
Cesar Millan responds to shocking allegations of animal cruelty weeks after a clip of him praising Jada Pinkett Smith was released



Animal abuse allegations are starting to resurface against celebrity dog ​​trainer Cesar Millan. He was found thanks to his celebrity clients and the show “The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan”: “

On his Instagram page, Millan, in collaboration with training program site Cesar Millan, uploaded a clip of him showing a young woman the inappropriate way to keep her dog on a leash.

In videopublished on October 12. he and a woman watch from the side as two other people try to walk past one another with their dogs on leashes. One of the people was pulling back on the leash to prevent the dog from attacking the opposite, but Milan believes this was the incorrect thing to do.

Famed dog whisperer Cesar Milian attributes his skilled success to Jada Pinkett Smith. (Photos cesarsway/Instagram; Arturo Holmes/FilmMagic)

He said: “This situation may be very serious. The way Caitlin pulls on the leash makes Liam very aggressive. I want to show Caitlin how to take control of the dog before someone gets hurt.

And while some people reacted harshly to the video, one person particularly took pains to remind fans of Millan’s alleged past of animal abuse.

They wrote: “Anyone asking for advice here mustn’t. Cesar is thought for animal abuse.

But, it seems, Millan was not surprised by this person. In fact, he wrote back to them saying, “Look, I’ll still send it to you,” to which the commenter replied, “Same to you.”

Cesar Millan’s latest dog training video sparks allegations of animal abuse. (Photo: cesarsway/Instagram; trainingcesarsway/Instagram)

When one person asked the person for evidence, he said, “That’s a great query! It’s all the time a good idea to ask for proof before you blindly rule things out,” before sharing at the least six article links, Reddit Threadsand YouTube videos that debate the accusation intimately cruelty to animals against Millan.

“In almost every video he did on his old show, you can see him hitting/hitting the dog’s nerve points and/or the area where the dog’s organs are located. “His dog killed another dog and also attacked a person,” the person began.

“Abusing animals by hitting, kicking, fear-mongering and hitting pressure points does nothing greater than 1. confine the dog and a couple of. suppress fear-driven bad behavior until it comes to the surface. They come to the surface because the issue was never solved, but as a substitute the dog was abused into shutting up and becoming so scared that he just allows you to do every part… until he does it.

This person concluded: “I definitely suggest you are taking a closer have a look at this yourself. It appears that nearly all dog abuse videos have been faraway from YouTube, possibly due to abuse or “defamation”.

In March 2016, Millan was investigated for animal cruelty after a dog training session went incorrect. The incident, which was captured and broadcast on Millan’s show “The Dog Whisperer,” shows him trying to teach the dog to stop attacking its owners’ pigs because it had done before.

He brought a pig to the session and the dog ran after the pig, biting its ear and causing it to bleed. The episode so enraged viewers that they sent suggestions to animal welfare officials, prompting an investigation.

The following month, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office concluded that there was “insufficient evidence” and that “Millan’s methods are safe and humane.”

The episode prompted 10,000 people to sign a petition claiming Millan’s methods were inhumane. Other animal experts have also criticized Millan’s behavioral training methods.

Four years before the dog and pig incident, the video shows Millan trying to calm the dog he was training. As the dog lunges at Millan, barking and apparently trying to bite as well, Millan begins to pull upwards on the leash.

This prompted animal biologist Marc Bekoff to publish an article titled “Did Cesar Millan Have to Hang a Husky?” where he wrote an intensive article criticizing Millan’s methods.

He said, “Such treatment of a sentient being named Shadow disgusted me, and I soon discovered that many others were also horrified by this so-called ‘training’ session.”

Dr. Nicholas Dodman, chair of the Department of Clinical Animal Behavior on the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, also condemned Millan’s treatment of the animals he trained.

He said: “Cesar Millan’s methods are based on flooding and punishment. The effects, although immediate, will only be temporary. His methods are flawed, outdated, in some cases dangerous and often inhumane. You wouldn’t want to be a dog in his sphere of influence. The sad thing is that society does not see the error of his ways. My university thinks it’s a travesty. We wrote to the National Geographic Channel and said they took dog training back 20 years.”

Millan got here to the United States from Mexico in 1990 to develop into a dog trainer. During one of his demonstrations, Jada Pinkett Smith was present on the party, and the 2 became friends when Millan began training her dog.

Years later, Millan confided in Pinkett Smith about his dreams of appearing on television. During his visit to “The Adam Carolla Show,” Pinkett Smith replied, “Well, you have to speak English for that.” So she paid a teacher to teach me English for a yr.

He made his dreams come true in 2004, when his program “The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan” debuted on the National Geographic channel.

This article was originally published on : atlantablackstar.com

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