and dire consequences of some of those reports, US Food and Drug Administration further studies were carried out, but no evidence was found that the usage of these drugs causes suicidal thoughts or actions.
4) Access could also be difficult
Despite being considered protected, the TGA is warned significant barriers to access to Ozempic feedstock are more likely to remain throughout 2024.
To address shortages, pharmacists should give preference to individuals with type 2 diabetes searching for the drug.
5) You cannot at all times get clear information from special interests
Given the recognition of Ozempic and Wegova, health organizations comparable to the World Obesity Federation have expressed this apprehension about drug marketing, PR and power presence on social media.
Some journalists are like that raised concerns about conflict of interest on the connection between some obesity researchers and the manufacturers of Novo Nordrisk, Ozempic and Wegovy. There is concern that the connection with Novo Nordrisk could influence researchers to provide trial results that are more favorable to the drugs.
Ozempic is a medicine that ought to be used together with your doctor. Remember, nevertheless, that weight is simply one aspect of your health and well-being. It’s vital to have a look at your health holistically and prioritize eating well, exercising more, and getting enough sleep.