Health and Wellness

Here are 5 signs you may need to cut down on your alcohol intake




It’s April Alcohol awareness month, it is time to monitor how much alcohol you drink and take into consideration or reassess your relationship with the substance and whether you’re overdoing it. According to Center for Disease Controlroughly 178,000 people die annually due to excessive alcohol consumption.

The effects of alcohol abuse will be fatal since it is the fourthleading explanation for preventable death within the United States. If you end up drinking daily, you can take a step back and take into consideration how you prioritize that substance in your life and take a look at to cut down on your drinking consistently. Here are some signs you should consider when assessing your alcohol consumption.

You want to drink daily: Although a glass of wine daily may seem harmless, you are still consuming this substance often. You should try to limit the quantity of wine you drink.

As a result, you will drink greater than you planned: You may drink greater than you originally planned or for more hours. It’s necessary to keep track of how often this happens in your life. However, if it happens too often, it may be an early warning sign that you need to limit your alcohol intake.

You try to suppress your sadness and anxiety with alcohol: If you are trying to relieve your sadness and/or anxiety with alcohol, you are most probably relying an excessive amount of on the substance and will actively find one other outlet.

You are not fulfilling your duties: Perhaps after an evening of drinking or being alone at home, you hand over on your responsibilities because you’re either hungover or confused from the night before. When you are sick due to drinking and it prevents you from performing responsibilities at home, work or school, it is necessary to take the issue seriously.

Your relationships change into frayed: You should strongly consider limiting your alcohol consumption, especially if it affects your relationships with family, friends and colleagues. When you discover that drinking is causing problems in your relationships and you proceed to drink, it is necessary to work on changing your habits to keep your relationships on track.

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