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Mom at work: Tabitha Brown wants to talk about bladder leakage



Courtesy of Tabitha Brown

As women turn into more open to discussing issues surrounding their ever-changing bodies, one aspect we is probably not ready to share is our experiences with bladder leakage. For some it starts after giving birth. For others, it might begin when women are going through menopause. No matter where you are coping with bladder leakage, it may be embarrassing. It can be limiting, making you are worried about what you wear, the way you laugh, and even where you go because you would possibly slip. Tabitha Brown was there. But the actress, businesswoman, beloved web personality, and wife and mother want to talk about it.

“If I have a cold, if I cough too much, I know I can make a little rattle,” the star tells me on the phone. She can recognize when a leak may occur, but as an alternative of being afraid, she stays ready so she doesn’t have to prepare.

“I know how to prepare for it. So I just take it all in stride. I’m like, everything’s fine. I’m fine. And I think that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to join this campaign Always discreet because I want other women to know that Tab is going through this too,” she says. “Sometimes people see your success and forget that you are a whole person, a whole woman, going through normal things just like them.”

A fan of the female hygiene brand with which she began cooperation Always to help women feel less embarrassed about having a bladder leak and to inform them about the choices available. And as ESSENCE revealed, Brown, who has successfully encouraged people to buy spices, clothes and residential goods, watch shows for his or her children and even think about eating vegan, knows she is the right person to help women let go of their fears and live healthy life. freer life, rattling the leaks.

ESSENCE: I do know you mentioned that you just first began experiencing bladder leakage after your son was born. How has this affected you through the years? Was it worse?

Tabitha Brown: After my son was born it began after which subsided a bit. But after I got sick in 2016, it got even worse. During this time, my body was attacking itself. I used to be weaker, all the pieces was happening. And then after I went vegan and commenced eating otherwise, that period of my life was significantly better, significantly better. But now I’m going through perimenopause. And it showed up differently, like, oh girl, you thought you were done? No, we’re still here [laughs]. Perimenopause awakens loads in our body, but the best thing is that I know the way to not necessarily control it, but how to live with it. I form of know when to expect it.

If I start laughing too hard and my bladder is not empty, honey, I’ll probably have to run to the toilet. I’ll probably pee myself somewhat, or I’d higher be certain that I even have Always Discreet on. But yeah, there have been times it got higher, then worse, then higher again, after which, oh, now you are perimenopausal, girl, we’ll still be here.

And was there a time if you were aware of this? And if that’s the case, what form of prevented you from wearing or wearing it?

Absolutely. I used to get nervous understanding in public at gyms with other people. I might say, “Lord, I hope that doesn’t happen.” I’m doing squats or something. Another thing is that folks know that I like color. I might just buy black tights. It’s black, you’ll be able to’t even see it if there is a leak. And that’s what limits your life.

Even when wearing something I actually wanted to wear, certain dresses or pants, in solid colours like light pink. I’m like, I do not know. Should I wear this? How long will I sit before I get to the toilet? Something like that. Things like that may be at the back of my mind. Air travel: “Will I be able to get up and use the bathroom? I hope I don’t have a window seat” – this was back when I could not afford top quality and things like that. I would like to find a way to leave, but to this present day I select the aisle seat, even in top quality where I feel like I even have to be on the aisle. I even have to use the toilet often. But that form of held me back. But I thank God for giving me the liberty to now not care what people think, but in addition to know that I even have the flexibility to stay dry when I would like to. So I put my whole life back together, got my life back.

Mom at work: Tabitha Brown wants to talk about bladder leakage

Love it. And how did Always Discreet products help? Girls love lingerie. They adore it for periods, they adore it for bladder leaks. They even have regular pads.

You know what’s funny, my daughter, who’s 23, wears a full temporary. She does it when she has her period. to sleep? This is her jam.

People don’t desire to be disturbed!

Exactly. She said, I don’t desire to leak on the bed or anything. I wear the one that appears like a pad. Love it. You can still wear it along with your clothes. You’ll never see it. Nobody knows you will have it. You know the way it’s if you’re wearing other pads they usually’re bulky within the back, you ask, are you able to see my pad? You haven’t got to worry about it. It’s like, oh, OK. I’m fantastic. So that is my preference. And it has somewhat light scent. No smell. You do not feel anything. If it happens to leak, it’ll at all times be dry. It’s not as thin as a panty liner, but it surely’s not as thick as a sanitary pad. So it is vitally convenient. You don’t really feel it. And the way in which it’s made, it’s nothing prefer it with all of the wings and stuff. It has this nice stretchy lining so it literally suits inside your underwear. So yes, that is my preference.

And now that you just’re back, such as you said, traveling and all, the bladder leak is not stopping you. What are your favorite things you can take part in along with your family with none worries?

Honey, we love cutting. We laugh, dance and do all the pieces together as a family. I mean, you never thought you’d pee on yourself while laughing, but you probably did. But I haven’t got to worry about that anymore. That’s why I enjoy time spent with my family. My daughter exercises me. She is my trainer. My extra daughter exercised for me and I exercised at public gyms. We were also at home doing things I didn’t think I could do without worry. Colorful for the gym! I had a cute romper, almost like a pickleball dress, but with little shorts sewn into it. It is brilliant, like green, like turquoise. I wore it and had no worries at the gym. I assumed: look how I live here. Love it. Just enjoy life without considering about how close the toilet is? Thinking about all of the things I might normally have to think about since you’re frightened about messing up your clothes or having a bladder leak. This is what I would like women to achieve – this understanding. You haven’t got to hold back. You haven’t got to say no to something you really need to do since you’re afraid of a bladder leak. You have the chance to return to doing the things that bring you joy in life.

Love it. And how do you cope with all this? I do know you will have an adult daughter, but you continue to have a son who’s a youngster, and also you’re closing these deals, creating all this stuff. You cope with food, you create programs for youngsters and also you do all of it. How?

The good old schedule. Praise the Lord. And the great old band [laughs]. I’m very grateful to my team who be certain that I even have an incredible schedule. And I at all times tell those that if it isn’t on my calendar, it doesn’t exist. But I at all times put myself and my family first and all the pieces else is a bonus. I’ll achieve success. I even have to have these firms. I would like to create these partnerships. But I’m blessed to have a family. This is my foundation and I would like to be certain that I’m as healthy as possible. So I be certain that I start the day with myself and end it with myself.

And if you’re going through perimenopause, how do you maintain yourself – not that it’s, oh, what is the point, but how do you are feeling in your body at that moment? As you mentioned, you had a period where you were sick, you went vegan and that modified all the pieces. When you soon move on to the following chapter, you’ll probably be the healthiest you will have ever been. How do you are feeling in your body, a vessel that you will have actually adapted to be in one of the best place at this moment?

The thing about perimenopause is that you will have some great days after which there are days where you’re thinking that, Lord Jesus, what is going on on? I’ve done all the pieces. Why am I not feeling well today? Why do my joints hurt? Why do I even have my period for 2 or three weeks? Sometimes that is what your body goes through. But what gives me peace is knowing that I’m alive to get through this, knowing that my body is changing and it’s a natural thing. And that is why I still feel good. I still feel good about it. I assumed, OK, Lord, you designed me to get through this and all the pieces shall be fantastic, even with the occasional bladder leak here and there. So after I wrote about it and commenced searching through all of the comments, I assumed, “Lord, so many women feel the same.” I’m glad we began this conversation to let women know that, what? Not on daily basis shall be your best day, but what? Everything shall be fantastic, and together all the pieces shall be fantastic. And also to know that Always began to respond to some women once they began talking about what they might do in the event that they didn’t feel held back. They surprise them with various things. That’s why I feel it’s a lovely place to be in my 45-year-old body, which is perimenopausal, but at the identical time be a totally free woman, not caring about what the world has said about me, what birthmarks say about a girl. I’ll talk about it and help everyone feel good. This is my prayer and hope.

And finally, you only mentioned that it was vital for you to talk about this with all of your fans and followers and stuff like that. You may not find other big names who’ve decided to turn into the face of Always Discreet and who can talk to women about this disease. I’m not saying they do not do it because they’re ashamed, but many atypical women, as you could have noticed in your comments, could also be embarrassed in a roundabout way. So not caring about what people think is one thing. But why was it vital for people to hear about it?

I feel people trust me, right? I built my brand on honesty and authenticity and sharing my life, including perimenopause. So I assumed, OK, that is the right opportunity to show one other a part of my humanity and who I’m as a girl and help people realize, “Oh, wait a minute.” If Tab goes through this and is not afraid to talk about it, we are able to talk about it too. It’s okay. I also think God has blessed me with the gift of helping other people feel comfortable with what they’re going through. I actually feel like that is one in all my gifts. I can talk about embarrassing things and difficult topics and help other women feel seen, not feel ashamed and feel good. They’ll be fantastic. So I assumed: why not me?

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Health and Wellness

Today is World Menopause Day and, ladies, we have something to talk about




menopause, perimenopause, World Menopause Day, The Change, women and hormones, women

If you were born biologically female and are between the ages of Generation X and Baby Boomers, there is a very good probability that you just are approaching, experiencing, or already past “The Shift,” also often called menopause. If it’s the previous, you are not alone; this yr, multiple million American women will enter menopause. If it is the latter, congratulations – I can not wait to join you on the opposite side.

For a long time (and possibly centuries), discussions about menopause have largely been within the realm of jokes – with tropes about hot flashes, anger, and dry undercarriage. (Who can forget Clair Huxtable half-jokingly sticks her head within the freezer?) However, each physically and mentally, the fact of perimenopause and the later stages of menopause is far more confusing than we realize, mainly because, like femininity itself, it is unique to each woman.

That’s why we need to talk openly about menopause – and what higher time than World Menopause Day?

“After many years of neglect, we have finally seen popular media give long-standing, unprecedented attention to menopause, encouraging women to seek help for menopausal symptoms,” it states 2024 white paper published by the International Menopause Society. However, a lot of us have no idea what treatments can be found, helpful, secure and appropriate for us individually.

I’m 49 years old and each a newlywed and (bless my husband’s heart) perimenopausal conundrum. I feel cold after which hot at any moment. I’m stuffed with feelings and attractions, but I have problems with libido. All the “thickness” that after gave me the healthy shape of a coke bottle now wants to migrate inward (we fight it). My long, thick hair is now unquenchable and is falling out in a way that worries me and my hairdresser. I’m continually losing something – most frequently my phone – and I’m often forced to remember why I wandered from one room to the following. My sleep is as irregular as my menstrual cycle. After years of refraining from an unplanned pregnancy, I’m now conscious about my dwindling egg reserves, and yet, as I’m at an age where “oops” can occur when those already older eggs escape from my ovaries, I’m also on HRT as well as to HRT. contraception, because nobody has time for it when planning a honeymoon and a fiftieth birthday.

“Being in your 40s is crazy. Some friends are grandparents, and a few have newborns,” we read popular meme circulating on the Internet. This is just the tip of the reproductive iceberg at this stage of life.

In short, these are crazy and unpredictable times. Because October 18 is annually recognized as World Menopause Day (this yr’s theme is menopause-related hormone therapy), it’s price asking: why are so a lot of us still clueless about these inevitable changes to our bodies and minds? (Spoiler alert: Women’s health has rarely, if ever, been a universal priority beyond reproductive debates.) So I reached out on social media, asking women in my circle to share their experiences with perimenopause and menopause, each expected and unexpected. Within an hour, dozens of replies were received.

“Every day is different,” a friend commented. “Understanding new metabolism is a challenge. It’s a challenge for my body to reject things that I could normally do before. Grace and patience are most important,” she added.

“I’m 48 and I wait every day for it to end lol,” said one other. “(There are) changes I wasn’t aware of: hair texture, weight gain, muscle aches and insomnia.”

“I feel lost, dazed and confused. Where are my keys, glasses, purse? “Oh, in my hand,” a friend joked. “I wish someone had told me how much my body rebelled against my memory of it.”

“Real talk: I didn’t expect my power to wane,” a author friend shared as we bemoaned our elusive libido. Others said their numbers had unexpectedly increased.

“For me, the most significant change was in mentality. My tolerance and patience for bulls is close to zero,” chimed in one other. “My biggest challenge is sleep. I can’t get a full 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep no matter what I try.”

A school friend simply said, “I want to get off this roller coaster of misery.”

Can we only expect misfortune after menopause? Well, the excellent news is that it doesn’t, but the reality is that almost all of us enter this phase of life completely unprepared for the countless and varied ways it might probably hit us and the way long it might probably last. Perimenopause often appears in women of their mid to late 40s and lasts about seven years, even though it may last twice as long before the required yr, with no period marking the transition to menopause. And you do not have to be middle-aged to begin with; any variety of aspects, including uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), cancer treatment, or simply plain old biology, could cause perimenopause to begin in a lady in her 30s.

While symptoms could be anywhere, for a lot of the most important obstacles come when trying to find the appropriate diagnosis and get relief – which is why we as women must paved the way in keeping these conversations on the forefront. No one will take our health and well-being as seriously as we do – or provide us with the language we need to advocate for what we need, whether or not it’s an over-the-counter complement, cooling sheets, more advanced interventions like similar to hormone alternative therapy (HRT) or all the above.

“I would honestly recommend talking to more people going through this so we can create a community instead of trying to solve the problems alone,” my friend said. “Everyone’s body is different. But the support was amazing.”

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If you’re in or close to “The Shift,” the primary and neatest thing you may do is arm yourself with the knowledge obligatory to navigate it. Apart from news podcasts ia a growing variety of books on the topicOn October 17, PBS debuted “Factor M: the destruction of silence during menopause” to help demystify the dialogue around this naturally occurring life event. Most importantly, don’t underestimate the power of community; family, friends and even transient acquaintances can be invaluable in providing advice, empathy, recommendations and referrals, especially when qualified specialist may turn out to be useful. And remember: while you most likely have no control over when or how menopause hits, it isn’t the top of the world; only a period (eventually).

“Embrace this powerful change. “Menopause is a time of empowerment,” my cousin advised as we shared our condolences. “Find a wonderful OB/GYN who takes you seriously and believes you. We should be our own best advocates; don’t leave all of it to the doctors,” she added, joking, “(and) gain fans in EVERY room in your home, or simply be comfortable that you just seem like James Brown during a lot of his appearances.”

Happy World Menopause Day! We will survive!

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Health and Wellness

Serena Williams shared that she had a cyst “the size of a small grapefruit” removed from her neck.





Serena Williams, 43, revealed to her family on TikTok that she had a branchial cyst (fluid-filled sacs that appear on the side of the neck) the size of a small grapefruit removed from her neck.

The Olympic champion discovered a lump in her neck in May and went straight to the doctor, who ordered an MRI to remove the lump.


In May, I felt a lump on my neck. I immediately went to the doctor, had an MRI and was told I had a cyst in my arm. Have you ever heard of it? They said I didn’t must remove it if I didn’t wish to. So I didn’t get it, nevertheless it kept growing. I made a decision to get more tests done, 3 tests and one biopsy later, all the things was still negative, however the doctors advised me to have it removed ASAP because it was the size of a small grapefruit and will change into infected or worse, leak. So that’s me removing it. I feel extremely grateful and lucky that all the things worked out and, above all, I’m healthy. I still made it to American Doll with Olympia as promised. And yes, all the things is nice. 🙏🏿🙏🏿 #fyp #toyoursite #serenawilliams #mother

♬ original sound – Serenawilliams

“They said I didn’t have to remove it if I didn’t want to. So I didn’t understand it, but it was growing,” she continued. “I decided to take further tests[s]and 3 attempts[s] and one biopsy later; everything is still negative but the doctors advised me to have it removed as soon as possible as it was the size of a small grapefruit and could cause infection or worse leakage.”

Williams expressed gratitude for the end result, stating that she was “so lucky that everything worked out, and most of all I’m healthy”, before stating that “everything is fine”.

In the TikTok video, the mother of two also shared insights about her hospital experience with fans.

In the voiceover, the investor and entrepreneur said, “Hey, there’s been a lot occurring. I recently had surgery during which I had to take some terrible medicine that I hated a lot.

She continued: “I went all out, but they had to put in a sewage system because there was too much of it. But everything worked out. I feel really lucky to have had the opportunity to work with some great doctors. I’m a little scared here, but I’m excited to move on to the next steps of recovery.”

Ultimately, the tennis player described the surgery as “successful” and the medications she was prescribed were working.

After the procedure, Williams and her family enjoyed some much-needed fun on the American Doll store. The 23-time Grand Slam singles champion and four-time Olympic gold medalist has two children, 13-month-old Adira and 7-year-old Olympia, with her husband Alexis Ohanian.

We are glad that he looks good after surgery!

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Health and Wellness

Angel Reese at Diotima is our favorite moment of the week – Essence




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This week, the return of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was on everyone’s mind. One appearance at the event stands out in my mind: WNBA star Angel Reese arrives in a Diotima dress designed by Rachel Scott. The shade of red was an interesting color accent against the pink carpet and background during the renovated presentation.

Reese had an important debut season with the Chicago Sky this yr. What higher approach to have a good time than by attending one of the most star-studded events of the yr? She wore a spring/summer 2025 beaded red dress for the show (remember, this collection was just unveiled during New York Fashion Week last month). The decorative beading and tassels at the bottom of the dress are lovely details value mentioning. What made this look work for Reese was the simplicity that got here with Diotima’s work. A pair of black open-toe heeled sandals, several gold rings, stud earrings, an identical necklace and her hair styled in a half-up bun were also great accessories.

Angel Reese at Diotima is our favorite moment of the week
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK – OCTOBER 15: Angel Reese attends the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2024 at Duggal Greenhouse on October 15, 2024 in Brooklyn, New York. (Photo: Theo Wargo/Getty Images)

It was smart to wear a Diotima dress for this moment. Especially considering that Rachel Scott’s creations are modern-day keepsakes for fashion lovers. We sit up for seeing the future style moments which are on the horizon for Reese. For now, we’ll just enjoy this gorgeous look.

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