Politics and Current

Republican Rep. Byron Donald faces heavy criticism for suggesting black people were better off during the Jim Crow era



ALEX KENT / Contributor / Getty Images

Rep. Byron Donalds, a black Republican from Florida and a possible candidate for Trump’s running mate, said during an event organized as a part of the “Congress, Cognac and Cigars” campaign for the former president last Tuesday in Philadelphia that black families were better off during the Jim Crow era.

Byron boldly stated, “You see, during the Jim Crow era, the Black family was together. “Under Jim Crow, not only were more blacks conservative – blacks have always been conservative – but more blacks voted conservative,” the report said. Questioner from Philadelphia reports. Additionally, Donalds also criticized government programs that supply assistance to people of lower socioeconomic status and promote civil rights, claiming that they “harm Black Americans and undermine family values.”

The next day, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and other Democrats spoke out on the House floor condemning Republican Byron Donalds’ remarks. “We weren’t in a better position when a young boy named Emmett Till could be brutally murdered without consequence because of Jim Crow,” Black said Congressman from New York.

“We were not in a better position when black women could be sexually assaulted without consequences because of Jim Crow. “It wouldn’t be better if people could be systematically lynched without consequences because of Jim Crow,” said Jeffries, who, paradoxically, is from the same Brooklyn neighborhood as Donalds. How dare you make such ignorant observations? Better check yourself before you destroy yourself.

A spokesman for the Democratic National Committee called it “absurd” to suggest that this time was “by no means a terrible stain on our country’s history.” In addition, NAACP President Derrick Johnson condemned Donalds’ remarks.

Posting on social media, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, (D-TX), wrote: “I grew up in the Jim Crow era. I went to high school during the Jim Crow era. I traveled during the Jim Crow era. I do know what life was like under Jim Crow. For one in all my colleagues to assert that life is worse now than it was during the Jim Crow era is completely absurd and unconscionable.

“Jim Crow is the name for a racist caste system that operated primarily, but not exclusively, in the Southern and Border states between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid, anti-black laws. It was a way of life. “Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second-class citizens,” he claims Jim Crow Museumsituated at Ferris State University.

Even after 1 p.mvol14voland 15vol Constitutional Amendments were passed to present blacks the same legal protections as their white counterparts, the Supreme Court helped legitimize Jim Crow in a now overturned 1896 case by allowing “separate but equal,” which was not overturned until 1954 r. with a monument. Jim Crow was a lifestyle often related to violence against black Americans. Despite these threats “[m]all blacks opposed the indignities of Jim Crow and much too often paid for their courage with their lives.”

Amid public outrage and response about his statements, Donalds doubled down on his defense, posting a video on social media during which he stated: “Now they’re attempting to say that I said Black people are doing better under Jim Crow. I never said that. They are lying. But why must you be surprised? Because they at all times lie… I said there were more black families under Jim Crow and that was Democrat policy under [the former Department of Health, Education and Welfare]under the welfare state that really contributed to the destruction of the Black family. What I said.”

“I know what I said and I will say it straight on camera,” he added Donald. “They had to run to the Philadelphia Inquirer to exploit their lies. Joe Biden doesn’t care about Black people. He never did that. He cares about power.”

This article was originally published on : www.essence.com

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