This represents a significant step toward reducing health disparities and improving access to quality health care for Black communities across the United States. Find a black...
A Black medical student-turned-content creator has created a new animated children’s show to encourage diverse youth interested in medicine. Joel Bervell stays well-known on the Internet...
Bloomberg Philanthropies Donates $600 Million 4 historically black medical schools—Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science, Howard University College of Medicine, Meharry Medical College, and...
How BLACK ENTERPRISESas we have previously reported, black people live longer in counties with higher concentrations of black physicians. In conjunction with this research, Black Men...
Peel Haus Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery is the most recent Black- and women-owned enterprise to come back to Washington, D.C. He led by a three-person team...
For many years, Black women have been outnumbered within the areas where they have probably the most to realize: health and wellness. However, in recent times,...