Video Games

No Elden Ring player is left behind as they help each other defeat the DLC blocking boss



it’s already bringing players together before they even had access to the expansion content. As a condition for attending to the DLC area, you had to beat Starscourge Radhan and Lord Mohg and generous individuals are currently putting themselves on the market outside the latter’s arena to supply help in these difficult times.

Just browse the subreddit for a number of moments and it’s revealed one such post from a player offering help. Just yesterday, a user claimed that he would “be here all night to help the people who need to defeat Mohg” ahead of yesterday’s release. Sadly named but nonetheless combative, “Pulsating Uncle” offers greater than just one other sword to swing. They also declare that they will “heal you and die for you if I have to.” One comment on the post reads: “Man, you make me love soul community.”

Reply to this comment linked to a different subreddit called Beyond the fog, which appears to be aimed toward helping players find mutual aid. Since the expansion stopped and in the period immediately preceding it, there was a big increase in the variety of search or offer posts help with Mohg. Unlike Radahn, who is a moderately flashy boss that appears about halfway through the game, Mohg is definitely a difficult and optional fight closer to the end of the game. If I wasn’t already fighting him when he was shot, I’d be blissful to help with that bastard too.

This sort of behavior, as an earlier comment suggests, is actually quite typical of the community that FromSoftware games cultivate. After the first launch, players were stuck on the platform extremely difficult boss fight against Malenia— siblings of the predominant character. While many, like myself, could survive by utilizing the summons of certain NPCs, others benefited from the player’s grace Let me have her solo.

Let Me Solo Her has turn out to be a job model for advanced players around the world many kinds of games, but especially FromSoft titles. They placed their summon sign up front of Malenia’s boss arena and, as the name suggests, insisted on fighting a player in need of help. They would also do that without the armor for extra flair and the player would still embrace it chaotic challenges AND some modest famethe core of it began with a serious try to help the community.

Now it looks like players are keeping the spirit of Let Me Solo Her alive and helping each other to finish the most difficult requirement. Let’s hope people proceed to help each other, because from the sound of it this expansion is what it is unrelentingly brutal. When the game starts knocking people down, I hope people like Let Me Solo Her and our latest line of Mohg haters shall be there to choose them up.

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