Mellody Hobson, pioneering president and co-manager of Ariel Investment Trust, will launch her debut children’s book, Priceless Facts About Money, this fall. This literary endeavor showcases...
“Priceless Facts about Money,” which can explain the importance of cash and explore its history, will hit shelves on October 1. Mellody Hobson’s mission is to...
Are you doing well financially? If this is not the case, do not feel bad. There are plenty of individuals such as you who need a...
The series is scheduled to debut in January 2025. CBS has officially ordered a series of “The Gates”, a soap opera about a wealthy Black family,...
Texas A&M women’s basketball coach Sydney Carter responds to the criticism she receives for her performance on the court. The player development coach and assistant recruiting...
Without consumer attention, corporations stop to exist, so every dollar spent on attracting customers is well spent. In the past, corporate marketing was easy enough –...