Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to attend his first meeting state visit to the White House June 22, 2023 shall be the historic moment when this shall be possible potentially impact relationships between India and the United States for years.
Modi, 72, was first elected prime minister in 2014 after which in 2014 re-elected in 2019. Since then, Modi has gained a global status as adamant Hindu nationalist AND strongman who leads with tight control.
We are political scientists Who they wrote extensively on US foreign policy and US-India relations, in addition to democracy.
Over the past few years, especially since Modi’s re-election in 2019, some scholars and analysts have written about collapse of democracy in India. This is partly because latest recipes and government pressure to censor news media and critical freedom of speech from Modi.
The United States doesn’t routinely issue state visit invitations to world leaders. Modi too was scheduled to handle Congressone other honor rarely bestowed upon a visiting foreign dignitary.
However, our view is that the US is courting India because it needs the country as a strategic bulwark against it China’s expansionary policy in Asia.
Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images
Understanding Modi
Modi grew up in western India state of Gujarat, in quite humble circumstances. He had an extended profession in local and state politics and gained a status as tough but capablepolitician.
An extended-time member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a militant Hindu political organization, Modi has been characterised by each Indian political observers and foreign analysts for his strong position Hindu nationalist views.
Hinduism is hottest religion in India,but people there also practice Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism.
Hindu nationalism has been on the rise in recent years, fueled by the belief amongst some that India is and ought to be a predominantly Hindu nation and that its policy should reflect this.
Sometimes this rise of Hindu nationalism took a violent turn.
When Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat in February 2002, Hindu fanatics rioted which killed over 1,000 people – most of whom were Muslims. Modi has denied any role in the incident, apart from the police they said violence was done with the tacit consent of the state government, including Modi.
The United States subsequently denied that Modi a tourist visa in 2005
But Modi is extremely popular prime minister, with 78% approval in February 2023.
Himanshu Bhatt/NurPhoto via Getty Images
US-India ties
Ties between the US and India has increased under Modi leadership, especially on issues cooperation in the field of security and defense.
India, for instance, has purchased a big amount of sophisticated equipment weapons from the USA over the previous couple of years. She also signed three vital agreements defense agreements from the USA during the same period.
Defense analysts say these deals will improve significantly military cooperation of each countries.
India has also change into, albeit somewhat irregularly, a more lively participant in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, which is a loose initiative spanning 4 countries this also applies to the United States, Japan and Australia. The group meets routinely to debate security and trade issues and sometimes conducts military exercises together.
These countries also share concerns about China growing power in Asia. While India and China have established business relationsvarious security issues – especially related to disputed border of the Himalayas between countries – they maintain fierce diplomatic relations between them for nearly a decade.
A significant point of contention between the US and India is India’s lukewarm response to Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
India is reluctant to publicly criticize Russia, partly due to its heavy dependence on Russia Moscow for weapons technology.. Modi stays in constant contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin but has not condemned the invasion, only going to date as to say it is now “This is just not an era of war“
Sahiba Chawdhary/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Questions related to your visit
The Biden administration’s decision to ask Modi for a state visit is clearly intended to send a signal to New Delhi about the importance it places on the emerging US-India partnership and India’s potential role in containing China’s growing strategic reach in Asia.
Modi will run for re-election in 2024. So, especially if the visit brings tangible advantages to India, the meeting could result in some electoral advantages in the country.
Biden and Modi are prone to discuss tips on how to proceed strengthening relations between the two countries and tips on how to reply to China’s influence, in addition to the thorny issue of India position on the Ukrainian crisis.
The US goals sell armed drones to Indiaand Biden will probably offer India as well GE jet engine production technology. This would significantly increase India’s defense capabilities and also reduce its dependence on Russian military technology.
Questions about A weakening democracy in Indianonetheless, like violence against minorities, they will worsen relations.
Hindu extremist groups they attack and harass increasingly often minorities, especially Muslimsfor the previous couple of years.
The Modi administration has also gained international attention for its market restrictions freedom of the presstry muzzle non-profit groups and efforts weaken the political opposition.
Because the issues of democracy and war in Ukraine are so tense, we consider these issues could thwart further political agreements and closer ties between the U.S. and India. How Biden and Modi address these various topics during their visit could help determine the course of U.S.-India relations.