More than 1,700 pregnant women in South Australia supposedly got the incorrect “due date” on account of a technical error of their computerized medical records. This has raised concerns that some women could have had early induction of labor consequently.
According to today’s ABC reportmany of the women concerned have already given birth and around 100 are still pregnant. Not all women have been notified of the error yet.
An investigation is currently underway to ascertain how the error occurred and whether the inaccurate timing affected care.
But how accurate are end dates anyway? And what happens once we mix them up?
What is the due date?
What people often call the “due date” is actually the day the infant is born. There are many various ones web tools to ascertain this date, based on something called Naegele’s Rulenamed after a German obstetrician Franz Naegele (1778-1851).
Naegele’s rule means that you can calculate your expected due date by taking the primary day of your last period, adding seven days and adding 40 weeks (nine months).
Naegele’s rule has limitations. First, it assumes that every one menstrual cycles last 28 days, with ovulation occurring on day 14. It also relies on a lady knowing the date of her last period.
Doctors and midwives still use this method to find out the expected date of delivery.
However, ultrasound examination between 8 and 16 weeks of pregnancy is increasingly used to predict the due date. It measures the scale and development of the fetus to calculate its gestational age. From there, the sonographer uses this data to find out when the infant is expected to be born.
There is also a bent to specify a date range relatively than a precise deadline.
A big retrospective study on over one million births In Germany, 90% of deliveries occurred between 19 days before and seven days after the expected due date. This is between 37 and 41 weeks of pregnancy.
Why are deadlines essential?
Your due date is essential for a lot of reasons beyond allowing you and your family to plan for the approaching months. It is key information that your midwife or doctor uses to observe your pregnancy, assess whether every part is progressing normally and whether intervention is really useful.
One intervention closely related to the expected date of delivery is the offer of induction of labor (inducing labor) if labor is “overdue”. For women whose estimated due date has been incorrectly calculated, it is possible that labor could also be induced sooner than required.
Using the date predicted by ultrasound may provide more accurate dating than using Naegele’s rule, perhaps avoiding unnecessary induction of labor if the girl is not truly overdue. However, more evidence is needed to substantiate this.
Christian Bowen/Unsplash
Why are we so concerned about induction?
In Australia, the number of ladies who’re having their labour induced is increasing, in comparison with those that are waiting for labour to begin by itself. Now 41% women In women who grow to be pregnant for the primary time, labor is induced.
Induction of labor may increase the necessity for more interventions during labor, similar to epidural analgesia and continuous fetal monitoring. Maybe too increase the prospect cesarean section. Studies have also shown that girls wish to avoid induction of labor for his or her next delivery.
The World Health ORganisation doesn’t recommend that girls with uncomplicated pregnancies undergo routine induction of labor before 41 weeks.
Every week Whether or not the infant stays within the womb is essential because up until 40 weeks of pregnancy, the infant continues to grow and develop. Every week that the infant is born closer to 40 weeks means less probability of needing to spend time in intensive care.
Can I calculate my due date myself?
If you will have been told that there was an error in calculating your due date, you’ll be able to check it yourself:
by entering the date of your last menstrual period online calculator
taking a look at the due date calculated throughout the pregnancy ultrasound examination as much as the sixteenth week of pregnancy.
However, keep in mind that greater accuracy is achieved if you happen to keep in mind a delivery period of 37–41 weeks.
After all, your child doesn’t at all times follow the foundations. And only a few children are born exactly on their due date.