While having piles of cash is usually considered a measure of monetary well-being, other measures help ensure a balanced life. According to a Pew Research Center...
Imagine saving for years to purchase your dream home, simply to have it rising costs of property insurance Keep your home ownership out of reach endlessly....
WASHINGTON (AP) – Inflation has modified the way in which many Americans shop. Today, these changes in consumer habits are helping to lower inflation. Consumers, fed...
Carla A. Harris’s pearls of wisdom come from personal experience and love. “I love sharing our knowledge and best practices with each other,” says Harris, a...
This is the yr you may finally buy a car on Amazon. Well, one kind. At last. November 16, 2023 at the Los Angeles Auto Show...
Dr. D’Wayne Edwards, Omi Bell and Tanya Van Court are a few of the entrepreneurs recognized through Nike Inc.’s Black Community Commitment program. as changemakers due...
As my fiancée and I were planning our wedding, one recurring thought continued to drive our decision to get married: “‘I do’ doesn’t have to mean...
Conventional wisdom suggests that it’s best to never leave money on the table when negotiating. However, research in my field suggests that this will be entirely...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – A young crowd at a Nashville nightclub was ready to bop under strobe lights to a pulsing mixture of hip-hop, rap and...
As money becomes less common, it is incredibly vital to teach children financial literacy early on. Opening a checking account for your child can instill precious...