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Pastor Keion Henderson accuses Jesus of racism to explain why Haiti is so poor



Pastor Keion Henderson,

Pastor Keion D. Henderson

Henderson talks in regards to the devil. Satan. Lucifer. Beelzebub. Prince of Darkness. Lord of the Flies. Mephistopheles. God’s adversary and Jesus’ nemesis (try saying it thrice).

I all the time wondered where the devil lived.


I do know that before he attended Duke University, he sang tenor within the God Mass Choir artistic program. According to reports, he is a Confederate sympathizer George Danielsbriefly the Devil he went to Georgia to participate in a Verzuz match. But since he lost his golden violin, he left. Admittedly, Satan has probably heard this famous Negro spiritual “No more fun in GA” by renowned theologian Pastor Troy.

Henderson is the founder, CEO and senior pastor Lighthouse Church and Ministriesa sprawling megachurch in Houston, Texas. Henderson is married to Shaunie Henderson, the ex-wife of Shaquille O’Neal. But Keion is not outshone by his wife, a reality star and business mogul, or her husband. Keion is also an incredible player who signed a contract with one of probably the most profitable corporations on the earth:

White Jesus.

Henderson often works as a spokesman for Christ’s Caucasian celebrities. He gained popularity thanks to his short story Holy Spirit to STFU and most recently served as a company fundraiser for construction company God, asking each parishioner for $2,100 to cover construction costs after Jesus’ daddy renovated the megachurch in Henderson during a hurricane. To be fair, in a 2023 sermon titled “All about the Benjamins” – the prophet of prosperity explained why giving to him is more necessary than giving to those in need. “There is no other blessing in blessing the poor than the recovery of what you have given them, but there is no multiplication,” Henderson preached. “When you give to the poor, all you are doing is helping them, but you are not helping yourself… Love does not bring wealth; Only the tithe does this.” But that is what poor Jesus told him to say.


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Henderson’s contract with our Father who lives in heaven for the poor expressly doesn’t include a non-compete clause. He is also willing to repeat some of Lucifer’s best lines and the oldest anti-black arguments. In a recently released clip from his 2022 sermon, Henderson definitely gives the Devil his due. Although Professor Grift doesn’t explicitly name “spirit,” any good Christian understands why they need to wear Satan-proof suits – because there is just one enemy who can face Jesus in a Ju-Jitsu match.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil,” we read in a Christian scripture worker handbook. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

According to the Chief Communications Officer of the Supreme Apparently, this “spirit” outsmarted the all-powerful, all-knowing God and condemned one particular country to three centuries of poverty.

First, each time someone begins a press release with, “With all due respect,” you’ll be able to be certain they’re about to utter some disrespectful nonsense. I’m sure it’s within the Bible. (It’s in the identical chapter Keion Henderson found: “Fuck the needy. We have to get this paper.” Probably Scams.)


Secondly, with all due respect, Keion Henderson has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. I’ve discussed this 1,000,000 times articles, social media posts ia literal book. However, to bring awareness to the enlightened followers of this particular prosperity scammer, here is a fast fact sheet of all the knowledge that the Disinformation Minister got fallacious.

  1. No: “African slaves This is what enslaved Africans and brought them to the island of Hispaniola 1505 (He was only 200 years late).
  2. Africans didn’t bring voodoo from Africa: Although Vodou, or “voodoo”, has its roots in Africa, it is actually an adaptation of Christianity and West African spirituality and rituals that date back to 6000 years. In fact, most Vodou practitioners do
  3. This is not unique to Haiti: Louisianans practice voodoo. Among the Geechie Gullah of South Carolina, Hoodoo is a mixed African-Christian-African religion. Cubans practice Santeria. Dominicans practice Vudú.
  4. This is not why Haiti is poor: While the unread reverend would have you think that the Dominican Republic has an anointing-based economy, the Dominican Republic (94.9%) as likely as Haitians (94.3%). And each countries are like that
  5. But the devil: There are too many variations to define voodoo more broadly, but generally speaking, although malevolent entities exist, the practice does probably not have a direct equivalent to Satan.
  6. There is an excellent reason for Henderson’s ignorance: The answer is white supremacy.

The Haitian Revolution actually began with Water ceremony and ended with the defeat of Napoleon’s army, British navy and Spanish Armada by Black Haitians in the most important and simplest slave revolt within the history of the planet. This event shocked the Western world, including a brand recent country within the north whose entire economy was based on a race-based, constitutionally imposed system of extracting labor and mental property through violence or the threat of violence (probably just called “slavery”).

To prevent freed Haitians from mounting an identical rebel, the leader of this newborn slave society (you almost certainly just call him Thomas Jefferson) doubled the dimensions of his country (you almost certainly call it the Louisiana Purchase). France sold the Louisiana Territory, got out of the slave business entirely, and turned to the United States (together with other white-owned countries) for assist in collecting the equivalent $21 billion in reparations. Almost for over 125 years 80% of the Haitian government the revenues were used to service the debt. Western powers not only forced Haiti to pay this amount “independence ransom” until France canceled the debt in 2015, but the debt collector was an American company (you probably call it CitiBank).

That’s why Haiti is poor.

The United States and Western Europe haven’t been accomplished. In one of the best propaganda campaigns in history, he blamed the Western world the country’s poverty on black religion practiced by 2.1% population. In fact, many rituals commonly related to this religion, including: voodoo dolls, human sacrifice AND satanic cultare actually European practices. Henderson could be shocked to learn that 200 years later income inequality is more closely linked to religion.


But to illustrate that each one white supremacist propaganda is correct. Even if there was a Christian God who would sacrifice his child so that everybody could eat the flesh and drink the blood of a resurrected zombie messiah, why would God hate freedom? If he was so keen on punishing those that offended Christian sensibilities, why aren’t white people poor? There is just one logical reason why an omnipotent, omniscient being would give white people a pass:

Apparently Jesus is a white supremacist.

This is the one logical explanation. It’s possible that “Cash” Keion believes that freedom-seeking Black people deserve more anger than the people and governments which have inflicted 200 years of economic and political vengeance on innocent people. Perhaps the Holy Spirit impostor doesn’t know that the Haitian Revolution began with Dutty Bookman praying to “the god who created the earth; who created the sun, which gives us light… who sustains the ocean; who makes the thunder roar.” But if poverty is the ultimate punishment, then Lighthouse Ministries is simply a sanctuary for human traffickers, thieves, extortionists, liars and white supremacists. Keion Henderson may not want his members toreject the image of the white man’s god who desires our tears” or “listen to the voice of freedom that speaks to all our hearts,” but look on the intense side:

At least we all know where the devil lives.


Michael Harriot is an economist, cultural critic and master level Spades player. His New York Times bestseller is available wherever books are sold.

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Tunde Oyeneyin Peloton about what to do when you don’t feel like moving




“I wanted to run this morning, but I didn’t do it because my body said you didn’t need it,” explained a 39-year-old fitness star, adding that she did some mobility as a substitute on her foam roller.

“I worked. I felt my heart rate was growing. I felt a little sweat, but I poured love for my body, not burden my body just because the plan said that I should run this morning – she continued. “Listening to your body sometimes means deviating from the plan and you provide you with a brand new plan.”

Listening to your body just isn’t just about how you feel physically. Among the social, political and economic climate, finding motivation to move the body might be difficult.


“I am the same as a person,” said Oyeneyin. “When I feel hard outside, I feel it in myself, in my heart, in my body. Sometimes the heaviness of the world shows in my body. “

When the world becomes overwhelming, the teacher said that he gives himself a grace.

“I do know that sometimes when the world feels heavy and feels dark, movement just isn’t what I need to do and permit myself. I devote just a few days I would like, after which I’m within the space where I can finally see and keep in mind that movement can be what leads me through a storm. Movement can be what gives me grace to see the sunshine on the opposite side – she noted.

Oyeneyin, who has been in Peloton for six years, is a strength on the earth of fitness. Powerhouse instructor and creator have experience as a star makeup, and once fought for doubt before she got here up with the movement. Her book “Speak: Find your voice, trust the intestines and go from the place where you are, where you want to be” Chronicle of her journey to confidence.


“When I move, whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour, I feel something in my body that I have never done before. There is lightness. The weight is metaphorically raised – she said.

On days when she is attached to the time or little motivation, she noticed that she would force herself to move for 10 minutes and suggests that others would try.

“99,99999% of time, I exceed 10 minutes” – added the creator. “The mind and body began to connect.”

Apart from that, Peloton applicationShe said, she is filled with motivation to move.


“I don’t think there is something in the application that you will not take motivation,” said Oyeneyin, adding: “Are you a skier and you want to build strength, we have it in the application. If you are a golfer and want to strengthen the golf game, we have it in the application. If the world feels heavy and you need to reset and you need 10 or 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation, we have it in the application. “

For her, she said that mediation is coming running.

“Running is a spot where I find peace and consolation on the earth. There I can concentrate on my breath and training – she explained.

She continued: “And for many people whom I am lucky to follow me on the platform, they find their relief on a bike. So everyone is something for themselves, no matter who you are. “


Movement and exercise can cost a small cost for some: their glam. Some allow the fear of sweating hair to stop them from harder during training.

“Although I don’t want to sweat, I also want my carved arms,” ​​said Oyeneyin.

“I’m in front of the camera. I work in front of a life camera. So I understand – continued the athlete Nike. “I try, I might like to look cute, but at the tip of the day, if you force me to select one between the opposite, I need to be strong. I can sweat and be sexy. “

Have you already abandoned your fitness goals in the new year? Peloton's instructor Adrian Williams has some tips

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Brigette Romanek debuts the “glamous” collection in Crate & Barrel




The well-known interior designer Brigette Romanek introduces her first collection with Crate & Barrel-54-part line that mixes glamor and ease, bringing a classy, but relaxed touch of a beloved house seller.

After presenting your knowledge about interior design with stars clients, similar to Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Kelly Rowland, Crate & Barrel, Romanek tapped to create a collection that embodies her characteristic funny aesthetics inspired by California.

“We are all so busy in our daily lives that thanks to my approach to design, I want people to stop and breathe when entering any room,” Romanek he said . “Working, Crate & Barrel and I both shared a true passion to encourage beautiful moments through the design, and everything, from furniture to decorations in this collection, are aimed at supporting this calming lifestyle.”


Celebrated for easily combining aesthetics with functionality, the CRATE & Barrel Romanek collection is rooted in a timeless design with visually nice surprises and thoroughly created to make sure peace and flexibility in any space. Her knowledge about mixing various materials shines in wealthy layers of travertine, historic brass and bleached forests.

“The process of cooperation with Brigette was so inspiring and we had the honor to bring her a unique vision, bold creativity and artistically selected style for our clients,” said Sebastian Brauer, senior vp of CRATE & Barrel. “This collection seems effective and relaxed, combining modern, clean lines with natural and luxurious materials.”

Chest and barrel expressed His emotions during the announcement of the collection on Instagram on February 20.

“Confession: We have been keeping it secret for a year, and today! 🎉 @brigetteromaniac X @Crateandbarrel The collection is here! “The seller signed his position.


“This is not your average cooperation. Think brave and vibey – just like the amazing designer star herself. We love how it is about abandoning the rules of designing and creating a house that seems to be super personal: “Returning home should feel like a breath. Like entering your individual sanctuary. “

From plush chocolate velvet sofas at a price from 2499 to USD 2,899 to Oak Wood Credenzas (1999 USD) and chest of drawers (2,699 USD), Brigette Romanek for the CRATE & Barrel collection adds luxury to each space. Store Collection in Crate & Barrel, while the supplies are last.

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“Rhop” stars react to the judgment of Karen Huger, because the series announces that it plans to continue without a star




“The Real Housewives of Potomac” will last without “Great Dame”, Karen Huger. After Huger was sentenced to a yr in prison for the fourth conviction of Dui, the sources reported People magazine That Bravo plans to go forward with the production of the tenth season of the series in the absence of the star. Bravo didn’t confirm or deny the reports.

“This is very terrifying, but I accept full responsibility for everything that happened with my car accident,” apparently Huger said after the sentences. “No, I’m not an alcoholic, let’s be clear.”


Just as fans reacted to social media messages, some of the solid members publicly spoke publicly about their reactions at the end of Huger’s legal saga.

“My jaw has fallen,” said Wendy Osefo People magazine. “I couldn’t believe it. At the end of the day we can have our differences, but I always wish it well and I just keep her in prayer, 100%. “

Similarly, Ashley Darby recalls crying “like a child” when she discovered before her Exposing yourself at the Tamron Hall show.

“I really encourage everyone to keep Karen in your prayers,” said Hall. “I really care.”


For Gizelle Bryant, who began her profession Real Housewives in Huger in 2016, the legal “Grand Dame” fights caused a lot of emotions. After breaking away from the video from Huger during the Rhop congress, Bryant shared her response to the most legal verdict of the star during her “Gizelle 21 questions live” on Wednesday.

“It happened today. I do not have her wig. I’m nervous – she joked US weekly. “I’m shocked … I’m seriously nervous about her safety. Karen shouldn’t be cut into prison, she added. “I pray that she is fine and that the Lord is with her.”

Although Bravo has not confirmed or denied whether or not they would filmate Rhop without Huger, each Omefo and Bryant seem open to the possibility of continuing her absence.

“In this group we found a way to move with her presence and without her presence,” said Osefo. “Looking at the congress, I think that we maneuver in a positive way as an individual as an individual. I wish her all the best, but I think that the Potomac brand is still strong. “

Karen Huger skipped Rhop season 9 rehabilitation exit

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