Health and Wellness

Extreme heat is a killer for outdoor sporting events – let’s plan accordingly to keep everyone safe



Attending outdoor sporting events might be life-threatening. Among rising temperaturesevent organizers must exercise extreme caution – not only with athletes, but additionally with officials, spectators and volunteers.

The consequences of exposure to extreme heat include: dehydration up to heat stroke and even death. National Rugby League player Keith Titmuss died in 2020 from “exertional heat stroke” after an excessive pre-season training session. Scorching temperatures also disrupted 2019 Australian Open and wreak havoc in 2023 Sydney Marathon.

In Paris, 2024 Summer Olympics will proceed no air con within the athlete’s village. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, organizers selected alternative cooling measures akin to insulation, double glazing, fans and pumping cool water through the ground. The Australian Olympic Committee is not convinced purchase of portable air conditioners just in case. Athletes from poorer countries are expected to simply keep their curtains drawn.

The day before Brisbane 2032 Summer Olympics and other major sporting events in Queensland, the state government wants to prepare for extreme heat.
Our recent research this examines the health risks, strategies really useful to reduce heat exposure during sporting events, and who is responsible for ensuring these strategies are implemented. Here we provide practical suggestions for everyone interested. As the world warms, we’ll need them greater than ever.

Inside the Paris 2024 Olympics athletes’ village where there is no air con (7 News Australia)

What we did and what we found

We carried it out international review research published between 2010 and 2023 to determine the present state of data on this area.

We have refined our systematic approach in 40 peer-reviewed articles on heat during major sporting events. These were events held in large venues that attracted spectators from across the country and abroad. The recommendations covered six topics: planning, mitigation strategies, medicine, policy, education and research.

A consistent pattern of heat challenges emerged. The incidence of heat-related diseases increased with temperature. Certain groups of individuals were more sensitive to heat. Athletes participating in endurance events akin to long-distance running were at greater risk than athletes participating in brief-duration sports involving throwing (javelin, discus) or jumping (high jump, long jump). The diverse needs of individuals with multiple conditions and skills, including: Paralympic athletes also deserve special attention.

We have identified significant heat-related health risks to be considered before, during and after major sporting events. Individuals, coaches, officials and organizers all have a role to play.

Our findings could help inform evidence-based strategies to protect the health of those participating and competing in such events now and in the long run.

It’s not nearly athletes

Although athletes could prepare to compete in hot conditions using technologies akin to cooling vests or cold water immersion, viewers are less likely to intentionally prepare their bodies for extreme temperatures. But there are many things each of us can do.

We can drink loads of fluids, seek shade and use sun protection. Ideally, facility management will provide access to drinking water, shaded areas and cooling (mister, fans or air con). Everything requires careful planning and well-thought-out construction.

Organizers must determine what time each event will happen, what temperatures will trigger a heat policy (e.g., moving the event to a cooler time slot), whether policy changes ought to be made within the event of maximum heat (e.g., longer breaks or earlier breaks), and what measures ought to be implemented to protect activists, spectators and volunteers.

Top suggestions for viewers

Here are some practical suggestions you’ll be able to follow to reduce the danger of overheating when extreme heat occurs:

  1. consider where your seating area is and whether there might be shade or whether you might be directly exposed to the weather

  2. discover in case you can come and go or attend an event later within the day – if possible, avoid events scheduled for the most popular a part of the day

  3. wear light, loose clothing and a hat

  4. check in case you can bring your individual water bottle to the event and fill it up, and be certain you’re well hydrated before, during and after the event

  5. to avoid caffeine and alcohol as these drinks could cause more dehydration

  6. check what event organizers have planned for extreme weather conditions akin to heatwaves.

Warning for event organizers

Loads has modified since Australia hosted the Sydney Olympics on the turn of the century.

In 2024, there aren’t any excuses. All sports and sporting events must have a heat policy geared toward competitors, spectators and officials. Australian sports medicine Extreme heat policy is a good example.

For large sporting events, collaboration with health care ought to be a part of the planning process. They can then prepare for the potential of heat stroke occurring in many individuals.

During competitions, medical teams must have the abilities to recognize warning signs of heat-related illnesses, in addition to diagnose and treat them.

As extreme heat becomes more common world wide, sports organizations have to be prepared to change scheduled events (including time, location, scheduled breaks, etc.) as crucial.

Let’s be certain outdoor sporting events can proceed in a warming climate.

By working together, we will provide a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

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