Business and Finance

4 ways to protect your credit during the holidays



The holiday season is sort of here. But before you finalize your plans, stop and be certain that you are not practicing behaviors that might jeopardize your credit.

Falling into vacation mode – and the charging frenzy that comes with it – is what gets lots of us into trouble. Here are 4 ways to keep your credit in great shape during the holidays:

Don’t apply for retail credit cards

Getting 10% off your purchase really is not value it in the long term. Opening a brand new account could mean problems for your credit rating, as the length of your credit history accounts for 15% of your FICO rating. The older your credit age, the higher, because it shows you’ve a protracted history of credit management. Opening a brand new credit card account will lower your overall credit age and, subsequently, your rating. Applying for a loan also signifies that an inquiry can be processed on your report. Inquiries make up 10% of your FICO rating.

Be careful when shopping online

If you might be purchasing gifts online, remember to only visit sites you might be conversant in or have done business with in the past. Don’t share your credit card number with anyone.

Don’t overload

Be careful how much you spend. If at the end of the month you might be unable to repay the amount charged, reconsider your purchases. Overcharging your card will end in a rise in the amount due. Amounts owed are 30% of your FICO rating.

Don’t forget to pay your bills

It could appear obvious, but when traveling and visiting relatives, it is easy to forget to pay the bills. Set reminders on your calendar or automatic bill payments so you do not miss a payment and get a negative mark on your credit report. Your payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO rating.

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