Screenshot: Brynjar A, Sindri H Game tags on Steam are used indiscriminately, to the point of being pretty useless. “Point and click” has been reduced to...
Screenshot: : Nintendo, Nintendo/Kotaku, Photo: : ozgurdonmaz (Getty Images), TonyBaggetta (Getty Images), Picture: : Nintendo, Sony/Kotaku, Square Enix, Nintendo, Ubisoft, Marvel/Capcom/Xbox/Kotaku Nintendo’s big June Direct made...
It’s hard to consider that the most famous franchise in the history of fighting games has never had a guest before. Kratos was present. Yoda was...
Screenshot: : Blizzard Entertainment / Kotaku, Kotaku/Square Enix, Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku, Square Enix/Kotaku, Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku, Picture: :...