Health and Wellness

Treatment of Parkinson’s disease and a restless leg syndrome is associated with risky behavior – this is what you need to know



Headache and you feel that the disease is common uncomfortable side effects for a lot of drugs. Getting on to risky sexual or pathological gambling – not so common.

But BBC examination He emphasized that some drug treatment of the restless Parkinson syndrome can lead to such risky behavior.

Over 150,000 people in Great Britain Wish Parkinson’s – a state of degeneration that affects the brain. The important part of the damaged brain is an area that produces dopamine, a chemical relay that regulates movement. Less dopamine within the brain can lead to symptoms corresponding to trembling, muscle stiffness, slow movements and balance problems.

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Another movement disorder is Restless legs (RLS), which influences between 5% and 10% people in Great Britain, USA and Europe. Twice more women than men have RL amongst people over 35 years of age.

People from RL imagine that they’ve to uncontrolle their legs and can experience creeping, crawling or tingling in them. Usually the symptoms are worse at night, when dopamine levels are often lower. Although the precise cause of RLS is unknown, that was connected to genes underlying health conditions and dopamine imbalance.

One of the important methods of treating movement disorders is a group of drugs called Dopamine receptor agonistswhich include Cabergoline, Ropiniro, Bromocryptine and Pramipeksol. Dopamine receptor agonists increase the extent of dopamine within the brain and help regulate movement.

Dopamine is referred to as “Happy” hormone Because it is part of the brain prize system. When people do something funny or nice, dopamine is released of their brain. However, the use of agonist drugs of Dopamine-Receptor can raise these feelings, which leads to impulsive behavior.

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While common uncomfortable side effects include headaches, feeling illness and drowsiness, these drugs are also connected with a more odd side effect Impulse control disorders. They include risky sexual behavior (hypersexuality), pathological gambling, compulsive shopping and overeating. Hypersexuality It includes behaviors corresponding to a stronger than the same old need to have sexual intercourse or is unable to resist sexual effect, which could be harmful.

Previous reported cases Attach a 53-yr-old woman receiving Ropinirol and showing impulsive behaviors, corresponding to access to web pornography, using sex rooms, meeting strangers for sexual activity and compulsive shopping. Other thing He emphasized a 32-yr-old man who, after taking Ropinirol, began to get drunk with food and gambling, in order that he lost his savings.

When the medication was prescribed firstly of 2000, it was believed that impulse disorders were Rare side effect related to these drugs. But in 2007, regulatory agency for medicals and healthcare products (MHRA) Public assessment report He informed that “healthcare employees should warn patients that compulsive behavior of dopamine agonists may be associated with the dose.”

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Between 6% and 17% people from RLS who accept dopamine agonists develop some form of impulse control disorders, and at the identical time up to 20% People living from Parkinson can experience impulse control disorders.

But real numbers could be even higher, because many patients may not associate changes in behavior with the drug or could be too embarrassed to report it. Case reports Show that usually impulsive behavior stops when the medication is stopped.


There are several individual and collective processes against pharmaceutical firms, including Glaxosmithklinewhich is produced by RECIP® (Ropiniro) and Pfizerwhich makes Cabaser® (Cabergoline). Patients undertaking actions against these firms claimed that they weren’t aware of these impulsive uncomfortable side effects.

For example, in 2012, a French court Ordered Glaxosmithkline to pay 160,000 kilos compensation for Didier Jambart, after he experienced “destructive effects” while taking Parkinson’s drug collecting. And in 2014, the Australian Federal Court approved the settlement against the Pfizer for a collective claim regarding Parkinson’s drug, Cabaser. 150 patients He claimed that they’d no warning in regards to the potential uncomfortable side effects-in this increased gambling, sex addiction and other high-risk classes-Cabaser.

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Currently, this is clearer within the patient’s information leaflets administered with all pharmaceuticals for movement disorders that some patients can have impulsive behavior.

In 2023, Mhra announced that it had increased Reports pathological gambling with a drug called Aripiprazole. This antipsychotic drug, used to treat schizophrenia and mania, partly acts as a dopamine receptor agonist.

Each drug that raises the extent of dopamine could theoretically associate with impulse control disorders and it is necessary that in such cases patient monitoring and their behavior.

Not everyone will experience uncomfortable side effects. Before starting any treatment, a doctor or pharmacist should explain potential uncomfortable side effects-but it surely is also necessary to read the data leaflet with any drug. And if you experience any impulsive behavior with these drugs, talk to your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

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