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Brown v. Board at 70: We need ‘extraordinary courage’ to maintain our progress



I still remember where I used to be on May 17, 1954, after I first heard that the United States Supreme Court had issued this decision. Walking home from segregated Lincoln High School in Sumter, South Carolina, I and my classmates rejoiced that the Supreme Court recognized that “separate but equal” is “inherently unequal.”

We were ninth and tenth grade students and our youthful naivety convinced us that in September we might now not learn from old textbooks and used exercise books. We envisioned having more modern classrooms and well-equipped science laboratories. We had no concept that by the point we made any serious effort to implement this decision, most of us would graduate from highschool, college, and grow to be everlasting employees. The road to , one of the significant legal decisions of the twentieth century, began in little-known Clarendon County, South Carolina.


When the lawsuit was filed, Clarendon County was spending the cash $179 for a white student compared to just $42 for a black student. While white students attended schools with running water, modern libraries, state-of-the-art classrooms, and over 30 buses, black schools had much less. Black students were also forced to walk to school, a few of them as much as seven miles. The parents asked for a bus for his or her children and were refused. This denial sparked an unprecedented movement that gave rise to extraordinary courage in some bizarre people. With the assistance of non secular leaders, the local NAACP chapter, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 23 brave men signed a petition that led to a lawsuit filed on May 16, 1950.

The case, named for Harry Briggs, the unique signatory of the petition, and R.W. Elliott, president of the Clarendon County School Board, was tried in federal court before a three-judge panel that issued a 2-to-1 ruling against the petitioners. The officiating judge was J. Waites Waring, a native of Charleston and grandson of a Confederate soldier. Judge Waring was awarded a federal judgeship for his successful management of the campaign of Democratic senator Ellison D. “Cotton Ed” Smith, a white supremacist.

Judge Waring’s role was to preside over the case of the blinding of Sgt. Isaac Woodard. Sgt. Woodard – a black, decorated World War II veteran traveling on a Greyhound bus to Winnsboro, South Carolina, still in uniform after his honorable discharge – was blinded when a neighborhood police officer forcibly pulled him from the bus and punched him. nightstick. Instead of receiving treatment, Woodard was thrown in prison. Charges were ultimately brought against the police chief, but he was acquitted by an all-white jury.


Woodard’s case caught the eye of President Harry Truman, who showed “extraordinary courage” and issued Executive Order 9981 integrating the armed forces. Presiding over this case proved instructive for Judge Waring and prompted him to show “extraordinary courage” in his dissent from Briggs. He wrote: “They have shown beyond any doubt that the evils of segregation and color prejudice result from early training… and it is an evil that must be eradicated.”


Twenty years ago, I wrote somewhat desk book titled “Extraordinary Courage: The Story of Briggs V. Elliott, South Carolina’s Civil Rights Battle” to commemorate the courage of the Briggs plaintiffs. If I were writing this book today, I can be far more expansive in recognizing the “extraordinary courage” he displayed at the time. It took “extraordinary courage” for President Truman to issue the chief order and for Judge Waring to dissent. Their extraordinary courage has led to significant progress towards a “more perfect Union”.

We have made enormous progress during the last 70 years. But our progress is at risk, and as we mark the seventieth anniversary of that call, our nation finds itself at one other crossroads. We must ask ourselves: what form of country do you wish to leave to your kids and our kid’s children? This query motivated the Briggs petitioners, President Truman, and Judge Waring.

There seems to have been some backlash to the election of our first African-American president, our first African-American female vp, and our first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Perhaps now greater than ever, our country desperately needs “extraordinary courage” to protect the freedoms we hold dear and proceed our quest for a “more perfect Union.”


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Schools cut off bus services for children. Parents turn to the driving application




Chicago (AP) -ismael El-amin was Running a daughter to school When a random meeting gave him an idea for a brand new way to travel.

On the way by Chicago, the daughter of El-amina noticed a friend from a category riding together with her own dad once they went to a selective public school on the north side of the city. For 40 minutes they drove along the same crowded highway.

“They wave to each other in the back. I look at my dad. Dad looks at me. And I thought that parents can definitely be a resource for parents, “said El-amin, who began Found Piggyback Network, services that oldsters can use to book rides for their children.


Relying on school buses has been on Fight to find drivers And more students attend school far beyond their districts. As the responsibility for transport to the family, the query of how to replace a standard yellow bus moves, for some it has develop into an urgent problem and a spark of innovation.

State and native governments determine how to widely offer a college bus service. Recently, more has gone back. According to the federal motorway administration, only about 28% of American students drive a college bus questionnaire ended at the starting of last yr. This fell from about 36% in 2017.

Chicago public schools, the Fourth largest district of the nationIn recent years, he has significantly limited the bus service. He still offers rides for disabled people and homeless people, in accordance with the federal mandate, but most families are alone. Only 17,000 of 325,000 students of the district qualify for a college bus rides.

Last week, the school system launched a pilot program that enables some students who attend a magnet outside the neighborly or selective schools to catch a bus in the nearby “Hub Stop”. It goals to start from rides for about 1000 students until the end of the school yr.

The new study states that children exposed to less sugar in infancy less often develop diabetes

It shouldn’t be enough to compensate for the lost service, said Erin Rose Schubert, a volunteer for CPS parents for Buses Advocacy Group.

“People who had money and privilege were able to determine other situations, such as observing work schedules or public transport,” she said. “People who did not do this had to pull their children out of school.”

In Piggyback Network, parents can book a ride for their online student with one other parent traveling in the same direction. Travels cost about 80 cents per mile, and drivers receive compensation using loans for their very own rides for children.

“This is an opportunity for children not to be late in school,” said 15-year-old Takia Phillips during the last Piggyback ride with El-amin as a driver.

The company organized several hundred rides in the first yr operating in Chicago, and El-amin contacts drivers for possible expansion in Virginia, North Carolina and Texas. This is one in all A number of startups which filled the void.


Unlike Piggyback Network, which connects parents, Hopskipdrive contradicts directly with school districts to help students without credible transport. The company launched ten years ago in Los Angeles with three moms trying to coordinate school journeys and now supports about 600 school districts in 13 states.

The regulations stop them from acting in some states, including Kentucky, wherein a bunch of scholars Louisville lobby on their behalf to change it.

After District stopped bus For most traditional and magnetic student schools, the group often called an actual young waste wrote a hip-hop song entitled “Where my bus at?” Song music video He was popular on YouTube with texts reminiscent of: “I am a good child. I also stay in the classroom. Teachers want me to succeed, but I can’t get to school. “

“These bus driver deficiencies do not really leave,” said Joanna McFarland, general director of Hoppdrive. “This is a structural change in the industry that we must seriously take care of.”


HopSkipdrive was a welcome option for the son of Reinai Gibson, Jerren Samuel, who attends a small highschool in Oakland, California. She said that the school cares about meeting his needs of the student with autism, but the district was transported because there is no such thing as a bus from their home in San Leandro.

“Growing up, people talked about children in short yellow buses. They were associated with physical disability and were irritated or ridiculed – said Gibson. “Nobody knows that it is a support for Jerren because he cannot accept public transport.”

Encouraging from his mother helped Jerren overcome the fear of driving with a stranger to school.

“I felt really independent in getting to this car,” he said.

Actor Michael Rainy Jr. transfers USD 2.4 million for improving financial knowledge at Staten Island Schools

Companies cope with children, claim that they check drivers widely, checking their fingerprints and requiring them to care for children or parenthood. Drivers and kids often receive slogans that must match, and fogeys can track the child’s whereabouts in real time through the application.

Kango, a competitor of HopSkipdrive in California and Arizona, began as a free application for a journey similar to the Piggyback network, and now he concludes contracts with school districts. Sara Schaer said that drivers receive greater than usual for Uber or Lyft, but there are sometimes more requirements, reminiscent of bringing some disabled students to school.

“This is not only the situation of the air conditioning curb, three minutes,” said Schaer. “You are responsible for taking this kid to school and from school. This is not the same as transporting an adult or decoration of someone’s lunch or dinner. “

In Chicago, some families who use Piggyback said they saw little alternatives.

Worrying about the growing city crime indicator, a retired policeman Sabrina Beck never considered her son to take Metro to Whitney Young High School. Since she led him, she volunteered through Piggyback to lead a primary -year student who qualified for a selective magnet school, but he was unable to reach.


“To have the opportunity to go and then miss it because you don’t have transport, it’s so harmful,” said Beck. “Such options are extremely important.”

After canceling the bus route, which took her two children to primary school, Jazmin Dillard and other parents from Chicago thought that they’d convinced the school to transfer the opening bell from 8:45 to 8:15, which is simpler for her to master the time of schedule. After this plan, it was scrapped because buses were needed elsewhere at the moment, Dillard turned to Piggyback Network.

“We had to rotate and find a way to work on time, and also take them to school on time,” she said.


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UNCF has the inauguration “Mind is …” a gala in North Carolina




Lily Foundation, Uncf, money, fund, donation, hbcus, hbcu

On February 1, the United Negro College fund hosted the inaugural “Mind …”. The gala for collecting money to support students at local historically black universities and universities (HBCU) in North Carolina and Seniors of high schools from the Winston-Salem Forsyth Ford.

The organization organizes these galas throughout the country, including New York, Houston and Washington

In order to gather $ 250,000 for college kids, Honored event Five distinguished leaders from the Triad area: NBA All-Star and Olympian Chris Paul, philanthropist Willie Kennedy, medical leader dr Henry WB Smith III, former Chancellor North Carolina A & t State University, Harold Martin Sr. And his wife David Wagner Jaskółka Window.

“As a major of education, someone who wants to be a teacher, director, superintendent one day,” said Daria Couther, a student of Bennett College and a uncf scholarship. “It just inspires me and continues to continue and not leaving the field of education.”


Martin emphasized the importance of the gala, saying: “Education is civil law.”

Last yr, UNCF collected $ 3 million for college kids from North Carolina last yr. Participants related to community leaders and heard inspiring stories of scholars and experience an unforgettable evening.

Paul, who is currently playing in San Antonio Spurs, grew up In the Lewisville community along with his older brother Charles.

The NBA star won the nickname “CP3” because he shared the same initials as his father and brother. He was particularly near his grandfather, Nathaniel “Papa” by Jones, who was the owner of a gas station, in which Paul spent most of his childhood. Later he played basketball in Wake Forest.


Paweł’s book in 2023 wonders about life lessons, which he learned from her deceased grandfather. The title is a tribute to Jones’s age at the time of his premature death and the variety of points scored by Paul in his honor while playing at highschool, which took place after his funeral.

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Head Start programs cannot access federal financing




college student, parent, mother, baby, Head Start Centers, Collegiate Parents

Dozens of Head Start programs are unable to access “expecting” federal subsidy funds.

According to the National Head, the Association (NHSA) just isn’t in a position to access the approved federal funds attributable to freezing imposed in the course of the Trump administration, which has been repealed since then.

In a study conducted by NHS, almost 50 programs reported that he’s unable Access to financing approved by the Congress. The organization estimates that this is applicable to over 20,000 children and 6,000 employees. The recipients encounter errors messages, comparable to “rolling” and “in progress” when they fight to access funds from subsidies. Lack of access to those funds increases the likelihood that educational programs before K and early childhood will fight for fundamental expenses, including employees’ remuneration.


NHSA issued an announcement calling on the president and his administration to resolve the barriers hindering funds.

“Head Start is a life line for children and families in their most urgent needs. We call on President Donald Trump and the management of the Health and Social Welfare Department to immediately solve problems related to unnecessary delays in financing Head Start, “we read in an announcement.

“Although it is not clear why this happens, they should be solved immediately, and thousands of families and their children will be exposed to the loss of critical early care and educational services, which they rely on work, go to school and develop. “

Black company He informed in regards to the initial executive ordinance, which froze expenses for a federal subsidy, causing universal panic amongst many organizations and natural individuals.

On January 27, an executive order introduced by the Management and Budget Office was announced as a short lived means enabling Trump’s administration to look at “financial assistance from foreign aid, NGOs, Dei, Woke Gender Ideology and Green New Deal. “


The administration insisted that the funds wouldn’t be transferred to organizations that weren’t in keeping with its program, despite the fact that the frozen funds were already frozen assigned and approved by Congress. In response to public outrage, the administration assured that freezing wouldn’t affect basic government programs, including social security, veterans’ advantages, Pell grant program and supplementary program (SNAP).

On January 28, the US District Judge, Loren L. Alikhan, struck the order after submitting a lawsuit of twenty-two democratic general lawyers. Then the administration repealed the order. It just isn’t clear whether the Trump administration will attempt to stop federal funds with one other method.

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