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11 best full coverage foundations



Emma Innocenti/Getty Images

Makeup is an act of self-care that sometimes involves applying foundation to enhance our appearance. That said, why not put money into some latest makeup products this 12 months? It’s high time to eliminate the old foundation that has been in our makeup bags for a very long time and buy a brand new foundation that gives full coverage. Finding the law Foundation for darker skin tones it might be a challenge. But don’t be concerned, we are going to handle you!

Below you will find a number of the best full-coverage foundations that may give your skin a flawless finish.

We independently review all services and products we recommend. If you click on the links we offer, we may receive compensation.

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Health and Wellness

Australians should be compensated in rare case of vaccine injury




Vaccination is one of essentially the most effective ways to guard individuals and the general public from disease. Vaccines are typically given to healthy people to stop disease, so the bar for safety is ready high.

People profit from vaccinations at a person level because they’re protected against disease. However, for some vaccines, strong community uptake results in “herd immunityThis means that people who cannot be vaccinated can be protected by the “herd.”

As with any prescribed medication, vaccines may cause unwanted effects. In the rare case where COVID-19 vaccines actually caused certain serious injuries (this system listed certain conditions for which an individual could claim), Australians could seek compensation. But that It’s ending at the top of this month.

From now on, Australians is not going to be in a position to claim compensation regardless of fault for any injury brought on by a vaccine – COVID-19 or some other type of vaccine.

Why pay compensation for vaccine damage?

Fortunately, serious vaccine injuries are rare. Most will not be the result of a flaw in the vaccine’s design, production, or delivery, but are the product of small but inherent risks.

As a result, people who are suffering serious vaccine injuries cannot obtain compensation through legal mechanisms. This is because they can not show that their injuries were brought on by negligence.

Vaccine injury compensation programs provide compensation to individuals who’re seriously injured after receiving properly manufactured vaccines.

COVID Vaccine Application Program

In 2021, in recognition of the rare risk of serious injury following vaccination and to support the rollout of the COVID vaccination program, the Australian Government introduced COVID Vaccine Application Program.

The aim was to supply a straightforward, streamlined process for compensation for individuals who have suffered moderate or severe vaccine injuries, without the necessity for complex legal proceedings. It was limited to TGA-approved COVID vaccines and specific reactions.

The Australian government has he said this system will be closed this month and claims must be submitted before September 30, 2024

Following the closure of this system, there’ll not be a vaccine injury compensation program in Australia.

Australia is lagging behind on the international stage

Australia lags behind 25 other countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, which have comprehensive vaccine injury compensation programs regardless of fault. cover each COVID and non-COVID vaccines.

These schemes are based on the moral principle of “reciprocal justice”. It holds that individuals who act not just for themselves but additionally for the community (for the nice of the “herd”) should be compensated by that very same community if their actions have led to harm.

Vaccine injury compensation programs operate in the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

So what’s happening in Australia now?

In Australia, individuals with non-COVID or COVID vaccine injuries who will not be covered by the present claims system must pay their very own costs for his or her injury or access publicly funded healthcare. They is not going to receive any compensation for his or her injury and suffering.

The Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides financial support to access treatment for individuals with everlasting and significant disabilities. However doesn’t include temporary vaccination-related injuries.

Participants with post-vaccination injuries because of this of participating in a vaccine clinical trial are compensatedThis typically includes income compensation, personal assistance expenses and reimbursement of expenses incurred in reference to the incident, including medical expenses.

In Australia we even have a robust requirement for people to receive routine vaccinations through statutory requirements resembling No Jab No Pay (which requires children to be fully vaccinated in order to receive government advantages) and, in some states, No Jab No Play (which requires children to be fully vaccinated in order to attend day care).

Countries like ours, where vaccinations are mandatory but there aren’t any compensation programs for rare vaccine injuries May be breaking the social contract through lack of protection for the person and the community.

Time to create an Australian system

Australia’s vaccination system is one of essentially the most comprehensive in the world. Our government-funded national vaccination program provides free vaccinations for infants, children and adults against at the very least 15 diseases.

We even have a lifelong vaccination registry and a comprehensive vaccination safety surveillance system.

A nurse prepares a vial of vaccine
Australia’s vaccination program provides vaccines against at the very least 15 different diseases.
Sergei Kolesnikov/Shutterstock

The recent Senate session committee recommended:

The Australian Government is considering the design and principles for compensation under a no-fault compensation scheme for Commonwealth-funded vaccines in response to a future pandemic event.

Vaccines are designed to be very secure and effective. However, the ‘insurance policy’ of an injury compensation scheme, if designed and communicated properly, should construct trust and confidence in healthcare employees and most of the people to support our national vaccination programme. This is especially essential given reductions regarding the use of routine vaccines.

How is that this imagined to work?

A compensation program for vaccine injuries regardless of fault could be financed through a vaccine levy system, just like made in the USAwhere excise duty is imposed on each dose of vaccine.

An effective compensation program for vaccine injuries must be:

  • availablewith low legal and financial barriers
  • transparentwith clear decision-making processes, compensation frameworks and financial responsibilities
  • currentwith short, clear time frames for decision-making
  • fairand other people receive appropriate compensation for the harm they suffer.

Legislation to introduce and allocate funding to support Australia’s Injury Compensation Program for all vaccines is long overdue. Draft National Vaccination Strategy 2025–2030 suggested the likelihood of exploring the feasibility of introducing a no-fault compensation scheme for all Australian Government-funded vaccines, without committing to such a scheme.

Australia’s vaccine protection program, covering all vaccines in the national immunisation programme, not only pandemic vaccines, should be seen as a key part of our public health system and a social responsibility commitment to all Australians.

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Health and Wellness

This Streamer Is Working to Give Latina Women Access to Tech Gaming Careers – Essence




Latinos are underrepresented within the technology industry, making up only 6% of the workforce in large American technology firms.

Just 1.7% women within the tech industry discover as Latina, and in Silicon Valley, Latinas hold lower than 1% of leadership positions.

Angelica Lozano-Romines has been well aware of this for years and has joined Rewriting the code Latinos from RTC—an enrichment network for Latina women in tech—to help level the playing field for underrepresented groups. Despite the obstacles that stood in her way, Angelica Lozano-Romines (Mexican, Choctaw, Choctaw of Mississippi) has carved out a profession and fervour for helping advance more Latina and Indigenous women in tech.

He serves because the organization’s operations and systems strategist and mentor.

“I joined Rewriting the code Latinos from RTC to help women like me get the opportunities they deserve but are rarely given,” Lozano-Romines tells ESSENCE. “I know my path to getting into tech wasn’t linear, so I know others can benefit from having a community of support.”

This spring, she earned a master’s degree in educational leadership from the University of Oklahoma after taking several breaks to give attention to her family.

“This is my third attempt at postgraduate study as I was in my final year of my undergraduate degree when I became pregnant, which forced me to put my academic goals on hold.”

Lozano-Romines said she joined the workforce as a substitute of going back to school immediately after the birth of her first child. She returned to school a number of years later, but soon found herself pregnant together with her second child. She said she was ready to put her academic aspirations on hold again, but COVID hit and altered her perspective.

“As a Latina, I didn’t see women like me in the tech spaces I wanted to be in, so I prioritized finding meaningful work over pursuing my passion. But when I had time to stay home, I focused solely on my education and being a full-time student. It was a complete mindset shift, and I gave myself permission to pursue those goals and build community along the way.”

This not only applied to her profession, but additionally to her hobby. As she describes herself, she began creating content on Twitch in 2018 and discovered that the streaming platform was not only enjoyable but additionally a profitable profession path. She fell in love with the medium a lot that she co-founded Native American Alliance on Twitchwhose goal is to unite, cultivate, and amplify the voices of Indigenous streamers on Twitch. As she says, it’s a way for girls like her to monetize their passion.

Last data shows that beginner streamers can earn anywhere from $50 to $1,500 monthly, mid-level streamers can earn anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000 monthly, and top streamers can earn anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 or more monthly.

“I’m a small content creator, but I’ve done a lot on the platform, helping some creators on their journey because I know where that can lead.”

One of the pillars of her mentoring is letting her mentees know that she isn’t any different from them.

“My story is something I had to hold onto and share because it’s so fraught with trauma,” she says. “It’s not easy to navigate a white male-dominated field as a Latina, but thankfully, through my graduate program and therapy, those experiences have led me to a place where I can use my experiences to empower others.”

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Health and Wellness

Climate change is a pollution problem, and countries have held back from similar threats before – think DDT and acid rain




Climate change could seem insurmountable. But when you take a closer have a look at its causes, you realize that history is stuffed with similar health and environmental threats that humanity has overcome.

The major explanation for climate change is carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels – is just one other pollutant. And countries know tips on how to reduce harmful pollutants. They did so with the pesticide DDT, lead paint, and power plant emissions that caused acid rain, amongst many others.

In each case, growing public outcry eventually led to policy changes, despite industry resistance. Under pressure from laws and regulations, industry ramped up production of safer alternatives.

I’m earth and environmental scientistand my latest book “Reclaiming our planet,” explores the teachings of history in overcoming seemingly insurmountable threats. Here are some examples:

DDT ban despite industry opposition

DDT was the primary truly effective pesticide and considered miraculous. Killing mosquitoes and lice, eliminated malaria and other diseases in lots of countries, and in agriculture it saved tons of crops.

After World War II, DDT was utilized in farms, buildings and gardens throughout the United States. However, it also had its drawbacks. accumulated in mother’s milk to levels that might deliver a toxic dose to infants. Women were It was discouraged breastfed their children within the Sixties due to the risks.

The American bald eagle population was decimated by DDT. After the chemical was banned, the eagles began to get better.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service

In addition, DDT bioaccumulated within the food chain to toxic levels in peak species akin to raptors. This weakened eggshells to the purpose that brood moms crushed their eggs. White-tailed eagles were reduced to 417 breeding pairs throughout North America by 1967 and were placed on the endangered species list.

Biologist Rachel Carson documented the damage DDT caused to her body 1962 book “Silent Spring”“and thus launched the general public environmental movement. Despite disinformation campaigns and attacks from the chemical industry, enormous social pressure on politicians led to congressional hearings, state and federal restrictions and finally the USA ban on the final use of DDT in 1972.

A woman speaks at a table in front of several microphones during a congressional hearing.
Rachel Carson, whose book “Silent Spring” pioneered pesticide research, testifies before a Senate committee in Washington, D.C., June 4, 1963.
AP Photo/Charles Gorry

White-tailed Eagles recovered as much as 320,000 within the United States by 2017, concerning the same because the population before European settlement. The chemical industry, faced with the ban on DDT, quickly developed much safer pesticides.

Gathering evidence on the risks of lead

Application of lead increased dramatically within the twentieth centuryespecially in paints, plumbing and gasoline. It was so common that just about everyone was exposed to metal that, based on research, could also be harmful the kid’s kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system and brain development.

Clair “Pat” Patterson, a geochemist on the California Institute of Technology, has shown that Americans were always exposed to steer at near toxic levels. Human skeletons from the Sixties were found to have as much as 1200 times lead of ancient skeletons. Today health standards say that it is no secure level of lead within the blood.

Older home with peeling paint on exterior walls behind porch. Construction equipment is on a new step that is being built on porch.
Lead-based paint was banned for home use within the U.S. in 1978, but lead paint present in older homes can still chip, posing a health risk to children.
Environmental Protection Agency

Despite threats each personal and skilled, and an industry disinformation campaign, Patterson and his supporters evidence has been collected from years warn the general public and ultimately pressure politicians to ban the usage of lead in lots of applications, including petrol AND residential paints.

After the regulations were introduced, the industry accelerated production of substitutesAs a result, the extent of lead within the blood of kids reduced by 97% over the subsequent few a long time. Although lead exposure is now less common, some individuals are still exposed to dangerous levels present in homes, pipes and soil, often in low-income neighborhoods.

Stopping Acid Rain: An International Concern

Acid rain is primarily attributable to the discharge of sulfur dioxide into the air in the course of the burning of coal, high-sulfur oil, and the smelting and refining of metals. interacts with rain or fogThe acid rain that falls can destroy forests, kill lake ecosystems, dissolve monuments and corrode infrastructure.

The damage attributable to acid rain in Europe and North America within the twentieth century showed the world that air pollution, which is not limited to national borders, can turn out to be a world crisis requiring international solutions.

The problem of acid rain began greater than a hundred years ago, but sulfur dioxide levels grew rapidly after World War IIIn 1952, a thermal inversion occurred in London, which resulted within the concentration of sulfur dioxide and other air pollutants being so high that killed hundreds of individualsAs damage to forests and lakes worsened across Europe, countries signed international agreements In the Nineteen Eighties, actions were taken to scale back sulfur dioxide emissions.

A forest with many trees without the needs of pines.
Trees died as a results of acid rain within the Czech Republic in 1998. Forests in lots of parts of Europe and North America have suffered damage from acid rain.
Photo by Seitz/ullstein via Getty Images

In the US, emissions from Midwestern power plants killed fish and trees within the pristine Adirondacks. The destruction, health problems and quite a few disasters outraged public opinion, to which politicians responded.

Sulfur dioxide listed as one in all six criteria for air pollution in groundbreaking study U.S. Clean Air Act of 1970which required the federal government to set limits on its release. Power plants scrubbers installed to capture pollution and over the subsequent 40 years, the concentration of sulfur dioxide within the U.S. reduced by about 95%.

Parallels with climate change

There are many similarities between these examples and climate change today.

Mountains scientific evidence show how carbon dioxide emissions are created by burning fossil fuels in vehicles, factories and power plants They are warming the planetThe fossil fuel industry has begun to use its political power AND disinformation campaigns a long time ago to block regulations the aim of which was to decelerate climate change.

People all around the world are scuffling with increasing heat and weather disasters attributable to global warming. calling for motion to stop climate change and put money into cleaner energy.

First Earth Dayin 1970, it attracted 20 million people. Recent years have seen a change in attitudes towards climate change and attracted tens of millions people all around the world.

The street was packed with people, many holding signs calling on the Biden administration to take action on climate change.
Public campaigns and mass demonstrations to combat climate change, akin to the one in New York in 2023, help to place social pressure on politicians.
Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images

The challenge was to get politicians to act, but that is is slowly changing in lots of countries.

The United States has begun investing in scaling up several tools to tackle climate changeincluding electric vehicles, wind turbines and solar panels. Federal and state policies akin to requirements for renewable energy production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are also key to pushing industries to change to less harmful alternatives.

Climate change is a global problem that may require worldwide motion. International agreements are also helping more countries take steps forward. One change that countries have been discussing for years could help bolster those efforts: ending billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded fossil fuel subsidies and allocating these funds to healthier solutions could help decelerate climate change.

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