Cord Jefferson is one among the brightest stars of awards season. His debut film “American Fiction” appeared on various year-end film lists and earned multiple nominations...
Hulu’s highly anticipated documentary “Freaknik: The Wildest Party Never Told” has released its first official trailer for Atlanta’s legendary ’80s and ’90s Spring Break. CeeLo Green...
Da’Vine Joy Randolph just took home the gold! The actress won her first Oscar on the 96th Annual Academy Awards, winning the coveted award for her...
The 96th Academy Awards took place on Sunday in Los Angeles, during which Hollywood’s brightest stars celebrated one of the best achievements of last yr’s cinema....
“American Fiction” director Cord Jefferson shared more about the importance of telling diverse Black stories after winning his first Oscar at the 2024 Academy Awards....
Danielle Brooks wants fans to know that good things come to those that wait. Brooks graduated from Juilliard in 2011 and starred in several projects, including...
At the 96th Academy Awards, Kris Bowers won his second Oscar in three years for best directing, short documentary for “The Last Repair Shop.” The documentary...
Wicked season is coming! In New Vanity fair profiles, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande and the creative team gave readers a peek behind the emerald curtain ahead...
Lena Waithe is the Emmy-winning, Tony-nominated actress, producer and screenwriter behind such hits as “The Chi” and “Twenties.” But 20 years ago, she was a newly...
Nathalie Emmanuel has previously been involved in filming exciting adventure scenes. “Game of Thrones”? — but the intense training she had to undergo to star in...