The widespread acclaim of “Wicked” means the film could have its second installment in theaters for a second week, with tickets sold on the domestic box...
No one in Congress fought harder to maintain Shirley Chisholm’s legacy than U.S. Republican Barbara Lee. The 78-year-old California lawmaker considered the late Chisholm a mentor...
March is Multiple sclerosis awareness month and more and more Black women are being diagnosed. Neurologist Dr. Mitzi Joi …
Pastor Mike Todd of Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK is getting real in his recent book “Damaged But Not Destroyed: From …
NEW YORK (AP) – More shoppers than ever are on the right track to make the most of this service “buy now, pay later” plans. in...
A legal battle between Wendy Williams’ representatives and A+E Networks, the owner of the Lifetime television network, has revealed disturbing news concerning the 60-year-old television and...