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Trump has a long history of attacking black men



In the times after Donald Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal before the 2016 election, the Republican presidential candidate and his allies tried to make use of the 34-count conviction to appeal to black voters, especially black men.

Through surrogates like U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the Trump campaign has attempted to link Trump’s legal threats — including three other indictments in three different jurisdictions — to the historic injustices faced by Black Americans within the criminal justice system criminal cases.

“As an African-American born and raised in the Deep South who had concerns about our criminal justice system as it relates to race, I now see it playing out from a partisan perspective,” Scott said in an interview on CNN in response to Trump becoming the primary former president USA who became a criminal.

However, Black leaders and supporters have made it clear that Trump isn’t any friend of Black America. Moreover, they indicate that Trump has devoted his entire profession as a businessman and politician to vilifying Black people – especially Black men.

On the identical day because the guilty verdict, Bill Pruitt, former producer of “The Apprentice,” revealed that Trump had called black finalist Kwame Jackson the N-word through the 2004 final taping. Trump recently used inflammatory language to consult with Manhattan’s first black district attorney, Alvin Bragg, who successfully convicted him in a New York hush money case, vocation him a “fat” and “degenerate psychopath.”

“I want to hate these robbers and murderers… and I always will,” Trump wrote in an ad through which he mourned the “roaming bands of savage criminals” on the streets of New York.

As a politician, Trump sought to ban Barack Obama, America’s first black president. He spread conspiracy theories that Obama was not born within the US and called on him to prove his citizenship. Trump also showed up query Obama’s intelligence and qualifications to attend Columbia University and Harvard Law School, two Ivy League institutions.

President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama speak with members of the media during a meeting on November 10, 2016, within the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Other black politicians who’ve been the targets of Trump’s ire include the late U.S. Republican John Lewis, a civil rights hero, and the late U.S. Republican Elijah Cummings, D-Md., whose majority-black Baltimore district Trump blasted as a “disgusting mess.” full of rats and rodents.”

When Lewis died of pancreatic cancer in 2020, as a substitute of offering condolences to the congressman’s family, Trump refused to reply a reporter’s query whether he thought the unique Freedom Rider was “impressive.” Instead, the incumbent president recalled that Lewis “chose not to come to my inauguration.”

“There is no doubt about how he feels about Black people. He has consistently done that and we shouldn’t be confused about that,” said Michael Blake, a former vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee and an Obama White House official. “The reality is that we need to look at the rest of Donald Trump’s life story.”

He added: “If you continue to attack us with words and politics, there is no reason (we) should reward him with our votes.”

Myrick, of People For the American Way, said black voters have to keep in mind that as president, Trump “did nothing to help the black community.” He added: “He actually did a lot of things to hurt the black community.”

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The progressive leader noted that Trump has grossly mishandled the Covid-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately killed and harmed Black Americans.

“He downplayed and hampered the response to Covid-19 by withholding aid, particularly in blue states where lots of Black Americans live,” he maintained.

That same yr, he recalled, “When widespread agreement was reached on criminal justice reform and police reforms, he used the national guard and the military to clear out (Black Lives Matter) protesters so he could hold the Bible upside down in front of the people.” church for a photo session.

Blake said a second Trump administration can be equally devastating for Black Americans.

“He just said again that he would eliminate the Department of Education. What does this mean for HBCUs and student loans?” – He asked.

Blake also noted that Trump has vowed to “weaponize” the U.S. Department of Justice against his political opponents, and suggested he would likely move against District Attorney Bragg as revenge for his conviction in New York and New York Attorney General Letitia James, who successfully prosecuted Trump is on trial for civil fraud for a total amount of almost half a billion dollars in penalties.

“You have someone who clearly shows you what he believes in, and if he wins, he will attack Black people,” Blake said. “And the way to deny it is to make sure it isn’t.”

This article was originally published on : thegrio.com

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