Health and Wellness

Black people have a disproportionate association with dementia




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I’ve never met Wendy Williams. However, the news that she suffered from aphasia and frontotemporal dementia brought upon her a familiar feeling of grief and sympathy. My grandmother suffered from dementia, or more precisely, Alzheimer’s disease, and died in 2015. It’s hard to clarify the pain you’re feeling if you witness a loved one lose the qualities that make them who they’re and regularly develop into someone you do not recognize.

But Williams’ messages also taught a more universal lesson: Dementia doesn’t discriminate based on class, income or celebrity status. However, there are significant racial differences in diagnosis and treatment.

Racial disparities in diagnosis and treatment

– notes the Alzheimer’s Association frontotemporal dementia it causes damage to nerve cells that changes behavior, personality and the flexibility to grasp language and is less common than Alzheimer’s disease. Carl V. Hill, Ph.D., M.P.H.the corporate’s director of diversity, equity and inclusion Alzheimer’s Associationargues that Black people and other underserved communities are disproportionately affected by Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and yet they’re less more likely to be diagnosed, recruited to take part in research, and have less access to care and support services.

He notes that Black Americans are roughly twice you usually tend to develop these two conditions that they bring about lack of cognitive functions that impair considering, remembering, learning, reasoning and more. Yet the risks and impacts of dementia in Black communities are vastly underestimated in comparison with its impact.

“There are many factors contributing to family health disparities in disproportionately impacted communities,” Hill says, noting that systemic inequalities — including lack of wealth, poor early-life education, and low access to food and health care — are root causes of health disparities experienced by the Black and other communities related to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. “Additionally, chronic health conditions associated with a higher risk of dementia, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, disproportionately affect Black/African American and Latino/Hispanic populations.”

Character identification

Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD, is a physician trained in internal medicine and geriatric medicine, and an writer, researcher, health advocate, speaker and health strategist who explains that dementia shouldn’t be a specific disease, but relatively generic term as a consequence of impaired ability to recollect, think or make decisions that interferes with on a regular basis activities.

“There are many other clues we should be aware of, such as an inability or difficulty doing tasks they used to do, a change in desire to go to social events or outings, or your loved one feeling noticeably anxious, confused, fearful or having a change in mood.” says Allison-Ottey. “Another red flag is problems with evaluating finances and other areas.” Here are some real-life examples of changes that would set off alarm bells:

  • Grandma has been baking pound cake for over a decade, but her last two attempts resulted in failure (i.e. omitted the sugar, burned the cake, etc.).
  • Your uncle is sensible, but now he seems neglected or not so smart, and also you notice that he takes a very long time to tie his shoes.
  • Grandpa lets everyone borrow money; now he has given large sums to a wayward grandson, a distant relative, a friend, and even a stranger.

“We should look for progressive and significant signs of memory impairment that impact daily life,” he says. “This includes losing things, having trouble remembering dates and faces, and even more troublesome issues like difficulty ‘finding words’ and repeating yourself can be part of early or late onset dementia,” he says.

What to do

She notes the importance of treating the one you love like an adult and asking others around them in the event that they, too, see the changes.

Don’t assume what is going on on.

National Institute on Aging notes that many circumstances – so simple as medication uncomfortable side effects, sleep problems, low vitamin D levels or an unbalanced eating regimen, or as serious as head injuries, blood clots, cancer or thyroid problems – could cause similar symptoms. “A visit to the doctor will help sort everything out. Is it a short-term problem related to medication, normal aging, or early-to-mid-stage dementia?” says Allison-Ottey. ‘A specialist reminiscent of a geriatrician or neurologist could also be advisable as they might help guide initial and subsequent treatment. Family meeting and discussion are vital at every stage without a loved one, and definitely with a loved one.”

Engage more often.

She notes that it is important to talk over with family members “in a safe atmosphere” to see how they’re feeling and in the event that they notice changes of their memory, mood or each day activities. It also suggests routine phone calls, more frequent visits and residential security checks to ensure they will navigate the space. But don’t treat them like children and do not take away their autonomy. “I continue to emphasize that you respect their ‘adulthood’ and do not try to control their lives or drastically change them, as this may cause them to withdraw and become defensive,” she says. “If you believe your loved one is a danger to themselves, it is important to intervene appropriately.”

Support them in visiting the doctor.

More knowledge is frightening but crucial. “If possible, ask if you can make an appointment with your GP to discuss the situation and offer to go with her,” advises Allison-Ottey. “Write down all your problems and concerns and you can send them to the office even if they don’t want you to go with them.”

Find a community.

Without my family members, it could be not possible to process the mourning after the lack of my grandmother. Community is important at every step of this process. “I tell diagnosed people and family caregivers that nobody has to undergo this disease alone. It’s vital to achieve out for help — from your loved ones, your personal network, the Alzheimer’s Association and other services in your community, says Hill, who reports that the Alzheimer’s Association has offices across the country.

There were many moments – reminiscent of while playing music or talking – that I saw him come back to me. If I knew then what I do know now, I might have spent much more time with her and brought many more photos. It has been over ten years since we noticed these first symptoms. This journey has been painful more often than not, but I do not regret making the choice to become involved and support my grandmother in the ultimate stages of her life.


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