Nitrogen oxide – also often known as laughter gas or nang – is affordable, widely available and popular among young people.
However, he often flies under the radar in public health programs and academic conditions. For example, this shouldn’t be included within the drug education curriculum in Australian schools.
IN Our recent studyWe talked to young people (aged 18 to 25) who used nitrous oxide. We discovered that they are not aware of their risk – even when they reported symptoms equivalent to “cerebral fog” and convulsions.
What is nitrogen oxygen?
Nitrogen oxide is often used for sedation and soothing pain in dentistry and delivery.
Gas, which has no color or taste, can be used recreationally and is often known as Nangs, Nose, Whippits and Balloons.
In fact, nitrogen oxide was used Stay intoxicated since its creation in 1722 and was not utilized in the operation until 1842. It can create a sense of dissociation from the body, changes in perception and euphoria. It lasts a few minute.
In Australia, nitrogen oxide is affordable and available. This is because gas can be used in bakingFor example, to kill the cream.
So, although the sale of nitrogen oxide for recreational use shouldn’t be legal, canisters or “bulbs” are widely available online via 24-hour delivery services.
People normally unload gas to a balloon or whipped cream dispenser, after which inhale. Nitrous oxide It is very cold – minus 40 degrees Celsius.
Drop/Shutterstock Ink
How is that this common?
We still haven’t got much data about who uses nitrous oxide and the way often. Compared to other drugsThere are minimal research on its recreational use.
However, scientists consider that they are becoming increasingly often around the globe, especially among young people.
For example, in 2022, nitrogen oxide was the second most significant controlled substance among 16-24 years in Great Britain cannabis.
In January 2023, the Netherlands forbade the sale and possession of nitrous oxide After 1800 road accidents, including 63 fatal accidents, were related to medicines over three years.
. Global drug examination reported to double the use of nitrogen oxide in 2015–2021, from 10% of respondents to 20%. But this voluntary survey shouldn’t be representative for all people using drugs. Although this means the use of nitric oxide of people, the image stays heterogeneous.
What are the health hazards?
Nitrogen oxygen shouldn’t be essentially the most harmful drug, however it Does not do it protected.
Inhaling the nitrous oxide has short -term health threats, on this:
The use of a great amount of nitrous oxide may cause fainted (due to lack of oxygen) and seizures. Calling an ambulance is obligatory if this happens.
Long -term health problems may include:
Loss of vitamin B12 (causing the numbness of the hands and feet and ultimately paralysis)
Urinary incontinence
Memory loss
Mental health conditions, including depression and psychosis.
Availability of much larger canisters (including flavor varieties) can be related to Increase in significant damage. They can provide about 70 times more nitrous oxide as traditional small canisters.
Larger bulbs allow people to eat more gas at the identical time and sometimes experience health problems more because of this.
However, it continues to be limited knowledge About nitrous oxide within the healthcare system. This implies that his health threats are often found because they are omitted by people assessing diseases and since people deny its use.
Joshua Snow/Shutterstock
Our research
During the primary stage of our 2025 Australian StudyWe conducted interviews with seven young people (aged 18 to 25) who used nitrogen oxygen at the very least ten times.
While the number of interlocutors was small, the stories they told were very similar.
They weren’t aware of the potential risk of drug or not taken over. This happens despite their very own experiences of psychological and physical problems.
They reported that they were becoming unconscious, burning out of gas on their hands and faces, wounds across the mouth, and even having attacks.
Particular fears were to use before driving, because people didn’t recognize the persistent effect of gas on concentration.
Our study participants also talked about “memory staples” or “brain fog”. Regular use of nitrous oxide influenced people’s ability to take part in work and study, and a few claim that it was also harmful to their mental health.
These problems of pondering are a disturbing side effect. However, this has not been properly examined.
The role of social media
Movies of young people using nitrogen oxide can be easily found on social media. This not only indicates its popularity, but suggests that social media can be a superb place to reach young people Drug information and damage reduction.
In the second stage of our research, we worked with 30 young individuals who used nitrous oxide to co -create damage reduction resources.
As a gaggle, we’ve got developed movies, photos and text for ours Social media accounts specific to nitrous oxide on TIK TOK I Instagram and to posts on different Sub-Reddits.
They describe ways to use more safely. For example “Take a breath“Messages suggest respiratory nitrous oxide for just ten seconds directly to ensure enough oxygen. “Sit down“He advises to sit while using Nang to avoid the autumn of injuries.