Video Games
Avowed is wonderful, but could my companions just dress?
“Another win, but who is counting?” This is the stupidest thing that an individual could say after the fight. Nobody. Nobody was counting. In this, you, Kai, unless you think that “different” is a number. Recognition of winning in no sense implies something. It doesn’t make sense. Stop saying it, man. Just . In fact, unless you will have something useful to say, perhaps say nothing in any respect?
As long as I played what I feel we will reasonably call RPG just like BioWare, this problem led me to dispersion. Accompanying characters who feel the necessity to comment at the tip of every battle, but say nothing of interest or values, after which say it over and all over again. Maybe it may well’t be something?
I used to be lucky that I had the code for just a few weeks before it was published, but there is no time to complete it – it allowed me to actually collapse, explore the vast living lands at my own pace, never pressure to attain history. I spent 25 to 30 hours, when the sport is to last only informs and is still in a rush. I suppose that it may well be argued that I must be a bit more motivated to speed up, bearing in mind the dimensions and danger of Dreamscourge, but I’m not in a position to live in denying its spreading that it is completely included in my plot. The scourge can wait because I just saw what could be a hidden entrance to the cave and is usually a completely different sow to find.
The catch is that I survived the battles, large and small, above all skirmishes with xaurips or spiders, which spend time in the subsequent valley, I stick my nose, defiantly fought completely with a bow and an arrow. And every time each of them one in all my two companions feel the necessity to comment on it. But everyone appears to be equipped with only two or three various things to say. So dear God, I heard all of the bloody times.
“Another glorious battle!” Bellows Kai, my regular companion (I can not leave him within the camp anymore than I could, when he was in his incarnation of Garrus), after our killing of many pencils that could not be said about attempts to kill us. No, kai, no, it wasn’t. At best he was shameful, and more realistically, quite grotesque. His chestion of pleasure after I used to be forced to kill silly rebels who wouldn’t take heed to peaceful reason, makes something really improper with him.
It was much worse with another companion after a significant event that I will not spoil. Let’s see it in this way: everything she knew and loved was destroyed, she is desperate and a few seconds later, in stumbling in a group of feeling flies or the like, she immediately returned to the joy of me and celebrating the victories.
Or maybe one companion discovered later, who uses his ability to “disperse”, says the same two things. “What is it difficult?” and “Play Child”. Both things. Every time. And none of them is sensible in context.
It deserves much better than that! The game has fantastic writing, with a really charming group of buddies with whom you can talk, and the banter between them in the camp is a real feast that can stand still and listen. So why, out of love for all things, each of them has only three things that they say at the end of each fight?!
Considering the current nature of RPG Obsidian and BioWare, as well as the way voice actors have to spend days and days in the recording studio, performing billions of lines, why each of them does not simply have several dozen different lines after the fight to drop? Would it add that, ten minutes until recording? And this is not exactly the task of writing hercles. See, I will do a bit now:
- “Phew, I’m glad that we managed to postpone it in a short time.”
- “Hey, I feel you narrow my ear with one in all your shots!”
- “Ha! They really thought they could beat us, right? “
- “I told my parents that it is value spending a lot time exercising with this arch.”
- “Well, in the event that they weren’t dead, I feel they’d need to admit that they were impressed.”
It was a minute of work and not, none of them is particularly good, but then no line has any companion in any game in the same circumstances. They are certainly there, and Marius told me that he pulled his arm for the 786 time.
They would all be deeply annoying for the second time, so that you write 20, 30 of them as a personality and tell them to reject in order that they don’t repeat until they’re said. Done. Solved problem. I repaired the 30-year RPG bane and I do not even know easy methods to use C ++.
There is an even easier solution. Stay tight. They say nothing at all! You don’t have to say anything! I just killed seven skeletons that stood by this rock because I wanted to pass by this rock. It was not a battle for which operas would be written, it was just some work in a video game. It doesn’t require comment. Silence is doing perfectly.
Damn, I’ll be a compromise! I am so decent. Or maybe they only say their stupid lines after the mentioned boss fight? There are many of them and tend to have a more important event, even if they simply mark the prize. When I won one of them, I feel that at least I achieved something, so Kai will definitely announce a great battle. Give him your moment.
This is absolutely not a problem, but a problem with RPGs. But this does not release the hook. Obsidian, when inevitably (and deeply desired), please, can you be a team that can lead it? Because the choice does it, or I will somehow organize that friends and family will answer: “Great job, you actually ate bite” every time you have a meal for the rest of your life.
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