A typical British countryside walk may conjure up images of vast green fields, moorland-covered moors and, in fact, countless bollards providing access to the network of rights-of-way. However, although the bollards connect public trails and paths, they constitute a physical barrier to green spaces accessible to all.
Over the past twenty years, national parks across England have been removing bollards as a part of a program of measures to create easier-to-navigate walking routes. Research by us and others shows that opening up natural spaces in this manner can bring particular advantages to young and disabled people. If such programs were adopted more broadly, the advantages could possibly be spread even further.
Disabled people make extensive use of natural and rural green areas, including national parks less often than able-bodied people. Physical barriers created by bollards and other features of the landscape aren’t the only problem. Rural green spaces can simply seem daunting to some people, often requiring skillful navigation, specialist equipment and self-confidence.
These things can also act as barriers young peoplewhich apparently spends less time outdoors now than ever before. Many children and young people in the UK, especially those with so-called special educational needs or disabilitieswouldn’t have regular access to natural, wilder green spaces for play and recreation, despite extensive advantages can offer it.
As a result, it is commonly the responsibility of faculties to introduce young people to these spaces through outdoor education and adventure. This can be useful, but the short-term nature of those programs leads to short-termism profitsreminiscent of improved social skills.
That said, our latest independent assessment reports of the YMCA in Nottinghamshire access to the nature program with marginalized and vulnerable young people shows that it can increase self-confidence, increase reference to nature and improve environmental awareness. It can also improve physical, social and mental health.
Although outdoor education and adventure programs offer insight into available opportunities reminiscent of climbing and kayaking, participating in these activities frequently is difficult for many families.
More regular access Green spaces for young people can provide long-term advantages by enabling more creative play, the opportunity to experience risk and direct, hands-on interaction with nature.
Removing barriers
Improving accessibility could possibly be one step towards young people spending more time outdoors in natural landscapes reminiscent of those present in the UK’s 15 national parks. Initiated by the Lake District National Park almost twenty years ago, the Miles Without Stiles initiative improves access to many public footpaths and trails.
Currently adopted by National Parks Englandthis scheme includes the removal of stringers, the resurfacing of paths and a transparent system for rating routes depending on their slope and surface condition. Improving accessibility also includes more consistent signage and road markings, decent transport links and parking provision, in addition to the availability of toilets, cafes and other facilities.
The Lake District National Park now boasts 51 Miles Without Stiles tours, the Peak District National Park is 20 years old South Downs National Park is seven.
The Miles Without Stiles program is supported by charities reminiscent of Disabled hikers who advocate for more accessible rural areas. According to a 2019 report from the Lake District National Park Authority, 21% of individuals visiting the Lake District National Park select routes due to their accessibility.
Many of those routes offer a gentler introduction to wild spaces, which can make young people feel more confident in easily accessing these places, independently or with relations. Apart from a pair of sturdy shoes, a wheelchair or stroller, no specialist equipment is required, and more people can travel at their very own pace.
Connecting with nature
When we interviewed a gaggle of highschool teachers as a part of our 2020 research, this was clear inclusive Teaching physical education involves differentiating lessons for individuals with mixed abilities and offering activities that can be modified accordingly. This also applies to access to nature and is especially vital for young individuals with special educational needs and disabilities who experience a variety of challenges barriers to regular physical activity.
In the case of Miles Without Stiles, well-surfaced and clearly marked trails are clearly classified as suitable for all, many or some, depending on their gradient.
We imagine that schools, sports institutions and other physical activity providers could learn loads from Miles Without Stiles about accessibility. Given the significant advantages of physical activity and spending time outdoors, expanding the Miles Without Stiles program nationwide would supply more accessible options to more people.
Promoting Miles Without Stiles to local authorities and schools could raise awareness of the initiative and encourage young people and their families to spend more time outdoors. Outside rural areas, local authorities could even use the Miles Without Stiles model to increase the availability of urban green spaces, promoting more energetic lifestyles for all.