Politics and Current

Gaza protesters breach security fence, blocking road to DNC



The peaceful protest reportedly turned violent when pro-Palestinian demonstrators broke through the security fence and got into the security perimeter on the Democratic National Convention (DNC), causing a standoff between protesters and cops,

The official protest was moved on August 19 shortly after 4:30 p.m., but many protesters remained and broke through the primary designated fence, which was situated about two blocks from the United Center, where the primary day of the DNC was being held. As the group tried to break through the second fence, giving access to the world, the group was heard chanting, “Whose streets? Our streets!”

Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling was overheard alerting officers to the situation. “They got through the fence. They got to the outer perimeter,” Snelling said. “They were trying to get to the perimeter. They were shaking the fence on the other side.”

As CBS correspondent Tara Molina began wrapping up live coverage of the motion, protesters tried to block cameras with their signs to signal they didn’t want anything recorded. Bottles were allegedly thrown at police shortly afterward, prompting officers to gear up with gas masks and riot gear. Some officers, including U.S. Capitol Police, were spotted carrying pepper balls, primarily used to disperse crowds. Nearly 100 people breached the perimeter fence, and not less than 4 were arrested.

the person allegedly used a blacksmith’s hammer dismantle the security fenceOfficers remained on the scene until 5:15 p.m. By 6 p.m., officers were seen repairing security fencing and standing guard, waiting for the last of the protesters to leave.

State and DNC officials issued an announcement on the chaotic protests. U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) condemned the events, saying the violent outbursts shouldn’t have happened with all security measures in place. “We have received information about security at the convention from Homeland Security, CPD, FBI, etc.,” Quigley said.

“This was what we were told was an impenetrable, impenetrable fence. This shouldn’t have happened.”

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker also spoke in regards to the protests, and while he understands their frustration, he says violence is not going to be tolerated: “There was a breach of one of the fences — but it was a brief breach, and the police stepped in and did a great job,” Pritzker said.

“We have people who are concerned about the war in the Middle East. They are expressing themselves. We will protect their right to express themselves. But we will not tolerate any chaos.”

The March on the DNC Coalition, made up of greater than 200 organizations, organized one in every of the biggest planned protests. The group is demanding several things, including an end to U.S. aid to Israel, immigrant rights, the appropriate to unionize and strike, and community control of the police.
One protester, Tariq Rimawi, said threats of arrest won’t stop him or his colleagues from voicing their demands. “I will walk every day. It’s my right to protest. So I have nothing to hide,” Rimawi said. “It’s legal, and what I’m doing is legal, and my arrest was illegal.”

This article was originally published on : www.blackenterprise.com

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