
Don’t skip out on work, instead harness the power of meditation




Do you could have one of those days while you’re buried in paperwork while your boss piles on an inventory of unrealistic demands and a difficult co-worker gets on your nerves? If so, it might be time so that you can step away out of your desk and spend a while meditating.

We’ve all had those difficult days working on the clock. However, we don’t all the time cope with the stress of difficult situations and other people at work in a healthy way. This is why BLACK OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP invited entrepreneur, wellness expert and writer Quentin Venni to share his advice on how and why we should always meditate.

Stay calm at work

Vennie explained why it’s imperative for everybody, especially working professionals, to take a mental break and practice mindfulness.

“So often in the day we are faced with so much adversity, so many things, so much stress, (and) we try to multitask,” he said. “Sometimes I feel it is vital to simply move beyond it. Focus your attention on one thing and move forward from that time.

In a nutshell, here’s why Vennie says mindfulness is crucial to success:

  • We are what we expect
  • You can’t be faithful and fearful at the same time
  • Focus on what you wish to achieve
  • Gratitude is the best solution to overcome depression

Vennie also talked about using meditation as a tool to beat ailments. Watch the full interview below.

Overcoming all of it

Vennie, who claims meditation has personally helped him overcome drug addiction and severe depression, has also been recognized for: 2017 BE Modern Person of Distinction, where he shared his story. Here is an excerpt:

I used to be born and raised in a single parent household on the west side of Baltimore. My father was a heroin addict and I used to be shot before I used to be 12 and spent more time visiting prisons than most individuals I used to be near. Even though I spent so much of time in my old neighborhood in West Baltimore, I went to predominantly white schools in the suburbs of Baltimore County. I even have experienced racism, discrimination, prejudice, whatever you wish to call it. At age 14 I used to be diagnosed with severe anxiety and mild depression and at age 26 I used to be diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety and panic disorder and mild to severe major depression. I used to be hooked on anti-anxiety medications for 2 years, survived an accidental overdose and two failed suicide attempts, but was fortunate to find a wellness system that saved my life (yoga, meditation, and fruit/vegetable juicing). Not only did it help me get off all medications, however it also made it easier to cope with anxiety and depression.

I started telling the story of my struggles with anxiety, depression and addiction in 2012 after I first began my journey to sobriety, and on May 30, 2019, my first book was published in the US and Canada and Australia and Australia. in the UK on July 1. I used to be capable of successfully turn my trial right into a triumph that positively impacted people around the world.

Now it is time so that you can meditate with us! Follow this 14-minute guided meditation session by Quentin below.

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