Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) launched a brand new video series featuring five Black Republican congressional legislators who discuss this experience intimately. “America’s Starting Five” premiered on...
Wanderstay, America’s first Black-owned hostel brand, is celebrating the one-year anniversary of its boutique hotel. Founder Deidre Mathis is celebrating by announcing her biggest offering in...
After finding no evidence to support the daughter’s claims that her brother had neglected the actor, the police discontinued the case on April 8. With his...
How did the attack in Damascus change calculus in Tehran? The attack in Damascus – something the Israeli government has yet to publicly acknowledge – was...
After chasing a slow pace, American media culture quickly gained momentum. NEW YORK (AP) — The plaintive wail of a dog. A courtroom couplet that became...
A recent report revealed a major increase within the number of entrepreneurs starting small businesses while maintaining other employment obligations. According to a survey conducted by...
Since getting the Razer Kitsune, I’ve turn into increasingly used to leverless controllers. Kitsune works on PS5 and PC, and I’ve been wanting to try more...
Russell Wilson shares the query he asked Ciara after she accepted his proposal in 2016. The couple married in an English castle later that 12 months...
OPINION: If we are serious about increasing representation within the tech industry, we’d like to take a more proactive approach to creating technology a field where...
The film is directed by Bazawule, the director of “The Color Purple”, which tells the story of an African warrior who became the primary black samurai....