
‘The Pivot’ Podcast Hosts Go to War Over Andrew Schulz’s Controversial ‘Racist Jokes’ About Black Women



Ryan Clark, Fred Taylor and Channing Crowder of The Pivot podcast are amongst those criticizing comedian Andrew Schulz for his disgusting comments about black women.

Schulz, 40, got here under fire after making critical remarks during a discussion of the “Black Girl Effect” on a revived episode of his show “Glaring” podcast.

A clip of the July 17 edition of Flagrant recently went viral after its guests, British podcasters James Duncan, 33, and Fuhad Dawodu, 33, made their first visit to the US, which was met with outrage online.

Photo: The Pivot Podcast/YouTube; Flagrant/YouTube)

In the clip, James and Fuhad, hosts of the podcast “ShxtsnGigs,” discuss the favored trend of men claiming their appearance has improved after starting a relationship with or marrying a black woman. Schulz, it seems, was interested.

“So you see a guy who had a black girlfriend and suddenly he has short hair, a clean-cut figure,” Duncan told Schulz, trying to explain.

In response, Schulz said, “They’re shaving their hair because they’re starting to lose it, because they’re so stressed out that they’re complaining about a black girl all the time.”

James and Fuhad continued laughing, and Schulz added, “They grow beards because they need a cushion when someone beats them up.”

Social media users began criticizing James and Fuhad for failing to get up for black women.

“As a black woman, Andrew talking about the black girl effect as racist. He created this entirely based on the angry black woman stereotype. Can’t we just relax???” an offended YouTube user commented.

Another person directed their anger at Schulz, writing, “The fact that you spoke so casually in front of two black men makes me shudder to think of what you say when there are no black people present.”

A conversation between “ShxtsnGigs” hosts Fuhad Dawodu and James Duncan and “Flagrant” host Andrew Schulz sparked outrage over comments in regards to the so-called “black girl effect.” (Photo: Flagrant/YouTube)

The “Shxtsngigs” hosts began the most recent episode of their podcast by apologizing for the Schulz situation, with James stating, “Andrew made a joke… honestly, a racist joke, and we laughed at him.”

He then blamed the “fight or flight” response for not immediately responding to Schulz’s racist jokes. James said, “When you’re there, you’re in shock.” Fuhad added, “All you want to do is move on.”

The explanation sparked heated reactions within the YouTube comments section, with one person asking: “Did he actually say he fought or ran away because of a racist joke? You are grown men.”

The Pivot Podcast crew also talked in regards to the exchange between the blokes from ShxtsnGigs and Schulz.

Channing Crowder suggested that cultural differences between James and Fuhad and black Americans could have influenced their response to jokes about black women.

He said, “I like strong women. If some asshole can’t handle a strong woman and says it’s argumentative or comparative, then find yourself a weak woman.”

Ryan Clark added: “When you’re sitting across from Andrew Schulz and he’s talking about something he can’t understand because his wife isn’t black, you have no right to talk about it.”

Additionally, the Super Bowl champion stated that “Black women are not violent” and “Black women are on the front lines of everything that affects us.”

On Episode from September 18 On the “Flagrant” podcast, Schulz claimed that James and Fuhad’s producer asked that a part of their performance be cut from the podcast, apart from a discussion in regards to the “black girl effect.”

“They’re still worried about getting canceled. Comedians, we understand that being funny means saying the wrong things,” Schulz said of the U.K.-based content creators.

The former “Guy Code” regular also stated, “By apologizing, you’re just reinforcing it. The people who are upset about it, most of them don’t even listen to the podcast. A lot of them are probably unhappy with your success.”

This article was originally published on : atlantablackstar.com

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