Health and Wellness

Do eggs really make you tear? An intestinal expert in what the evidence says



Perhaps you heard too many eggs that you make you tender. Influential on Instagram Only that. Great Britain has slang – being “Tied egg“.

The eggs were once blamed for raising the level of cholesterol in the blood, which turned out to be false. Did we also make a mistake about eggs and constipation?

This is what a mixed bag of evidence tells us.

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Starting with constipation

Constipation means various things for various people and there are a lot of differing types.

Let’s deal with “functional constipation” when people have hard, rare and infrequently difficult to maneuver the bowel. This constipation just isn’t attributable to the physical blockage of the intestines or the disease.

Functional constipation could be very common. Around the world one in ten adults (10.1%) AND one out of seven children (14.4%) To have it at any time.

Is the guilt of the eggs?

Several studies mix eggs with constipation, but not necessarily as you might think.

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2002 test Of the 1699 Japanese inhabitants, over 40 people found Japanese women who ate eggs a minimum of five times per week, were less often with constipation. Egging of eggs didn’t affect the constipation rates in men. Scientists couldn’t explain the difference.

The later study concerned 3770 women of Japanese students who filled questionnaire About what they ate over the past month. The western food regimen wealthy in food, resembling processed meat and eggs, was related to greater constipation than a conventional Japanese food regimen (which has plenty of rice, but not much bread or confectionery).

Next examination He checked out middle -aged adults in southern China who ate duck or chicken eggs as a part of a western food regimen. This was related to the next risk of constipation in comparison with the traditional southern Chinese food regimen, which has many sophisticated grains, vegetables, fruits, pickled vegetables, fish and shrimp.

However, such dietary studies are mainly based on participants who remember what they ate. People also don’t all the time fill in dietary questionnaires legally and are likely to Reporting unhealthy food and excessively reporting healthy food. Dietary questionnaires aren’t all the time accurate.

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In insulation, they rarely have a look at a single food product (resembling eggs).

Even if these studies remember eggs, the studied population may differ in the age, sex and ethnic origin. Thus, the findings is probably not commonly used.

What about other evidence?

Laboratory experiments in which you can digest egg proteins in the intestine can offer some suggestions.

When the researchers fed Bushed rats Egg yolk protein improved constipation. This could also be because of egg yolk protein called fosvtyn. It retains water around him in the colon (large intestine) and makes the stool more abundant and easier to transfer.

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We learn more about how the intestines support eggs.
Christos Georghiou/Shutterstock

What about people? As far as I do know, no specific studies concerned egg feeding to see if it cured their constipation or worsened. But we all know a bit of about what happens in the intestines when people eat eggs.

Although the eggs are quite digestible food for people, Studies show Even cooked egg whites aren’t completely digested and absorbed in the small intestine.

A small amount reaches the colon with which it’s associated Increased number of fine bacteriaresembling and. It is commonly more In particular, individuals with looser stools.

So some studies confirm the concept that eating eggs improves constipation.

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What about eating a considerable amount of protein?

The eggs are wealthy in protein. Can a food regimen with plenty of protein cause constipation?

No, the protein itself just isn’t guilty, in accordance with tests involvement of adults and youngsters in the United States.

In this study, it showed that somebody eating a low food regimen in carbohydrates was more likely after constipation after eating additional protein (corresponding to an extra two small eggs a day). Compared to someone eating a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

Why the difference? Scientists have found that low carbohydrate consumption might be related to a smaller variety of stools, potentially making the stools harder.

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It is sensible. Fiber is a form of carbohydrates whose body cannot easily digest. Low food regimen fiber is related to constipation.

If we have now the right fiber in our food regimen, eat additional protein, it would not deteriorate with constipation. This can improve.

However, without eating enough fiber on a high -protein food regimen, it is extremely prone to increase the risk of constipation.

Adding fiber to a high -protein food regimen may help.
Danil Demin/Shutterstock

Children with allergies

There can also be a form of functional constipation related to food allergies for kids.

Greek test Tested children with chronic (long -term) constipation to see in the event that they have food allergies.

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The children turned out that food allergies ate a food regimen without these foods (including eggs) for eight weeks. Constipation improved in most of those children.

How are food allergies and constipation related? A variety of immune cells found in individuals with allergies – often known as Tuczne cells – It can affect the intestines. These cells can contribute to that the intestinal muscles is not going to shrink well. Food is less capable of move, which ends up in constipation.

So if all other causes of the child’s constipation have been excluded and so they have food allergy, their constipation could also be related to allergies.

However recommended To try healthy eating first, with enough fluid and fiber. If this doesn’t solve constipation, the child can try the elimination food regimen under the supervision of a physician.

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What do we have now to do with all this?

In general, there isn’t a firm evidence that eating more eggs results in constipation.

Provided that you eat a various food regimen containing fiber with eggs, there must be no increased risk of constipation.

If chronic constipation just isn’t higher with additional liquids and fiber, refer to your doctor.

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