Politics and Current

The mayor of Bibb says that the irony of the Trump’s anti-dei crusade is that racial equality was authorized by the Republican President



“This country was built on the back of Black Americans, when it comes to the original sin of this country in slavery,” said the mayor of Bibb during the last interview with the black month of history. “This false argument that this applies to diversity, equality and inclusion in a system based on merits is an insult to many black mayors with whom I talk and is insulted for many of my residents here in Cleveland.”

On the first day of office, President Trump signed Execution order eliminating all offices, positions and financing programs throughout the Federal Government. The Order calls the concept of “illegal” and “immoral discrimination”.

The mayor of Bibb said that although he and his colleagues from the mayor are discouraged by the efforts of Trump’s administration from the breakdown of many years to shut racial differences in numerous sectors, including employment, apartment, apartment, healthcare and others, believes that there is “a business matter” “To do it because it refers to Dei’s benefits. “I feel that the mayors, and particularly black mayors, are in a singular position to make this case.”

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“We know that the biggest thing we can do to be a competitive country is to make sure that we have equal opportunities for all Americans. And this is true in cities such as Cleveland, Detroit and Nashville, throughout the country, “said the 37 -year -old Bibb, which became the youngest black mayor of Cleveland in 2022.

The mayor indicated irony about where the Republican party is now in a racial matter, making an allowance for that it was a republican who First he implemented an affirmative motion Programs in the White House.

“People often forget that with a republican president in Richard Nixon actually performed and implemented programs of affirmative motion in the Federal Government to rent black people throughout the Federal Government to be certain that that black Americans have access to federal agreements to be certain that that the blacks Americans were in a position to be leaders and be part of the relationship on this country – Bibb explained.

US President Richard Nixon (1913–1994) gives his thumbs up when he turns to the employees of the White House after resignation to 37. President of the United States, Washington, on August 9, 1974, his son -in -law David Eisenhower is with him on the left. (Photo by Keystone/Hultton Archive/Getty Images)

There are already consequences from the anti-dei order of Trump, because several federal agencies gave up the commentary of the Black History Mon Dei rules.

“We also need to continue to tell the stories and contributions that color people had in this country. People like Dr. King, people like Ken Chenult, we have always been in the government’s avant -garde, in the avant -garde of culture, in a business avant -garde in this country – he continued. “We must tell this story to the American nation and remind them that it is essential that we at all times maintain our values ​​of diversity, equality and inclusion, since it has at all times been part of an American experiment. And this is the basic value of what makes this country great. “

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As a black mayor on a brief list of history creators, Bibb said he thought he was standing on the shoulders of political giants resembling Carl B. Stokes, the first black mayor of Cleveland, who was elected in 1968.

“He conducted a campaign to make sure that Black Clevelanders were part of the Cleveland transformation in the late 1960s. He also became a leader in the Movement of Environmental Justice – reminded the mayor of Bibb. “When our river, the Cuyahoga River, caught fire … In 1969, he made a nationwide trip of pollution, talking about the importance of having clean waterways in urban centers throughout the country. And attributable to his heritage and this commitment led to the Pure Water Act, which then led to (American Environmental Protection Agency). “

Cleveland, Ohio – June 6: the mayor of Cleveland Justin M. Bibb speaks while equalizing the pitch: Impact and future expansion of the Urban Expuntment program at the Cleveland Browns stadium on June 6, 2024 at Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo Arturo Holmes/Getty Images for National Urban League)

Despite the disturbing consequences of what Trump’s crusade against diversity, justice and integration can mean for years and maybe generations, a recent federal court ruling blocking the key parts of the president’s order about Dei at the least ensures cities throughout the country. In the judgment in favor of the reasons – including the mayor of the city of Baltimore and the city council – judge Adam B. Abelson issued a preliminary order last Friday. He also banned the enforcement of regulations before listed corporations and enormous universities.

Because some black Americans are fighting for the processing of Trump’s administration they usually accept them in person, the mayor of Bibb said that it is essential to think about history as a guide compass.

“Black Americans are built with immunity and inseparable hope and optimism … We have gone through worse times. We went out on the other side of slavery. We went out on the other side of the heritage of Jim Crow. We performed on the other side of the inseparable racism and discrimination in this country to see monumental victories in politics as well as in business and culture, “said the mayor of Cleveland.

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“So I hope that we will use this moment to double what makes us great as a people, but we also use this moment to come back and fight for what we believe, fight for our values, because there are our ancestors we expect that we expect that We’ll do it. “

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This article was originally published on : thegrio.com

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