Video Games

Long-instant spin-off Xenosaga was recovered and made available online 21 years later



Picture: Bandai Namco

Spin-off, which was surprisingly essential for the history of the series, but was thought that it was lost within the old Japanese network of mobile phones, by which it was published, was recovered and made available online. RPG can once more be reproduced, with a fan translation on the road.

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“After many years tirelessly searching for the day, it finally came where everyone has survived for everyone,” he wrote Vector translations and maintenance YouTuber Valakturtle. “This is a really monumental moment for fans of the Xeno series, because it was the only lost game from the series.”

The game was dropped by an anonymous donor and played because of joint protection efforts by Keitai Wiki Discord members, in addition to several individual users, including one who passes by XYZ and was the most important reverse engineer to tear the sport from the phone on which he was. It is currently in Japanese, but Valakrturtle said that the slice of translation is to be accomplished in a number of months.

It was released in 2004 for the Vodafone mobile network live after the publisher Namco asked for a Monolith Soft programmer, created a mobile separation of the science fiction PlayStation 2 series. It includes turn -based battles and a script written by the creator of the series Tetsuya Takuhashi and designer Soraya Saga, who previously collaborated with philosophy creating MOCH plot, which was a cult hit PS1.

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Themed sensitivity and other elements were later drawn into the trilogy, which ended with a prequel. He follows the police detective Jan Sauer when he tries to find the perpetrators of terrorist attacks on the journey of hyperpace. From there, matters disappear from the rails and ultimately established a crucial narrative reference to the remaining of the trilogy, from which echoes are still present in the present series for Nintendo Switch.

In addition to translation of the fan, the fan is modified He can be within the work. “It’s shaping to be one of the most ambitious and impressive Fangames that the Xeno Series community ever saw thanks to the hard work of Cyclonefox and their team,” wrote Valakturtle. In the meantime, fans can still dream that the trilogy itself can get the HD Remaster collection someday for switch 2.


(tagstotranslater) Xenosaga

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