
From concerts on the White House lawn to greeting cards, June 11 is a full-fledged holiday



Once an obscure day celebrated mainly in Texas, June 11 is becoming a full-fledged “greeting card” holiday. President Joe Biden hosted his first celebration this week, a concert on the South Lawn of the White House featuring none aside from Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle. Major events are planned in the coming days in cities from Denver, Colorado to Cincinnati, Ohio. You may even find cards Amazon Now.

As the day becomes a federal holiday in 2021, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories recognize it. It also implies that increasingly non-black Americans realize its importance.

Alan Freeman, 61, who grew up celebrating Juneteenth in Texas, where it originated, remembers neighborhood parties, grabbing plates of food from almost every house and being completely completely happy.

“June 11 was a celebration full of energy,” he said. “It was like the whole neighborhood was like a Cheech and Chong movie because there was barbecue smoke rising from everyone as everyone, every family was celebrating this holiday.”

He said that when the day became a federal holiday, Texas became even larger and bolder by celebrating June 19, the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in Confederate territory – those in Galveston Bay, Texas – learned they were free. about 2 and a half years after the fact.

Prior to the federal city’s designation, wealthy traditions developed throughout Texas to commemorate Juneteenth with parades, barbecues, and other events. Since its designation, Galveston, the birthplace of the holiday, has joined in the fun. Freeman explained that the city has allocated funds and resources to launch several cultural events, including the upcoming one June comedy festival he is the host.

“It was amazing,” he said, preparing for his sophomore yr on June 14.

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Freeman, a comedian based in Texas, also easily sees the humor and joy in the celebration because it continues to evolve to include more people of color. In fact, he recommends they participate.

“They celebrate it harder than we do,” he said of the white Texans who flock to his comedy show. “This is one day where white people are really happy for us.”

He added, teasingly, “You want to get something from white people, it’s June 11th. Take them to the bank. Take them to the grocery store. They are very generous on this day.”

Freeman represents the old guard of the holidays. Meanwhile, Ebony Nichols, a greeting card designer from St. Louis, who adopted the tradition after it became a federal holiday, is a part of a recent generation celebrating.

Nichols, 38, said that while she at all times knew about today in history, she didn’t grow up celebrating it.

“When June 11 became a national holiday, I really started to take a personal interest in it,” Nichols explained. “I decided it was worth celebrating, understanding what Black history looks like today and being able to celebrate our progress, how far we’ve come and their commitment to continue to make this country deliver on its promises. I felt it was worth celebrating.”

Nichols was one among the first amongst her family and friends to start celebrating the holiday yearly.

“I almost felt like I was a personal ambassador for my family and friends,” she added.

We are preparing to commemorate one other Juneteenth this yr, Nichols running Declare it divine, there was a growing demand for Juneteenth greeting cards. Her collection includes 16 cards with thoughtful messages and designs. She said she imagines absolutely everyone, including non-black people, will send these cards to whomever they need.

“I really feel like June 11 is very worthy of sending a card,” she said, adding that the holiday could be a possibility to reconnect.

“It’s almost like this is my summer check-in with you,” she added.

If a greeting card that prominently says “Happy Juneteenth” looks as if overkill, Nichols said it would not hurt to send a more general greeting card. Given that Juneteenth stems from an epic moment of confusion in history, Nichols finds amusement in today becoming an official day to “send off your people,” either by sending cards or in person.

“Initially, Juneteenth was a day for people to connect with each other and let each other know, spreading the good news of hope, possibility and change,” she continued. (*11*)

While many like Nichols and Freeman see joy in the occasion of Juneteenth, there are various who struggle with the meaning of today, especially because it comes amid major geopolitical conflicts, when many Black people remain severely disenfranchised on this country and beyond him.

“Joy is complicated,” Nichols said. “Joy doesn’t mean that nothing bad ever happens or that everything is fine. Joy says that despite the darkness, there is a bit of light that I can bring into the world that will give me the energy to continue.”

Freeman added that if white individuals are searching for a way to truly help Black people rejoice and experience joy, they’ll pay them $1,900 a day using Cash App.

“It’s a joke,” he said, “but you know, it’s like really wanting to feel good….”

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