Health and Wellness

Breast cancer survivor creates a simpler way to manage support and care with the Journey Together app –



When Ayanna Smith was diagnosed with breast cancer, she remembers feeling overwhelmed by book recommendations, recipes, podcasts, and even questions on her current health. When she considered it, she actively participated in her treatment create Travel Together application.

“In the beginning, people start sending you flowers and so on, but your journey is long,” he says BLACK ENTERPRISES. “When you experience a medical crisis (…) people mean well, but at first they swarm you. But we really need support long after diagnosis.”

Smith noticed something else: the flowers kept arriving as her medical expenses continued to rise.

“When I looked around, there were about $2,000 worth of flowers on the counter and $10,000 worth of medical bills,” she adds. “I would never ask anyone to pay my medical bills, but I thought there was no point. If you ask anyone suffering from something serious like cancer, they would probably prefer cash to flowers worth over $2,000.”

Journey Together is a neater way to tailor care and support to your needs.

Looking back on her journey, one other startup enthusiast and now founding father of Journey Together designed the platform as a way to organize support in a single place. What makes this app stand out is that it notifies followers when the recipient is accepting calls and visitors. Loved ones will receive status updates in a single place, as a substitute of receiving quite a few messages and phone calls.

Recipients can even create wish lists for his or her support system with links to retail sites, gift registries and donation options via CashApp, Venmo and GoFundMe.

Journey Together also offers users the opportunity to join to perform tasks that support the recipient, including childcare, school pickup, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and transportation to medical appointments.

“I wanted something that would make everything easy because it’s already hard,” she adds.

More than simply a healthcare app

Smith says what makes Journey Together unique is that it suits a number of scenarios beyond medical care. It can make it easier to manage and organize support for funerals, military deployments, house fires, the birth of a baby, birthday parties, weather emergencies and other life events.

The notes section of the app also allows you to create and store notes with names and dates for every notes folder.

“This app has been a lifesaver, helping me manage both caregiving and volunteering,” adds Smith. “I’m excited that others can experience that same ease and connection.”

Smith says the app continues to be in beta. It wants users to share their opinions, but that is not the only thing required.

“When people ask how they can support this initiative and endeavor, funding is their responsibility,” Smith says. “Lack of funding is nothing new for Black founders and founders in the startup community.”

Journey Together is now available as a free version Apple AND Google app stores.

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