Health and Wellness

Eve reveals she had an ectopic pregnancy while filming her sitcom of the same name



Eve may now be a happily married mother, but she is willing to share that she is one of many ladies who’ve had to take care of a spread of hostile pregnancy outcomes and complications.

Ahead of the release of her upcoming book “Who is that this girl? MemoriesIn the book, published by HarperCollins on September 17, the 45-year-old rapper and actress opened up about her complicated journey of motherhood, which included having to cover an ectopic pregnancy she experienced while filming her sitcom “Eve” in 2006.

“I told them all it was appendicitis,” she writes about the trauma in fragment her upcoming memories.

“It was a tubal pregnancy, where the embryonic sac in one of my fallopian tubes burst. This is also known as an ectopic pregnancy,” she continued. “I had to have emergency surgery and stop filming the show for two weeks. I really don’t know why I lied to everyone on set and said my appendix had burst. Maybe it’s because I was lying to myself.”

She shared that she lost “a lot” of weight after the procedure and that the pressure was weighing on the star, who still had to walk the red carpet at the time.

“As I’ve said before, there were times when I would do whatever it took to show up and get the job done… even if it was to my detriment,” she wrote.

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According to American Society of Reproductive MedicineAn ectopic pregnancy is an hostile complication of pregnancy wherein the fetus develops outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy, which occurs in about 2% of pregnancies, can’t be safely carried to term. The life-saving care Ewa received in 2006 is now the subject of debate in lots of parts of the country. Black women also experience disproportionately high rates of ectopic pregnancies. to their white counterparts.

In the nearly 20 years since the incident, the singer and actress has retired from the entertainment industry, married British businessman Maximillion Cooper, 52, and welcomed their first child together, a son, Wilde Wolf, 2. In an interview with People Magazine about the book and her life now, she told the magazine how “grateful” she is; sources say Eve’s motherhood also involved a miscarriage, surgery to remove fibroids and multiple cycles of in vitro fertilization.

“You question yourself, your body, the universe, God, so many things,” she told the publication. “I told my husband (about the miscarriage) when we were close, but we never talked about it publicly, even (when I hosted) ‘The Talk.’”

While filming the 2021 series Queens, her pregnancy with Wilde began on shaky ground, as he was from mosaic embryo — an embryo that has various proportions of each normal and abnormal cells, which increases the risk of complications. As a result, she hid the indisputable fact that she was expecting for months until she felt more comfortable with how she was developing.

“I couldn’t tell anyone at the time because it was such a new pregnancy,” she explained, adding, “I was, 100 percent, acting like a complete lunatic (on set). It was hot in L.A., so I was asking them to put ice on my back. When I finally told the girls I was pregnant a few months into filming, they were like, ‘That’s why you were acting like a lunatic. Thank God you weren’t a psycho diva.’”

Eve credits Wilde with helping her heal and are available to terms with her difficult path to motherhood — and her entire past.

She told People magazine: “Having a son has a lot to do with feeling like I can talk about the past because this is — literally — my future,” she says. “I have nothing to chase except the things I want to build for him, (and) for us as a family.”

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