
‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Season 4 Episode 10: 10 Questions I Have Now that ‘Ghost’ Is Over



“Power Book II: Ghost” has come to an end. In a way. I’m not even sure the writers really know the show is over. By the time the curtain fell on the ultimate seconds of the ultimate episode of the second installment of the “Power” universe, I was each wistful and confused. For starters, the one significant deaths we had this season were Monet Tejada (RIP) and Noma, who form of needed to die for the show to finish. I really expected a much higher body count at the top of the show, but your entire Tejada family (Cane, Dru, and Diana) are still alive – more on that later – as are Tariq and Brayden. Oh, and Effie, who we actually need to speak about later. In the show that is coming to an end, the writers left a lot food on the table that the mother became irritated.

As such, I have 10 questions now that the series has “ended.” I put that in quotes because there isn’t any way these persons are going to complete. It cannot be. What else will Michael Rainey Jr. do if he doesn’t have a show to host? Anyway, I have a number of questions; I’m sure you could have the identical questions.

1. So Tariq will just win? Really?

Tariq’s character is crazy. When Power ended, people (including me) hated Tariq. By the top of Ghost’s first season, Tariq was back in all our good graces. But he was also here getting dirty, fiddling with drugs, shooting professors, and wearing the very best designer clothes while running literally all over the place. His drug dealing never really looked as if it would get any higher, although his murder game did improve. Tariq being the highest of the mountain of drug dealers in New York is mindless, but here we’re. I just do not get it relating to storytelling. Nothing on this show suggests that Tariq needs to be alive, much less at the highest of the food chain. But here we’re. Apparently the 50-11 times over the previous few episodes that they tried to inform us how smart he was were to make sense. This isn’t the case.

2. Speaking of Tariq winning, what happened to that little mid-credits scene where Tariq is on the phone with someone talking about doing business?

Tommy…is that you? The little things the writers unnoticed that suggested Tariq’s story wasn’t over were each cool because I love this show and annoying because they told us IT’S THE END! Le sighs.

(*10*)3. Will Diana develop into the brand new Monet?

Speaking of crazy character relationships, Diana went from telling the cop who beat her up that she wasn’t Colombian… to becoming Colombian. Diana wasted the direct shot Cane fired at Noma (more on that in the following section) to kill Noma’s daughter, Anya – who really didn’t need to die, but that’s the way in which the sport is played – so that Noma would understand what it felt prefer to lose someone she loved. has loved since Noma (or her crew) killed Monet (RIP) in front of them. When Noma died, as a substitute of using it as a possibility to get out of the sport, Diana – not Cane or Dru – talked about restarting the family business and getting back to the highest. Diana seethed in her final scene, sitting in Monet’s place at the pinnacle of Tejada’s table; Diana desires to take to the streets and desires to return back. I would not even be surprised if we had a brand new Power VI: Monet series where Diana rules Queens and fights for Tariq’s throne.

Oh, and we will ignore the little part about Tariq dropping Anya off at Noma’s hideout with the windows down and Noma not coming out and shooting Tariq. There is literally no universe through which this part is sensible. Noma was so blissful that Anya was dropped off that she didn’t care who dropped her off? Come. The. BLIP. ON.

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4. Poor Effie.

It’s not even an issue, just an announcement. I mean, she loved Cane a lot that she made sure he was okay and gave him ALL her money so he could leave town and he took the cash and kissed her on the brow. I bet Effie hoped he’d say, “Let’s go to California together and do something about robots.” Cane doesn’t. And now Effie is back in Stansfield, where she runs probably the most profitable drug distribution app on this planet, and Stanford’s robotics program has develop into an element of a life she is going to never know. Worse still, since Noma and Monet were dead, Effie was truly 100% out of the sport, free and clear. Now she’s still selling drugs and her boo has taken her money and gone into oblivion. Everyone else deserved to finish, but not Effie and Anya.

5. Cane, Dru, and Diana make an interesting trio of drug-dealing mercenaries, don’t they?

Dru has develop into the final word bad boy, Diana now wants Monet’s place, and Cane is definitely one in every of the truest to ever make it in Queens, which is saying something considering the drug dealers and beefcakes in Queens. I’m not saying I would watch Power Book VII: The Tejadas, but I’m not saying I won’t either. Of course, for this to occur, Dru must return from Paris, where he received an art scholarship, and they have to find Cane, whose latest profession path is a little more difficult to predict. I’m just saying it is perhaps fun.

6. I hate it about Brayden, but Brayden deserved to be demoted, amirite?

Look, I think all of us thought Tariq and Brayden were going to be the brand new Ghosts and Tommy, but they really undermined Brayden’s story this season. He lost rather a lot for Tariq after which became a drug addict and a maniac of creating bad decisions. He desired to be a partner and Tariq rightly told him that he wasn’t partner material. Brayden was here, spoiling money, business, telling them about business, shooting people. Brayden was 100% responsible, although that begs the query: If Tariq doesn’t think he’s cut out to be the massive boy in the sport, why would he even let Brayden run your entire fight club/drug front operation? Is it “Oochie Wally” or “One Mic”?

(*4*)7. Why didn’t they shoot Noma when she screamed on the steps holding Anya after Diana shot her?

This is the most important plot hole in your entire episode. We’ve already established that it’s crazy that Tariq could drive up, roll down the windows, and drop off Anya and never face a barrage of gunfire from whoever was hiding in the home with Noma. But the very fact that Noma is alone on the steps and Cane DOESN’T shoot her when she’s alone is crazy. Nothing on this scene is sensible. Nothing. Except perhaps dragging Tariq off the stage so Noma’s brother would not consider Tariq was an element of it. In this manner, he’ll cooperate with Tariq… who can develop into a “ghost”.

8. Oh, killing Carter can also be a plot hole, nevertheless it’s nice that they tied it up in a bow. Oh… a word?

I cannot lie. I laughed a bit of after they framed Carter by having him testify as Det. Nicco steps out of the shadows, hurt that Carter ratted him out. This entire task force is so dirty that if Carter goes down, the NYPD will literally go down. And yet here we’re. Det. Nicco had an issue with Carter killing Kamal Tate, but not with the litany of actual crimes they committed while wearing the badge.

9. Where is Cane?

This is what interests me most. Cane is crucial for the long run here. Tariq running New York through an Ivy League institution is cute and all, but Cane was the revelation of this show. Making him disappear is a brilliant idea because he can appear ANYWHERE in any show. Maybe even Chicago? Free the chick, yo.

10. What’s next?

Tariq arrange his entire camera. He is in touch with Noma’s brother, Effie and Brayden, who still run their businesses, have a fly wardrobe, and Davis remains to be alive and handles all financial and legal matters. Tariq has develop into a Ghost, or a minimum of a version of a Ghost who probably won’t fall in love with some random highschool boy who happens to be an assistant district attorney within the federal government. They left that door open for a totally latest series or a return to this one, but Tariq also seems more level-headed (type of) than his dad and has learned from that. Will Tariq complete this degree? How many credits is he missing? What 12 months is he now? Where does Tariq’s story lead him?

Until we meet again, Tariq… we’re all waiting.

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