Global, over 1 million Curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are contracted every single day in people aged 15–49. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.
It is estimated that in Australia one in six people will receive an STI diagnosis over the course of their lives – and numbers they go up.
Very few common infections are as stigmatized as sexually transmitted diseases, making them a particularly complex public health issue. Stigma perpetuates shame and anxiety amongst people diagnosed with an STI about what it can lead to delay testing or treatment.
Stigma may make it difficult for people to tell their sexual partners about an STI diagnosis. AND recent research found that only about half of people have disclosed or imagine they need to disclose an STI to their partner before having sex.
Why don’t people disclose sexually transmitted diseases and why do they do it?
The study, published this month within the Journal of Sex Research, was a systematic review, meaning researchers analyzed the outcomes of several studies. They reviewed a total of 32 articles, mostly from the United States, with some from the United Kingdom and Australia. The study included a variety of sexually transmitted diseases but didn’t include HIV.
When researchers combined the outcomes of those studies, they found that only half or fewer people told their partner that they had an STI or felt they need to disclose this information to their partner before having sex.
The most typical reasons for not telling a sexual partner about a sexually transmitted disease were fear of the partner’s response and fear of rejection by the partner.
Some people didn’t feel they needed to tell their partners or saw it as a private matter – especially within the case of casual sexual encounters. Younger people under the age of 24 were less likely than older people to tell their sexual partners about sexually transmitted diseases.
Others felt there was no risk of transmission because they didn’t experience symptoms, or they felt that they had taken reasonable precautions to protect their sexual partner from transmitting an STI.
Condoms, when used appropriately, are one in all them probably the most effective means to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia and gonorrhea. But they did doesn’t necessarily protect against sexually transmitted diseases reminiscent of herpes, genital warts or syphilis, which might be transmitted skin to skin contact. Dental dams it can be used during oral sex to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Failure to disclose sexually transmitted diseases to a sexual partner – especially if effective protection will not be used – may cause problems. It may prevent someone who has potentially been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease or who has been infected with a sexually transmitted disease from receiving testing and treatment. The sexually transmitted disease can then be passed on to others.
The review also found that some people abstain from sexual activity altogether after being diagnosed with an STI or refrain from getting into a recent sexual relationship to avoid telling their partner about their STI.
People who tell their partner about it have often reported that it is because they value honesty in their relationship or see disclosing STIs as a moral obligation. Others disclose their STD status to protect their partner’s health and avoid long-term problems reminiscent of infertility which can result from untreated infections. Some people tell their partner about it for emotional support.
Separate tests found that if people do not tell their sexual partner about an STI, it can lead to increased anxiety and lower sexual satisfaction for the person with the disease.
Easier disclosure of data about sexually transmitted diseases
Talking about an STI diagnosis might be awkward and uncomfortable. But resources can be found to help people talk to or help their partners about sexually transmitted diseases reveal an STI diagnosis.
They include confidential services that allow anonymous text or email notifications to be sent to sexual partners to notify them that they’ve potentially been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease.
These might be helpful for people who feel they’re unable to do so talk to your previous sexual partner about your diagnosis, for instance because your recent sexual partner was only a casual contact.
However, most people who disclose an STI prefer to do so speak directly with sexual partners, especially in the event that they are in a stable relationship.
Fighting stigma is crucial
For young people, sex education at college often covers sexually transmitted diseases, but it ought to be done fastidiously. Education that focuses only about risks, dangers and “dangerous” parts sex alienates young people and may strengthen the stigma related to sexually transmitted diseases. So possibly make it less likely young people will seek screening for sexually transmitted diseases or reveal an infection.
A recent approach to comprehensive sex education emphasize the importance of supporting young people to develop secure, respectful and enjoyable sexual relationships.
Education should contain information that doesn’t embarrass demystifies sexually transmitted diseases reminding young people that they’re common, testing is easy and is the case with most sexually transmitted diseases easily curable.
But sexually transmitted diseases should not just a problem for young people. We cannot assume that somebody will routinely understand their sexual health once they reach maturity.
Investments in campaigns to standardize screening for sexually transmitted diseases, e.g DramaDownunder campaign, which uses explicit and humorous images to draw attention to stopping sexually transmitted diseases and testing gay, bisexual, queer and transgender men, can assist people seek sexual health services and discuss sexually transmitted diseases.
The Australian government recently launched this initiative Before the sport, a national promoting campaign to promote STD awareness and testing amongst adults. The success of this campaign will rely upon its ability to normalize open communication about sexual health and testing for sexually transmitted diseases among the many broader population.
The high levels of stigma and shame associated with STDs make them unique and a complex public health problem. Reducing rates of sexually transmitted diseases would require dealing with this stigma and shame.