We all know that dogs can have problems in warm weather, but what about when the temperature drops, the wind whistles and it snows?
For people, winter normally means the necessity to overhaul their wardrobe. Woolen sweaters, hats, gloves and the ever-present “big coat” have gotten on a regular basis attire – but what about our pet dogs? Do additionally they need a winter wardrobe?
From raincoats to cozy sweaters, scarves and ankle boots, listed here are five reasons why your dog may have dog clothes this winter.
1. Different breeds, different needs
Yes, dogs have their very own fur, so it is easy to assume that additional protection is not needed to remain warm. Yet there there may be huge variation type, thickness and length of hair in several breeds of dogs.
Dog breeds that come from colder environments, e.g Siberian husky AND Alaskan Malamutethey typically have a thick, double coat, which implies they do well in cold climates and don’t need clothing.
But breeds like xoloitzcuintle they are literally hairless. Others, akin to Italian greyhoundthey’re very finely covered with a skinny skin.
PAUL ATKINSON / Shutterstock
As a result, these dogs can suffer in the event that they get cold and wet, so appropriate waterproof coats or sweaters are a very good solution to keep them dry and comfy outdoors. However, even when secure indoors, these breeds often benefit from the extra warmth provided by appropriate dog clothing.
2. Puppies and seniors
Like all mammals, dogs have effective mechanisms for maintaining a continuing body temperature. The thermoneutral zone (TNZ) is the temperature range inside which dogs can maintain their body temperature without using energy to warm themselves by shivering or cool themselves by panting.
TNZ for dogs ranges from 20°C to 30°C. At the lower or upper end of TNZ, hypothermia (dangerous drop in body temperature) or hyperthermia (overheating). Dogs which are physically mature, otherwise healthy and have thick fur can withstand much lower critical temperatures and should not need clothing. However, puppies, sick or underweight dogs, and older dogs have a reduced ability to regulate their body temperature. This means we may have to take extra measures to maintain them warm and comfy, and clothing can play a key role.
3. Accustomed to the comforts of home
Just like humans, dogs grow to be acclimatize to outdoor temperatures. Dogs that live outdoors or are frequently exposed to extreme weather are higher in a position to deal with temperature fluctuations. If your dog is more used to the comfort of central heating and comfortable, cozy bedding, he could also be less pleased when it’s cold and wet outside – these dogs may show signs of temperature anxiety in the shape of shivering or other behavioral symptoms akin to akin to a hunched posture or reluctance to walk.
In such situations, appropriate dog clothing can provide warmth and luxury and avoid risks hypothermia. If your dog becomes hypothermic, the shivering may stop and your dog may show signs of hysteria, disorientation, lack of consciousness, and pale gums. If this happens, start warming them steadily with towels and blankets. Place them in a warm environment and seek veterinary advice immediately.
4. Frozen ground
Dogs’ paws adapt to many alternative terrains. The paw pads are thick and leathery, providing protection from external surfaces. Their claws also provide additional grip and traction, including on snow and ice. So do they really need ankle boots that protect their feet from the cold?
Most dogs seem quite pleased to walk on cold, frozen ground. Dogs have a countercurrent heat exchange system their lower limbs. The blood flowing into the paw pad transfers the warmth of the blood flowing within the blood vessels up from the paw pad. This implies that your dog’s paws can withstand lower temperatures than other parts of his body and explains why his feet do not get cold.
However, dogs can suffer from frostbiteespecially those that will not be used to extreme temperatures or who’ve sensitive paws. Dogs with damaged paws could also be more liable to possible cold damage. Constant exposure to sharp, abrasive snow, ice – and the salt and sand used to melt ice – can also cause damage and injury to paws. In such cases, the usage of well-fitting, specialized dog boots, akin to those worn by dogs working in hazardous environments, akin to search and rescue dogs, can protect the paws.
5. Clothes can be comfortable
Busy lifestyles often mean we watch the clock. If you are juggling cold and wet dog exercise with your day by day life, wearing waterproof coats or other protective clothing can be useful and time-saving. It can reduce the time it takes to dry and clean your dog after going outside, while also stopping your dog from getting cold, wet and dirty contained in the house. Clothing can help keep your dog dry and warm after a shower or swim – which is best for his joints and muscles, especially our older canine friends.
If you choose to purchase clothes for your dog, it is crucial to first get him used to wearing them gradual training through positive associations with delicacies at home. Many dogs will initially dislike unusual sensations on their body or paws. They may freeze, grow to be stressed, or have difficulty moving, so avoid putting on your clothes and expect to grow to be fully conversant in them on your first outing. It can be necessary to keep in mind that dogs can overheat in the event that they are wearing warm enough clothes or shoes, so that they ought to be monitored closely. However, once your dog is relaxed and pleased wearing appropriate clothing, you could find that it’s a useful accessory to support their health, well-being and happiness in the course of the colder winter months.