Health and Wellness

AKP transgender youth call for action



The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is asking on doctors to stop promoting transgender surgery to teenagers.

A recently released ACP declaration called on major U.S. medical associations, especially the American Academy of Pediatrics, to finish efforts to support “so-called gender-affirming care for transgender youth.” Other allied groups that promote Doctors Protecting Children also support this group’s call to action, reports.

“As physicians, nurses, psychotherapists, behavioral health clinicians, other health care professionals, scientists, researchers, and public health and policy professionals, we have now serious concerns concerning the impact of current protocols promoted for child care on physical and mental health. and teenagers within the United States who express discomfort due to their biological gender,” the statement reads.

According to the American Medical Association (AMA) website, “improving access to gender-affirming care is an important way to improve health outcomes for the transgender population.”

However, the declaration warns that such a viewpoint could have unfavorable consequences. Instead, they confirmed that gender is a biological trait. Therefore, medical decisions “should not be based on a person’s thoughts and feelings.” This includes self-proclaimed “gender identity.” Currently, ACP and Physicians Protecting Children say that current practices used to treat gender dysphoria could also be more harmful than good to patients.

On the opposite hand, organizations similar to the AMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics imagine that gender is a social construct, not an innate biological reality. They also imagine that “it is in a person’s best interest to confirm and validate a person’s internal identity.”

“Receiving gender-affirming care is associated with dramatic reductions in suicide attempts, reduced rates of depression and anxiety, reduced substance use, improved HIV medication adherence, and reduced rates of harmful use of self-prescribed hormones,” says the APA.

Other entities, similar to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also support transgender medical procedures for children and adolescents, noting that it’s “a supportive type of health care which will include medical, surgical, mental health and non-medical services for transgender and non-binary people.

The Office of Population Affairs once stated, “Research shows that gender-affirming care improves the mental health and overall well-being of gender-diverse children and youth.”

On the contrary, European countries similar to the UK, Norway, France, Sweden and others are fighting claims similar to the above by phasing out using puberty blocking drugs and gender reassignment surgery in children and adolescents.

Moreover, last yr the United Kingdom announced that it might limit using hormone therapies to clinical trials only, in accordance with the outlet.

Doctors Protecting Children cites several studies to support its claims, including a controversial independent report by the UK National Health Service documenting the practices and care of youngsters reporting gender identity disorder, often known as the Cass Review. They also argue that allowing children to make a social transition before puberty doesn’t result in a more positive view of mental health.

“It is time for these American medical institutions to follow the science and guidance of our European colleagues and stop promoting protocols that harm children, including the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery for children and adolescents who experience anxiety due to their gender. biological,” said Dr. Jill Simons, a pediatrician and executive director of the American College of Pediatricians.

By that point, greater than a dozen Republican-led states, similar to Texas, had already introduced laws restricting using puberty blockers in minors or banning them altogether.

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