New information has emerged in regards to the health of former television personality Wendy Williams. Williams’ legal guardian, Sabrina Morrissey, recently revealed that the star is...
Even though her show isn’t any longer on the air, Wendy Williams continues to follow “hot topics” in popular culture. Since federal agents arrested Sean “Diddy”...
The documentary was met with heavy backlash on social media, but the filmmakers hope it can draw attention to the issue of caregiving and dementia. We...
Wendy Williams’ son, Kevin Hunter Jr., reportedly received an eviction notice from his Miami, Florida apartment last month. The statement got here days after the documentary...
The fallout from the controversial Wendy Williams documentary continues. According to a now-seat lawsuit filed by TV host Sabrina Morrissey’s court-appointed guardian, Lifetime and its parent...
The recent news of Wendy Williams’ diagnosis with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), the identical disease that actor Bruce Willis suffers from, is sending shockwaves...