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From Idea to Profit: A 7-Step Guide to Building a Side Hustle – Essence



Worried African American woman reading business report while standing at desk with laptop, mobile phone and documents.

For many Black women, the trail to financial independence often involves greater than just a 9-to-5 job.

As we proceed to carve out spaces for ourselves in entrepreneurship, side hustling has grow to be greater than just a trend—it’s a path to financial freedom, empowerment, and constructing a legacy. In fact, 17% of black women are within the means of starting their very own businessesthe best rate amongst all demographic groups.

The query isn’t whether we are able to succeed, but whether we are able to turn our passion into profit. With dedication, strategy, and the appropriate tools, you’ll be able to turn your side hustle into a thriving business in only six months.

When starting your individual business, Hueas a side hustle while managing a full-time job, I understand how intense—yet rewarding—it will possibly be. But how will you turn that creative spark into a regular income in only six months? With careful planning, consistent effort, and keenness, you’ll be able to make your side hustle thrive.

Step 1: Define your passion and purpose.

First, define your passion. What excites you? What unique value do you bring to the world? Turning your passion into profit starts with knowing Why behind your work. Whether you’re creating skincare for melanin-prone skin, launching a wellness brand, or starting a consulting business, your side hustle should solve a problem or provide a service that resonates deeply together with your community.

When I founded HUED, my mission was clear: to bridge the gap between Black and Latinx patients and culturally competent healthcare providers. This sense of purpose kept me going even on days after I was juggling greater than seemed possible.

Step 2: Start small and with strategy.

A common misconception is that you simply need to have every thing in place before you’ll be able to start a side hustle. But the reality is, many successful businesses began with a easy MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Whether you’re selling custom products, offering coaching services, or constructing a platform, start small but think big. Focus on launching something manageable that may evolve as you get feedback and experience.

According to Black Women Talking About Technology77% of Black women entrepreneurs start with lower than $10,000, which is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of our community. You don’t have to scale straight away; start small and grow as your commitment grows.

Step 3: Leverage technology.

Technology is changing the sport for part-timers. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Etsy have made it easier than ever to promote your products, construct a customer base, and connect with like-minded entrepreneurs. Use free or inexpensive tools like Canva to create marketing materials, Shopify to arrange an e-commerce store, or Squarespace to launch a skilled website.

Even something so simple as scheduling social media posts or automating emails can save time while feeling like a much greater operation. When I first launched HUED, I relied heavily on digital tools to get the word out and effectively reach my audience.

Step 4: Make connections and find support.

They say your network is your net price, and on this planet of entrepreneurship, that couldn’t be more true. Black women often face barriers to funding and mentorship, which makes community and networking essential. Whether it’s tapping into Black women entrepreneur groups, attending virtual networking events, or connecting with mentors in your industry, constructing a strong support system will show you how to grow and sustain your efforts.

In fact, 60% of black entrepreneurs depend on personal savings to start your individual business, which makes community and collaboration crucial to constructing a solid foundation in your side hustle.

Step 5: Manage your time.

Juggling a full-time job with a side hustle requires impeccable time management. Schedule time in your side hustle, whether it’s early mornings, late nights, or weekends. The key to turning a side hustle into a profitable enterprise is consistency, not perfection.

To stay heading in the right direction, use apps like Asana or Trello to organize your tasks, and ensure to set clear, achievable milestones for every stage of your enterprise. Focus on incremental wins slightly than trying to do every thing directly.

Step 6: Plan your growth.

As your side hustle gains momentum, start enthusiastic about the way you’ll expand. That might mean expanding your offerings, raising your prices, or automating more processes. Think about working smarter, not harder. Consider outsourcing tasks or investing in skilled help as your side hustle becomes more lucrative.

Many Black women entrepreneurs have experienced growth through securing funding or partnerships. As you grow, search out small business grants, microloans, and even crowdfunding platforms tailored to women of color, similar to iFundWomen of Color.

Step 7: Celebrate the journey.

Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. Celebrate every milestone—whether it’s making your first sale, reaching 100 followers, or forming a key partnership. You’re constructing greater than just a business; you’re creating a legacy for yourself and your community.

As Black women, we contribute to the larger narrative of economic empowerment. By turning our passions into profits, we create opportunities for ourselves and future generations of Black entrepreneurs.

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Halle Bailey joins sister Chloe in leaving the vegan lifestyle behind





Singer and actress Halle Bailey doesn’t let motherhood stop her from achieving her fitness goals. The mother of 1 recently shared a photograph of herself and her baby boy, Halo, chilling at the gym in twin outfits, rocking matching bandanas.

“Me and my bodyguard ♥️,” she captioned the photo.

Bailey also shared with fans the status of her vegan journey, stating that she is not any longer vegan. The actress has been vegan for 13 years.

“When I used to be pregnant, I [just] I began craving meat and by then I had been vegan for 13 years,” Halle revealed. “Honestly, I felt good. “I’m just going to present my body what it wants without delay because I’ve been doing a very hard job growing as a human, and I also desired to ensure Halo was getting the proper nutrients and other things he needed,” Bailey, 24, explained.

She also added that although she now eats meat, she has not completely given up vegan meals and still eats them frequently.

“I still love vegan food. AND [still] eat it mostly all the time. If I actually have a sense or a craving for chicken or something, I’ll eat it. But I do not eat a whole lot of meat, but when I would like to, I’ll eat it,” she said.

The singer’s sister, Chloe Bailey, also revealed that she is not any longer completely vegan. Earlier this yr, she revealed that she had broken her 11-year streak and began eating chicken. Chloe shared with fans that she noticed the positive impact of eating chicken on her body.

“I noticed that my body became more toned. And I have never even been figuring out as crazy as I normally do, and I feel prefer it just makes me stronger,” she said.

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Prostate cancer in the black community and the importance of clinical trials




BLACK ENTERPRISE Empowers Black Men: Prostate Cancer In The Black Community And The Importance Of Clinical Trials

In recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in September, BLACK ENTERPRISES hosts “Health is Wealth,” an informative series of conversations about the key role of diversity in clinical trials. Prostate cancer disproportionately affects black men, resulting in significant disparities in health outcomes, quality of life, and longevity. This discussion highlights the importance of inclusive clinical trials in eliminating these disparities.

Alfred Edmond Jr.Black EnThe conversation might be moderated by the vp and editor-in-chief of terprise and a prostate cancer survivor. Edmond might be joined by experts in the field, Dr. Adrelia Allen, executive director of patient diversity in clinical trials at Merck, and Dr. Luther T. Clark, executive director of innovation and patient engagement at Merck, and Euvon Jonesformer clinical trial participant and prostate cancer advocate.

This panel examined how clinical trials might help improve prostate cancer outcomes in black men, highlight the importance of diversity in medical research, and encourage participation in future research to support equitable health take care of all. The discussion will highlight Merck’s commitment to improving prostate cancer treatments by supporting diverse and inclusive clinical trials, ensuring equal access to the latest medical innovations for historically underserved populations.

Prostate cancer disproportionately affects black men, resulting in higher mortality and poorer health outcomes in comparison with other groups.

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WATCH| Top 3 Tips for Creating Great Fashion Content – Essence




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